I was wondering if Sketchup 2017 supports dds files. It seems that I can import them but it will not export the dds textures. When I tried to export the model from Sketchup that was imported with dds textures, it will only export 1 dds file, and I have 17 dds files. Not only that, the dds file is not valid. The reason I'm importing with dds files is because the KDFW model uses dds texture files which some of the ground is transparent. It does not use bmps. Since dds textures are flipped, I had to flip them vertically so that everything lines up when I import them into Sketchup. The problem is that Sketchup will not export the dds textures.
I was wondering if Sketchup 2017 supports dds files. It seems that I can import them but it will not export the dds textures. When I tried to export the model from Sketchup that was imported with dds textures, it will only export 1 dds file, and I have 17 dds files. Not only that, the dds file is not valid. The reason I'm importing with dds files is because the KDFW model uses dds texture files which some of the ground is transparent. It does not use bmps. Since dds textures are flipped, I had to flip them vertically so that everything lines up when I import them into Sketchup. The problem is that Sketchup will not export the dds textures.
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