• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

General Discussion

Congratulation for this tool Eric ! No tested yet but it seems to be a great idea ! Especialy the painting tool ;)
Thank you.

I look forward to seeing your work and hearing what you think of the tool.

There is a performance problem when zoomed (in or out) that I need to figure out. Aside from that it has been great fun using the tools while developing Forest.

This is absolutely great!!!! Thanks for your work and enjoy your time away (Please, no hurry on this!!!). I am experiencing a pretty severe learning curve, but have now been able to get three airports set up, and I agree, the low level addition is great.

I just finished (well, they are always evolving) KMCD, Mackinaw Island. It's a small island with a lot of fairly small pine trees--FSX has it as farmland almost.

I find that Forest auto-generates a heavy predominance of large pines--at all three projects I've tried. I can erase, and repaint smaller trees with Forest's graphic editor... Is there a way to change the "automatic selection/planting" that I am missing?

I promise, you cannot underestimate my abilities on the computer!


PS: any chance a future rendition could remember the paths to bglcomp etc. for us FSX diehards....

Thanks again

This is absolutely great!!!! Thanks for your work and enjoy your time away (Please, no hurry on this!!!). I am experiencing a pretty severe learning curve, but have now been able to get three airports set up, and I agree, the low level addition is great.

I just finished (well, they are always evolving) KMCD, Mackinaw Island. It's a small island with a lot of fairly small pine trees--FSX has it as farmland almost.

I find that Forest auto-generates a heavy predominance of large pines--at all three projects I've tried. I can erase, and repaint smaller trees with Forest's graphic editor... Is there a way to change the "automatic selection/planting" that I am missing?

I promise, you cannot underestimate my abilities on the computer!


PS: any chance a future rendition could remember the paths to bglcomp etc. for us FSX diehards....

Thanks again

Thanks. I'm glad the tool is working for you.

Upload (or copy/paste) the Forest definition file for your project and I'll give you some tips.

Changing which trees the Surveyor module plants is pretty easy once you get the hang of it.

As for the file paths, yes that annoys me too. I just haven't come up with a good solution for the problem yet. I want to avoid making any Windows registry changes if possible. I typically just copy the Forest definition file from a previous project rather than using the "New Project" function. This way I maintain all my custom treegroups and other settings I like.


This is absolutely great!!!! Thanks for your work and enjoy your time away (Please, no hurry on this!!!). I am experiencing a pretty severe learning curve, but have now been able to get three airports set up, and I agree, the low level addition is great.

I just finished (well, they are always evolving) KMCD, Mackinaw Island. It's a small island with a lot of fairly small pine trees--FSX has it as farmland almost.

I find that Forest auto-generates a heavy predominance of large pines--at all three projects I've tried. I can erase, and repaint smaller trees with Forest's graphic editor... Is there a way to change the "automatic selection/planting" that I am missing?

I promise, you cannot underestimate my abilities on the computer!


PS: any chance a future rendition could remember the paths to bglcomp etc. for us FSX diehards....

Thanks again

Try this...

1 - Open the Forest definition file then scroll down to the bottom where all the treegroups are listed.
2 - If you're using the template definition file that Forest creates then Surveyor is almost always going to choose the first group listed in the file because it has high tolerance values (i.e. many pixels in the image will fall within the color range specified)
3 - Find the treegroup you have been using to manually paint trees in the editor - you'll notice the names listed in the following format "Treegroup|Name you see in the editor". Copy the lines beginning with "Object|xxxxxx" from that group and replace the ones in the first treegroup (the one with the large tolerances). This will cause Forester to use those trees instead of the ones that were originally included in the group. Make sure you copy the lines instead of removing them entirely. Forest requires that every tree group have at least one Object line included.
4 - Run Forester again (you shouldn't need to run Surveyor again since you're only changing tree types, not their locations)
5 - Put the BGL files in the appropriate FSX scenery directory and try them out.

