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Discovering WPF and custom windows in FSX

The Simconnect calling code works inside the Form (Inside FSX)
I'm successfully subscribe to event "SimStart",
but it crashes when the event should be called....
That error could be just about anything from a stack overflow error, a weird threading error or a mistmatched DLL error (ie, wrong version of .NET running, meaning a manifest somewhere is broken). Welcome to the wonderful world of interop, simconnect and flight simulation :)

I would first make sure the code works outside of FSX (use your DLL from a standalone EXE, write a simple wrapper) so that will tell you for sure where the problem is.

Thanks for help!

I didn't try to call my DLL from outside.
Also, created form works very slow.

Actualy I decided to switch off from .NET to Win32 C++ due to performence issues.

When FSX starts my DLL I want to create a child window and assign it to "FS98MAIN", how possible it is and what problems could be?
I also saw in this thread that some of you guys have a big progress in that, can I see some code?

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Window never on top

I am aware that this thread is somehow outdated, but maybe somebody is still around . The given information is very much related to my issue right now.

When I create a child window in a FSX module (.dll), the window is created but always hidden in background. I have tried several styles (as of the information above) - but never managed to get the window in front. I can see it, but only when resizing the parent. The wndProcChild callback is correctly called, so it seems to be attached to the FSX message loop.

Any ideas?

	// one time init
	wcex.cbSize			= sizeof(WNDCLASSEX);
	wcex.style          = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
	wcex.lpfnWndProc    = FSXModule::wndProcChildWindow; // static method
	wcex.cbClsExtra     = 0;
	wcex.cbWndExtra     = sizeof(long);
	wcex.hInstance      = FSXModule::_hInstance;
	wcex.hIcon          = LoadIcon(FSXModule::_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_APPLICATION));
	wcex.hCursor        = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
	wcex.hbrBackground  = (HBRUSH)(COLOR_WINDOW+1);
	wcex.lpszMenuName   = NULL;
	wcex.lpszClassName  = szWindowClass;
	wcex.hIconSm        = LoadIcon(wcex.hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_APPLICATION));

	if (!RegisterClassEx(&wcex)) {

	// The parameters to CreateWindow explained:
	// szWindowClass: the name of the application
	// szTitle: the text that appears in the title bar
	// WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW: the type of window to create
	// CW_USEDEFAULT, CW_USEDEFAULT: initial position (x, y)
	// 500, 100: initial size (width, length)
	// hInstance: the first parameter from WinMain
	HINSTANCE test = (HINSTANCE) GetWindowLong (FSXModule::_hFSXWindow, GWL_HINSTANCE); // see below, consistent?
	HWND child;
	child = CreateWindow(
		_T("In FSX Win test"),
		// WS_CHILDWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE | WS_BORDER, // window invisible in background
		// WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, // window invisible in background
		// WS_POPUPWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE, // window invisible in background
		WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, // window invisible in background
		500, 100,
		FSXModule::_hFSXWindow, // parent
		// (HMENU) 1, // child id!
		FSXModule::_hInstance, //  (HINSTANCE) GetWindowLong (FSXModule::_hFSXWindow, GWL_HINSTANCE),

	// could we create the window?
	FSXModule::_hModuleWindow = child;
	if (FSXModule::_hModuleWindow) {
		// the order here seems to be crucial
		WNDPROC oldChildWndProc = (WNDPROC)SetWindowLong(FSXModule::_hFSXWindow, GWL_WNDPROC, (LONG)FSXModule::wndProcChildWindow);
		SetParent(FSXModule::_hModuleWindow, FSXModule::_hFSXWindow);
	} else {
Try to play with WS_POPUPWINDOW | WS_VISIBLE flags,
try to search kind of TOPMOSTY flag, actually I don't really remember how it was handeled.
Yep, I continue with trial and error. However, if someone can show how he has done it, it's still appreciated. :stirthepo
Thanks for your feedback.

-- Edit --
SetWindowPos(FSXModule::_hModuleWindow, HWND_TOP, x, y, w, h, SWP_DRAWFRAME | SWP_SHOWWINDOW);
as well as HWND_TOPMOST does not change anything at all
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