• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

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MSFS20 Changes for SU9


Staff member
Resource contributor
Hi all. Changes for SU9 can be posted here.

For scenery:
The new vector placement tool is broken. It will be fixed for SU10. Don't use it.
Polygons are now saved as XML code, and can be found right in the airport xml code. Polygons can also be used without airport code. They can no longer be seen in the TMFViewer.
Hi Dick:

Is there an example ICAO in MSFS-2020's SU9 updated default airports where we can see new ARP / non-ARP implementations of vectors via XML code ?

Thanks for this heads up. :)

PS: If de-compilation of a SU9 et seq. APX*.bgl is required, can msfsbglxml handle the new file format of these files if compiled by FSPackagetool ? :scratchch

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...\asobo-airport-knfl-nas-fallon\scenery\Nas_Fallon\KNFL.bgl contains the newly created polys within the airport file. I'm pretty sure it also used the vector placement tool.

...\asobo-airport-kcof-patrickafb\scenery may have the old Shapefile method in the shapes.bgl, and new polygons (or fences) in the airport bgl.

Thanks, Dick; AFAIK, I have successfully located and de-compiled those examples via the latest version of Patrick Germain's Airport2Project utility. :cool:


Since I see no occurrence of the word "Polygon" or "Poly" in Airport2Project [ICAO]_Scene.XML code, are these now all implemented as "Aprons" ?

Or has Airport2Project also failed to correctly interpret the XML code to be output, thus confusing ADE when it opens such a [ICAO]_Scene.XML ? :oops:

FYI: ADE chokes on the new XML generated by Airport2Project for the example airports above >


Based on info in these posts from the Airport2Project thread, I am thus far unable to utilize that utility to derive the new SU9-type "Polygon" code:




Hi all. Changes for SU9 can be posted here.

For scenery:
The new vector placement tool is broken. It will be fixed for SU10. Don't use it.

IIRC, legacy FS versions were able to place 3D objects such as Airport Boundary fences and lines of library objects via BGLComp XML code, provided the coding was generated correctly using ex: a 3rd party utility such as ADE, SBuilderX, IS3 etc..

Legacy CVX vector code compiled by FSX / P3D SDK SHP2VEC was also able to auto-place default and/or custom "Meta-Objects" consisting of 3D models attached to vector objects at assigned intervals (pre-defined in Terrain.Cfg) as a type of 'Vector Autogen'.

IIUC, apparently you refer to how MSFS Airport-related XML code has now inherited some vector placement features for "Meta-Objects" that are not specifically Terrain object-related, thus you refer to the object type cited in this MSFS SDK Doc ? :duck:

Polygons are now saved as XML code, and can be found right in the airport xml code. Polygons can also be used without airport code. They can no longer be seen in the TMFViewer.

IIUC, when you use the term "Polygon" in the context of this thread (thus far), you refer to textured / painted ground markings and/or Ground Polygons (aka "G-Polys"), and not 'Terrain' vector objects such as Flat / Level and/or Sloped Airport Flattens (Airport Boundary / Background vector type) ...as previously implemented in FS legacy versions via Terrain.Cfg ? :scratchch

I shall 'transplant' my prior comments and inquiry regarding "Terrain" vectors previously posted in this thread ...into a separate (and future) thread.

However, IIUC, technically we can see SU9 MSFS SDK may be intent on changing future methods for how "Terrain" type vector objects are implemented.

Furthermore, one might wonder if Rectangle Grids configured within SDK Terra-Forming Profile mode may replace other local terrain mesh tile methods. :yikes:



Yet for many airports, as of SU9, Polygon-based "Terrain" flattens (aka legacy 'CVX vector Airport Boundary / Background') objects are still present inside CVX*.BGLs alongside the APX*.BGLs, and are able to be viewed in TMFViewer, as well as de-compiled by Patrick Germain's CvxExtractor:

[ MSFS-2020_Packages path ]\Official\OneStore\fs-base-genericairports\scenery\[ Area # ]\CVX*.bgl

I believe we may benefit from a new output type in CvxExtractor that internally converts CVX vector code to the new MSFS SU9 XML "Polygon" code. :idea:

But I also believe many of us would still want to retain the ESRI Shape *.SHP output option in CvxExtractor for use with other non-SDK GIS applications.

Personally, I plan to continue use of Global Mapper and Sketchup for certain "Terrain" development activities, and would welcome the ability to import that GIS source data via the ESRI Shape *.SHP file format ...into MSFS DevMode (and ADE).

Perhaps we may also benefit from having an ability within CvxExtractor to de-compile ESRI Shape *.SHP files output by other non-SDK GIS applications, then internally convert that vector code into MSFS' SU9 XML "Polygon" code for DevMode / ADE use ?

UPDATE: (July 2022)...

FYI: There is still a way via MSFS SDK DevMode GUI, to save ESRI SHP files of ones vector data for Polygons, without all such object code ending up saved within the "airport" AFD XML file used for a project:



PS: I see we are still at MSFS SDK 0_18_0_0 after this SU9 Update.

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Hi all. Changes for SU9 can be posted here.

For scenery:
The new vector placement tool is broken. It will be fixed for SU10. Don't use it.
Polygons are now saved as XML code, and can be found right in the airport xml code. Polygons can also be used without airport code. They can no longer be seen in the TMFViewer.
Could you elaborate on what's broken with the vector placement tool? I've just replaced a whole heap of fences and hedge rows in my airport using the new tool and now I'm worried by your comment that its incompatible with something.
It is very unstable. SimObjects that compile without error with fspackagetool.exe crash the sim without warning, once selected through the Scenery Editor.
Polygons are pretty challenging. Trying to outline an area in water, so the photo derived underwater features show through, results in a kind of depressed Sargasso Sea. Looks fine from a plane however!

polygon tool.jpg

I suppose I could retrace the area and set a second polygon for "terraform," because a water override polygon will do only that - they also add grass, for whatever reason, however dragging a terraform polygon to numeric sea level zero with six decimal places of precision is itself a joy, because just being able to type "0" would be too easy.