Good luck!
Thanks, I'll try that tonight. I'll still post a couple of my def files for criticism! (alas, the fdef is not an allowed file format for upload, but I'll post the one I'm trying to shift for thoughts... ) I have been copying and pasting the fdef files, which is fine.

My last-night project, KSJX, Beaver Island MI looks to be a slight miss on my coordinates. I was going to try (and will tonight) shifting it 10m north and east...and found myself (again) confused.

In the def file instructions:
#Distance (in meters) to shift objects at the western border
#Negative values = shift objects at the west border westward by X meters
#Positive values = shift objects at the west border eastward by X meters

#Amount (in meters) to shift objects at the eastern border
#Negative values = shift objects at the east border westward by X meters
#Positive values = shift objects at the east border eastward by X meters

#Amount (in meters) to shift objects at the northern border
#Negative values = shift objects at the north border southward by X meters
#Positive values = shift objects at the north border northward by X meters

#Amount (in meters) to shift objects at the southern border
#Negative values = shift objects at the south border southward by X meters
#Positive values = shift objects at the south border northward by X meters

Do I need to move all four sides, or just two (does moving the western border 10 meters have an effect on the eastern border...I need to move the entire progect 10 m....??? I really need to shift "the middle" 10 m..

Another reflection (this from someone at work who serves on IT committees as "if he can follow this, anyone can"). After modifying the survey on the graphics display (that's how I "shifted" KSJX and it's fine), when one re-runs the survey and Forest asks Yes, No, or Cancel in terms of original/new survey, my (wrong) intuition was "yes" expecting it would use my edited survey. After about 10 efforts to change the plantings and always the same result (the definition of insanity....) I finally read the prompt a bit more carefully.... But I suspect others will do the same. Not sure if different wording...or just restricting use to non-idiots!!!-would help

But this is just wonderful!!! In the last three days I've spent more time on airports than I have in a long time (much shaking of head by my wife...). I spent an awful lot of time on past projects entering trees or small groups one at time

Thanks so very much, again. Next to learn and understand "excludes" --I understand the "author really likes this feature"!!!


Here is the full KSJX file--I think reversing the order of the highlighted/italics should accomplish your suggestion of smaller rather than larger conifers??

# Sample settings file for Forest v 1.0
# Airport Name, State/Province, Country (Airport ICAO Code)

Beaver Island, Michigan, USA (KSJX)
# Percentage of surveyed trees to seed
# 1% - 100%

# Desired number of trees. Used by forester to automatically
# set the tree volume slider.
# Uncomment line and set desired value

# Image/tree placement boundaries
# Define image boundary using decimal degrees
# Coordinate order is irrelevant as long as the correct
# parameter word (Top, Bottom, Left, Right) is used.
# Example 1:
# #Top Left Coordinate (Decimal Lattitude)
# Top|46.9975
# #Top Left Coordinate (Decimal Longitude)
# Left|-122.9536
# #Bottom Right Coordinate (Decimal Lattitude)
# Bottom|46.9459
# #Bottom Right Coordinate (Decimal Longitude)
# Right|-122.8464
# Example 2:
# #Top Coordinate (Decimal Lattitude)
# Top|46.9975
# #Bottom Coordinate (Decimal Lattitude)
# Bottom|46.9459
# #Left Coordinate (Decimal Longitude)
# Left|-122.9536
# #Right Coordinate (Decimal Longitude)
# Right|-122.8464


# Radius of a "Tree" in meters. This value determines the
# distance between individual tree samples. The surveyor
# module uses this value to determine pixel distance
# between trees. Typical values are 5 - 15. 10 is a good
# starting value. Adjust as necessary for each project.
# Smaller interval will result in many more trees being
# generated (and longer survey duration) for a given image.

