Hi Tyler,
I'm not a modeller myself, but I think your problem is caused by the double <Partinfo> line in the second animation section.
But that said:
Using a custom animation using the Avars SPOILER LEFT/RIGHT POSITION doesn't solve the problem.
Since these Avars follow the Handle Avar; so when the Spoilers are commanded to 1500% , these visual spoilers are always extended. And not independant from the Chute.
Best option would be to animate the Airbrakes with an Lvar like (L:Airbrakes,bool) that is set in the gauge code ( based on detected SpoilerToggle events).
And animate the airbrakes surfaces with a "lag" , so the transition Off/On v.v. is gradual.
Personally, I wouldn't bother...
The only problem it solves , is that the visual airbrakes are always extended when the chute is deployed (but ONLY on the ground).
In the air, and on the ground with the chute stowed, the airbrakes can be extended/retracted freely.
But if you insist ...LoL... see below adapted gauge code, that maintains the new Airbrakes Lvar.
I can't tell you how to code the Partinfo (using the Lvar) in the modeldef.xml , but I know it's possible ....
<Gauge Name="Chute Drag Control" Version="1.1">
<Update Frequency="6"/>
(A:SPOILERS HANDLE POSITION,percent) near 0 ==
if{ 0 (>L:Airbrakes,bool) }
(A:SPOILERS HANDLE POSITION,percent) near 100 ==
if{ 1 (>L:Airbrakes,bool) }
(A:SIM ON GROUND,bool) !
0 (>G:Var1)
(A:TAILHOOK HANDLE,bool) (>G:Var1)
(L:Airbrakes,bool) 100 * (G:Var1) 1500 * + d (A:SPOILERS HANDLE POSITION,percent) near !=
if{ 163.84 * (>K:SPOILERS_SET) }
Note though, that this code only works properly if you don't have a gauge in your panel that sets the SpoilersHandle proportionally (anywhere between 0 and 100).
So only a gauge/lever ( or keystrokes) that issue events SPOILERS_TOGGLE, SPOILERS_ON or SPOILERS_OFF.