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FSXA add map from disk

Did this. There is a calibrate screen, but I need to get to the screen where I can draw my red rectangle around the airport and choose the LOD I want. How do I get to that screen? Bob
You don't, add map from disk assumes you already have a piece of imagery saved somewhere on your disk at the resolution (LOD) you want and that you also know the NW and SE corner coordinates.

hmm I thought I had done that in the past. I guess not. Anyway It compiled but it is very small file. I assume the lod is lower than the default scenery which renders this photoreal invisible, or not visible. Tried to get it from background, but like so many places in France, this one in Germany is fuzzy all around the airport itself. They don't want people snooping around. Right now it is VE my Google sta image for some reason doesn't work very well anymore. Had this happen a few years ago- It works fine for awhile then usddenly not. Then I have to search around to find another
google dll that works. Last time it took me 3 tries.
so now I toook a 'save image' from Google Earth and tried to use that as 'add map from disk'. Guess I am SOL? Bob
I've had some problems with google lately too, it's funny, one minute I get a screen full of white tiles and the next it seems to download the imagery just fine, I haven't swapped out any googleserver.dlls, I'm using the latest one I believe. I think it has to do with whether Verizon is in the mood to allow google or not, I dunno.

Luis also made this "get a map from the web" thing, you might give it a try:


Damnifino Bob, I assumed you'd be able to right click "save image as" but it doesn't look like that works. I think it used to, I'm pretty sure I've saved a map that way in the past? I guess you could print screen it, scroll, print screen again and then piece the map together in PhotoShop or whatever? Just don't pan around in the map or zoom with the scroll wheel then you should be able to use the coords on the previous page to calibrate the finished product in SBX. There's also a tile downloader thingy in the SBuilderX313 folder (GetTiles.exe) but I think it's the same thing SBX uses to get tiles and all it does is download and store them in the tiles folders, if you're not having any luck with google I doubt it would be any different.
Damnifino Bob, I assumed you'd be able to right click "save image as" but it doesn't look like that works. I think it used to, I'm pretty sure I've saved a map that way in the past? I guess you could print screen it, scroll, print screen again and then piece the map together in PhotoShop or whatever? Just don't pan around in the map or zoom with the scroll wheel then you should be able to use the coords on the previous page to calibrate the finished product in SBX. There's also a tile downloader thingy in the SBuilderX313 folder (GetTiles.exe) but I think it's the same thing SBX uses to get tiles and all it does is download and store them in the tiles folders, if you're not having any luck with google I doubt it would be any different.

Hello Jim.

If you use Firefox as in my case, you can add an extra to the browser called ScreenGrab. Then with just one click you can copy (or save or ...) the screen even if the screen is larger than the browser window. I am not sure if there is a similar plugin for the other browsers.

Regards. Luis
Thanks Luis, I use Firefox almost exclusively so I'll seek that out. How's the sailing going BTW? Are you back on terra firma at this point? :)


According to Rhumbaflappy, one can use the "FireShot" plug-in for Firefox to capture only the imagery window area (which matches the Geographic extents) ...and save it to disk.

"FireShot" is a FireFox extension capable of manually / automatically capturing selected portions of screens, or entire screens (even if parts of the image are 'scrolled' off the visible area of the web page):


When used in combination with Rhumbaflappy's "RhumbaMaps" (renamed to "Exploring Google Maps" ?), one can get geo-referencing info with aerial imagery comparable to Luis' "GMAPS" :



NOTE: When downloading appears to fail / stall on certain tiles and/or after apparent IP address blockage by tile servers, one may wish to reset one's IP address by restarting DHCP and DNS Clients in Windows > Control Panel Administrative Tools > Services applet.

One can also clear / renew IP address info via CMD mode "IPCONFIG" functions. ;)


Hope this helps ! :)

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My question was how to increase the LOD so I don't end up with a 75 byte file and a no show!!!! I have a good bmp, but when I 'add map from disk, all I get is calibrate when I check about properties. The calibrate is my personal problem. I'vetried to enter lat and lon, I've clicked here and there; all I get is a very twisted ans skewed map!!! I will learn how to someday.

