• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

Flight Sim World - First Impressions

FSW dead! they took far too long after buying the rights from Microsoft and P3D has taken all their customers and developed it. moving on!
You'll have to provide some evidence before making such statements here.
FSW Early Access is still in development whereas P3D v4 is a released product. Dovetail have an uphill job on their hands, but they are entitled to get on with their developing. The customers will ultimately decide when we have both as released products to choose from.
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Rob, the only thing you've said that I can absolutely agree with is the implication that L-M's (and MS's for that matter) SDKs stink! :rotfl:
Flight Sim World - Latest video updates on Youtube:

Flight Sim World - Latest update logs (v4,5 and 6) on Steam:
We've focused on the aircraft, fixing some significant bugs (including instant mission failures) and upgrading the Workshop by allowing you to share flight plans with other simmers.
There's also one change that went into update 3 that we forgot to mention, which is the ability to change aircraft mid flight.
So if you press escape, then head to the flight planner you should be able to switch aircraft and pick up where you left off.

The fifth community update is now available for Flight Sim World. This update focuses on improvements relating to the RV-7 interior lighting, as well as the Pro Mission Tool and Steam Workshop functionality.

Community Update 6 is live! We’ve been focusing on the aircraft avionics pretty hard with this update.
Additionally, we have the introduction of passengers to your aircraft, which opens up a number of new options when customizing the load of your aircraft or building missions in the Pro Mission Editor
.... I think for Early Access, FSW is really starting to come on now. Since the introduction of Truesky ( although not perfect yet ) the whole atmospherics have changed considerably.

Even in this early stage, you can make the default look of FSW look even better by the use of Reshade.

Find the latest version here - https://reshade.me

FSW Reshade.JPG

Here is a download link for the Reshade Preset file, used to enhance the look of the Default experience and make it look like the above, making for a much richer looking environment overall.


Hope you like it,


Pete Beeby.

PS, If you need installation instructions, please feedback here.
........ your very welcome Ronald :)

A few more shots using the very same Reshade Preset -

FSW Reshade 3.JPG

FSW Reshade 4.JPG

FSW Reshade 5.JPG

FSW Reshade 6.JPG


.... I think for Early Access, FSW is really starting to come on now. Since the introduction of Truesky ( although not perfect yet ) the whole atmospherics have changed considerably.

Even in this early stage, you can make the default look of FSW look even better by the use of Reshade.

Find the latest version here - https://reshade.me

View attachment 36758

Here is a download link for the Reshade Preset file, used to enhance the look of the Default experience and make it look like the above, making for a much richer looking environment overall.


Hope you like it,


Pete Beeby.

PS, If you need installation instructions, please feedback here.
Hi pbeeby,

Thanks for the preset. I have downloaded Rehshade 3.0.8. Is there any guidance on how to install the reshade and the .ini file? When i install reshade, it requesting me to download a collection of standard effects from https://github.com/crosire/reshade-shaders. If i click yes, a bunch of effect list coming out. Which one to choose?

Hope you can guide.

Thank you,
Manochvarma Raman
...Manochvarma, you are on the right track.

Let the Reshade 3.0.8 Installer download the collection of Standard Shader Files from github.com .

You should find, that if Reshade is installed correctly within the FSW main folder, when you run FSW, you will now see a banner at the top of the FSW loading screen, saying that Reshade is loading the default Shaders.

If you see this, all you now have to do is place my Reshade Preset file ( FSW1.ini )
Into the main FSW folder.

The Next time you Start FSW, you should see a difference in its appearance, as
Reshade should have loaded the FSW1 preset file of mine.

If you press shift F2, you will see the main Reshade Menu come up. This is where further customisation of the preset is made possible, if you so wish.
I recommend that you have a back up copy of the preset, just in case.

Hope you like it, get back to me if you have any further issues.


Pete Beeby.
...Manochvarma, you are on the right track.

Let the Reshade 3.0.8 Installer download the collection of Standard Shader Files from github.com .

You should find, that if Reshade is installed correctly within the FSW main folder, when you run FSW, you will now see a banner at the top of the FSW loading screen, saying that Reshade is loading the default Shaders.

If you see this, all you now have to do is place my Reshade Preset file ( FSW1.ini )
Into the main FSW folder.

The Next time you Start FSW, you should see a difference in its appearance, as
Reshade should have loaded the FSW1 preset file of mine.

If you press shift F2, you will see the main Reshade Menu come up. This is where further customisation of the preset is made possible, if you so wish.
I recommend that you have a back up copy of the preset, just in case.

Hope you like it, get back to me if you have any further issues.


Pete Beeby.
Hi Pete,

Thanks for the clear guide. I able to install it.

But i feel like the sky looks hazy even with fair weather.

Hope can adjust that.

Thank you,
Manochvarma Raman
.....it's all about playing around with it, until it's right for you.

What you will find, is that it is incredibly difficult to get 1 preset to suit all environments, you'll find you will have to strike a balance for the most part and my preset gives you a very good start.


.....it's all about playing around with it, until it's right for you.

What you will find, is that it is incredibly difficult to get 1 preset to suit all environments, you'll find you will have to strike a balance for the most part and my preset gives you a very good start.


Hi Pete, this is my screenshot.


I am not sure which .fx does it uses. But the sky almost fully white. I will checkout how to customize the presets.

Thank you,
Manochvarma Raman
....Manochvarma, I think there is some sort of Reshade issue going on there.

A couple of things to check, is that inside of the newly installed " reshade-shaders " folder contained in your main FSW Folder, contains 2 Folders ( Shaders and Textures ). You need to check that both
folders have files contained within them.

The second thing to check, is that when you press ShiftF2 and the reshade command window is
displayed, Check that the correct install path is shown for the FSW1 .ini file. As shown below.

FSW Reshade ini file path..JPG

Hope this helps.

....Manochvarma, I think there is some sort of Reshade issue going on there.

A couple of things to check, is that inside of the newly installed " reshade-shaders " folder contained in your main FSW Folder, contains 2 Folders ( Shaders and Textures ). You need to check that both
folders have files contained within them.

The second thing to check, is that when you press ShiftF2 and the reshade command window is
displayed, Check that the correct install path is shown for the FSW1 .ini file. As shown below.

View attachment 36849

Hope this helps.

Hi Pete,

I have all the files. I think i found the problem.

After uncheck "Emphasize" and "Adaptive Fog" options, i got a nicer environment.


But need some more tweaking. ;)

Thank you,
Manochvarma Raman