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MSFS20 Gauge Glass


Resource contributor
I have looked at posts regarding MSFS2020 glass, but I can't figure out what is causing my issues. The gauge glass is only transparent at certain angles (of light). I have used the "glass" material in Blender, with or without textures.
Any tips on what I am doing wrong is welcome. I am using the values stated in the SDK.

I have looked at posts regarding MSFS2020 glass, but I can't figure out what is causing my issues. The gauge glass is only transparent at certain angles (of light). I have used the "glass" material in Blender, with or without textures.
Any tips on what I am doing wrong is welcome. I am using the values stated in the SDK.

Provide a screen shot of the blender MSFS values.

make sure normals are correct.
DO NOT and I enphasize DO NOT manipulate the shader node manually, or use the Surface panel in the material to manipulate the shader values. Only use the MSFS properties to change values.

What version of the exporter?
Hi ronh,

Normals are correct (towards pilot). I use Blender 3.1.0 and MultiExport glTF 2.0 (1.1.6). It seems stable, without any issues for me so far.
It strikes that the offending parts all are not hit by direct light.
Do you by chance have your ao channel set to fully black?
Hi, Thanks for the tips. I will investigate further. I do not have any AO set to fully black. All AO's used are generated from Substance Painter.
It is not the gauge glass or the canopy creating the shadowing. So it is possibly another material (AO), causing the shadow. Thanks!
You basically have the same values as I have. Are you sure you did not set any parameter manually in the shader node screen or the surface panel. Suggest you set the MSFS material to disable then delete all the node in the shader and reset the matrial to glass, that way you start with a fresh glass MSFS type material.

It's strange that the sun shines on the glass and you see the instrument. Are you sure some emissive values is not set or textured?
Thank you all for your help. It was indeed the gauge texture it self. This is a converted model, and some surface material data must have been carried over. I deleted the old material and I replaced it with a new standard material with only the albedo in the slot. It is considered fixed and lesson learned :)