But the LOD's .... well I am looking ( I guess) for ascreen like where we draw our red rectangle and choose one of the round buttons on the right side. <------ well....... we don't get to do that! Why not? Or is there something else that takes that screen's place?

This can't be this hard of a question to discuss. I have a good screencapture utility. That is not the problem.
... The calibrate is my personal problem. I'vetried to enter lat and lon, I've clicked here and there; all I get is a very twisted ans skewed map!!! I will learn how to someday. ...


I will try to explain. For the sake of my explanation I suppose that your map has 2000 x 3000 pixels (2000 in the north/south direction and 3000 in the east/west direction). You need to know the Latitude/Longitude of 2 points in your map. Normally you know the coordinates of the borders of your map. For example your map may have these borders:


If that is the case, the coordinates of the NW corner of your map are Lat=39.500N Lon=9.350W and the coordinates of the SE corner are Lat=37.400N Lon=8.250W.

Following this example, what you need is to tell SBuilderX that Pixel X=0 Y=0 (the NW corner) has coordinates Lat=39.500N Lon=9.350W. And that pixel X=2999 Y=1999 (the SE corner) has coordinates Lat=37.400N Lon=8.250W.

The establishment of these 2 correspondences is CALIBRATION.

However it can be the case that you do not know the borders of the map but, instead, you may know the coordinates of 2 points in your map. For example you may know the coordinates of pixel X=321 Y=123 because, say, that pixel corresponds to the extreme of one runway for which you are certain of the geographic coordinates. And if you have the coordinates of a second point, you can calibrate the map. You just enter the XY and LatLon for point P1 and XY and LatLon for point P2. In SBuilderX you can do that either by entering the numbers in the 8 boxes or by pressing Change you click in the display to fill the boxes of Lat and Lon or you click over your bitmap to fill the X and Y boxes of a pixel.

However, if you really know the borders as above you can just create a TXT file with the same base name as your map. You create this TXT file in the same folder of your map. And the contents of this TXT file should be:


If this TXT file exists in the same folder of your map, then, when you add your map from disk, SBuilderX calibrates it using that information on the TXT file.

Regards, Luis
Are you sure you know what you want? You titled the thread "add map from disk", then go off about drawing the red box for different LODs? Those are two different things and actions in SBuilderX!

Adding a map from disk means the map already exists and it is a fixed resolution/LOD. You want Add Map from Background, then you will be able to draw your little red box and set the LOD for the new map that will be saved to your HD. Once that map is saved to your HD it cannot be changed. It has a set size and resolution. If you decide you want something different, you must make a new map.
So I "go off about...." Perhaps if you read the first post of mine? I did not know these were two different actions that the ' bmp I get from a screen capture is a map already. These things ar not discussed. I only me ntioned about claibrating becaus ethat is the screen I see next and I have had trouble with calibrating, BUT I would eventually learn about that better. THAT IS CALLED AN "ASIDE"..... in other words something other than the main issue I posted. Perhaps different words.... a "BTW" (a by the way). This is a place to help each other, not to chastised them.

Oh BTW- who is NoNewMessag? <--- is this your real FSdeveolper tag name or an alias for some reason? I already add map from background and do well with it along with seasonals and night. Here is the reason, actually two, why I posted this:

1. To learn more about add map from disk. (btw if the disk bmp is already a map, why is the cammand called... add map from disk.... if the bmp I have on disk is already a map?) I am not accusing anyone of anything at all... if above is so then it is a bit confusing. This is fht e first time I hve heard that the bmnp on disk is already a map. Thank you- I learned that. so I guess any further LODs are not possible.

2. the satellite image was incredibly fuzzy around the airport itself. I was looking for an alternate way to get it where it was NOT fuzzy. From Google Earth it was not. From the sat image.... is was. [Turns out that some military airports in Europe have a request that their airport installations are not to be show in Google Earth. - I have seen this with some French and German airports.] so- I was merely trying to find a clear image. Therefore if there is no other way to increase the LOD then I am S.O.L. But that's OK. I can use some land class from SbuilderX and some ground polys fro ADE and it should look nice. Thanx for the help. Mpost appreciated. Bob