# Surveyor adjacent pixel detection sensitivity
# Determines how aggressively the adjacent pixel detection
# algorithm rejects trees. Enabling adjacent pixel
# detection will always result in fewer trees being rendered
# versus disabling the option. The value specified here
# is the starting slider value whenever this project is
# loaded.
# 1 - 100

# Scenery complexity scaling. Use these values to adjust
# what percentage of the planted trees will be visible
# at each FSX/P3D scenery complexity setting.
#Scenery Complexity Scaling
#EXTREMELY_DENSE always = 100
#NONE always = 0

# Tree placement adjustments. Used to correct for
# tree misalignment. While accurate image boundary coordinates
# are always preferred, the values below can be used to
# offset trees if for some reason the image boundary coordinates
# can not be corrected(e.g. imagery source is no longer
# available)
#Distance (in meters) to shift objects at the western border
#Negative values = shift objects at the west border westward by X meters
#Positive values = shift objects at the west border eastward by X meters

#Amount (in meters) to shift objects at the eastern border
#Negative values = shift objects at the east border westward by X meters
#Positive values = shift objects at the east border eastward by X meters

#Amount (in meters) to shift objects at the northern border
#Negative values = shift objects at the north border southward by X meters
#Positive values = shift objects at the north border northward by X meters

#Amount (in meters) to shift objects at the southern border
#Negative values = shift objects at the south border southward by X meters
#Positive values = shift objects at the south border northward by X meters

# BGL Complier Path
# Path to the FSX / P3D BGL compliler
# Standard Defaults
# FSX - C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Environment Kit\BGL Compiler SDK\bglcomp.exe
# P3D - C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2 SDK2.5.12944.0\Environment SDK\BGL Compiler SDK\bglcomp.exe
BGLCompiler|C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Environment Kit\BGL Compiler SDK\bglcomp.exe

# FSX / P3D scenery folder for this project - final location for BGL files.
# This is scenery library path for this project - the folder which
# is added to the FSX / P3D scenery library.
# This value is only used to open the target folder for conveinience.
SCENERY_FOLDER|C:\Flight Simulator X\Addon Scenery\scenery

# At least one tree group must be defined.
# You may add as many tree groups as desired and may use the
# same tree GUID within multiple tree groups (this can be useful
# for defining the same object at multiple sizes (scales)).
# If a pixel falls within multiple tree groups (i.e. there
# are overlapping tree group color ranges) the first matching group
# is used.
# All values specified in the examples are required. Omission
# of a value will generate errors.
# FSX object library GUIDs can be obtained from the excellent
# object library located at:
# http://lc0277.gratisim.fr/sceneobjects/
# Color = Central RGB color for a tree group. The survey editor
# simplifies the process of specifying color ranges for
# surveyor. This is the pixel color visible on the true
# color mask. Surveyor auto mode uses this color to
# represent each tree group.
# Note the pixels in the true color mask may
# be difficult to see because they may blend in
# with the background satellite image. Dim the image using
# the opacity slider or use the white mask for better
# visibility.
# Tolerance = Defines how close the RGB values need to be for
# a pixel to be considered part of the tree group color range.
# Density ( 1 - 100 )= Percentage of detected trees to
# seed. Use this value to adjust the relative density of
# different tree groups. Small trees may need higher
# density values in order to fill out a stand of trees.
# Object lines = each object line defines one tree type. At
# least one object line is required for each tree group.
# Each tree group can have up to 100 tree objects.
# Note you can specify the same tree GUID at different
# scales if desired.
# The format of a tree group is as follows:
# TreeGroup|My Group Name
# Color|Red,Green,Blue
# Tolerance|Red Tolerance,Green Tolerance,Blue Tolerance
# Density|Density Value (integer)
# Object|integer percentage,decimal minimum scale,decimal maximum scale,integer minimum heading,integer maximum heading,object GUID
# Object...
# Object...
# Of interest is the percentage value (integer) which determines
# the percentage of each tree type in the group. The sum of
# all percentages in a tree group should equal 100 for
# predectible results.

