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FSW registry key?


Staff member
FSDevConf team
Resource contributor
Now that we have a SDK, I would like to let MCX support FSW. But how can I find the install location of FSW. Does anybody know which registry key to check for that?

Or would I need to find out where Steam is installed and go from there?
Now that we have a SDK, I would like to let MCX support FSW. But how can I find the install location of FSW. Does anybody know which registry key to check for that?

Or would I need to find out where Steam is installed and go from there?

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSW

Mine is there. ^
I know what the folder is, but in Windows versions with different languages the names of these folders can be different. So it would be safest to not hardcode the path and use some kind of registry key to locate it.
I couldn't find anything under HKLM but HKCU\Software\Valve\Steam has a string entry of SteamPath which points to the location of my steam installation (D:\Steam). The App ID of FSW is 389280 which may possibly be required. I only have one steam installation folder but I should point out that it's possible to have multiple steam installation folders in order to ensure particular apps are installed in specific drives. I don't how that's handled in the registry.
Looks like it's AppPath under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Dovetail Games\Flight Sim World\1.0
Thanks, I'll check it I can find that one on my machine as well.