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Blender on iMac?

OK, I've seen an Austin Sass tutorial and while I think I could have done a few things faster in gMax, I clearly see Blender's benefits - the auto shadowing, how it UV maps out the texture file, etc. Besides, gMax is getting long in the tooth. So I'm considering making a change.
(I could use my gMax Bible as a doorstop;))

Before I plunge ahead and take a few weeks to learn this app, I'd like to know if anybody has had trouble using the iMac version to create FSX models?

From this forum understand that there is more than one way to skin a :cat: when it comes to exporting Blender produced files to something FSX or FSX development tools–ADE, SbuilderX, etc.–can read. Does using Blender for Mac complicate that process? (other than moving the file - everything all "LANed" up so no problem there.

I would think that the file Blender produces at the end would be same no matter what platform was used to create it. However, after doing a search using "iMac" on this forum, the only thing that popped was a thread about somebody having an issue who was who was using Blender for iMac. Not knowing enough about Blender yet, I couldn't tell if it was because he was using a Mac or something else.

BTW - it looks AWESOME on my big, sharp iMac screen - certainly better than gMax looks on my PC.
Hi Hangar32!

The only thing that I can think of is that you will not have the FSX SDK installed. So you will not have a path for the modeldef xml file. There for the Blender2FSX add-on that Mr. Felix aka(Capt_X) made will not work. Other than that everything else that has to do with the Blender file being transferred from Mac to Pc should be fine.

Thanks, Kris:)
Thanks Kris. OK. I think I understand. Is Blender2FSX like a gMax FSX gamepack?

If so, if I installed the PC Blender version on my system that has FSX SDK installed, I could add Blender2FSX to that. I assume Blender has a standard file format for saved projects. So then it would just mean transferring the applicable file(s) from the Mac to the PC, bring up PC Blender, load (Open) the saved file and take it the rest of the way from there.

In general terms do you think that would work?

Sorry for the Noob questions - I usually do much more research before asking for help. However, in this case I don't want to head down a dead end path. If Blender on Mac won't work at all, I'll probably just stick with gMax…the devil I know, as it were.

I had a hemorrhagic stroke in 2012 - made a 90%+ recovery but still some numbness/weakness in my right hand…my "Mouse Hand" :D A long story but I found I do much better using my left hand with a iMac touchpad. So when I saw Blender for Mac I jumped on it. It looks great and the interface works very well for me. I really want to figure out a way to use it, even if it requires another step or two. For example, I do all my graphics work on my iMac and transfer it. One or two extra steps but well worth it.

Thanks again.

The B2X toolset is like the gMax toolset, yes. You need the FSX SDK installed to use it though, since it uses a.o. the modeldef.xml file from that SDK.

The Blender file format (.blend) is no problem for working with B2X. I believe Blender would work perfectly for non-MS operating systems.

Hope this helps! Daan ;)
Hi, Very interesting this one and actually I agree that Blender will definitely work with any PY script regardless system. I can try it on Linux now, MAC I will be trying on Saturday. So by then I can give 100% answer. But Ill be trying Linux in one moment..
You need the FSX SDK installed to use it though, since it uses a.o. the modeldef.xml file from that SDK
Dutcheeseblend, If it needs XML then we will just bring that XML into mac or linux.. Am I wrong here ?
and if PY needs the path given to it, we will give it to it..
I cannot see the problem unless it uses EXEs from SDK..
Yea, you right Tom. Bad news.. But for a non-animated is ok.. Just export as OBJ and do the rest in MCX...
May I suggest Virtual Box to be able to use MCX in MAC or Linux ? https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads

Great - overall good news. From what I understand, a standard scenery object like a hangar-no animations–just save as an OBJ and go trough MCX for the rest. For something with animation-rotating radar-save as a .blend file and transfer it over to the PC version. Sure a few more steps…but I'm retired, I've got the time.:D

Thanks to all above - after this short exchange I've made up my mind - I'm taking the plunge!
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Ok, this is where my knowledge ends :D the only thing I know is that the B2X toolset uses the FSX SDK. So, that's the modeldef.xml (won't be the problem) and the XtoMDL I believe and that might give some errors...
OK - Understand (I hope) - The bottom line, while being able to do everything on the iMac would be preferable, as long as have Blender running on PC, plus other apps, XtoMDL and B2X, there are ways to "finish" the work on the PC–get it into a form that can be put in a .bgl.

That would be "close enough" for me. The key will be developing an efficient work flow - which I have done for aircraft repaints, scenery textures, audio files, etc.