# The following example tree groups are used by the surveyor
# auto mode. Note the tolerance ranges.
TreeGroup|Auto - Large Conifer
#Douglas Fir 50m
#Douglas Fir 38m
#Hemlock 40m

TreeGroup|Auto - Small Conifer
#Douglas Fir 16m
#Douglas Fir 24m
#Norway Spruce 23m
#Hemlock 23m

TreeGroup|Auto - Large Deciduous
#Poplar 30m Spring
#Cottonwood 23m Spring
#Maple 29m Spring
#Aspen 19m Spring

TreeGroup|Auto - Small Deciduous
#Poplar 10m Spring
#Cottonwood 10m Spring
#Maple 14m Spring
#Aspen 13m Spring

# Manual placement tree groups
# The following tree group examples demonstrate trees for manual
# placement using the editor painting mode.
# It is very unlikely surveyor auto detection will accidently
# place trees from these groups because of the unnatural
# color shades chosen along with zero tolerance values.
# Note the colors chosen in these example groups are very bright
# and destinct which makes them easily discernable when viewing
# the true color mask.
TreeGroup|Manual - Large Conifer
# Bright Yellow
#Douglas Fir 50m
#Douglas Fir 38m
#Hemlock 40m

TreeGroup|Manual - Small Conifer
# Magenta
#Douglas Fir 16m
#Douglas Fir 24m
#Norway Spruce 23m
#Hemlock 23m

TreeGroup|Manual - Large Deciduous
# Royal Blue
#Poplar 30m Spring
#Cottonwood 23m Spring
#Maple 29m Spring
#Aspen 19m Spring

TreeGroup|Manual - Small Deciduous
# Purple
#Poplar 10m Spring
#Cottonwood 10m Spring
#Maple 14m Spring
#Aspen 13m Spring

TreeGroup|Manual - Small Poplar
# Orange
#Poplar 10m Spring

TreeGroup|Manual - Small Maple
# Green
#Maple 14m Spring

TreeGroup|Manual - Small Aspen
# Red
#Aspen 13m Spring

# Exclusion ranges direct surveyor - never plant trees on
# pixels within this color range. This can be useful
# for reducing trees planted over water or unforested
# regions of an image.
# If specified, exclusions ALWAYS take priority over tree
# groups such that if a pixel falls within a tree group
# and within an exclusion range, it will NOT be seeded.
# Use with discretion as it can have an undesired effect
# if the exclusion range is too aggressive. Note that
# many lakes and rivers have color values that are very
# close to natural vegetation colors. Reduce the tolerance
# values of the exclusion range if it is causing too many
# trees to be excluded.
# The examples below exclude true black and true white

My last-night project, KSJX, Beaver Island MI looks to be a slight miss on my coordinates. I was going to try (and will tonight) shifting it 10m north and east...and found myself (again) confused.

I have several suggestions that may help so I'm going to quote your post and reply in several posts.

Getting the boundary coordinates right is an important step as you have discovered. The offsets in the Forest definition file are only intended for cases where it's impossible to determine the correct image boundary coordinates using the source imagery (for example the original online source imagery is no longer available).

* * * Before reading on note the imagery displayed in Google Earth Pro is copyrighted. Never distribute this imagery with any Forest project. * * *

Using Google Earth Pro you can place Placemarks near the top/left and bottom/right corners of the image. This works great because the Placemarks will actually be visible on the final output image. After you have saved your image (or saved several images to create a mosaic), open the mosaic in GIMP (Photoshop would work great as well) then place horizontal and vertical guide lines intersecting exactly at each Placemark. The will result in a rectangle outlining the important part of the satellite image. Use the rectangular selection tool to highlight the portion you want - this is very easy at this point because the guide lines are "sticky" and the selection will exactly stick to the guide markers. Finally "crop image to selection" and save the perfectly bounded image to your project folder.

Bonus tip - Google Earth Pro allows you to group your Placemarks in folders then save the folders to a kml (or kmz) file in your Forest project folder. This makes it easy to navigate to the correct area with the correct image scale in the future (the Placemarks actually record the "eye altitude" so the image scale will be preserved when you double click the Placemark).

Google Earth Pro used to cost money but is now available for free: http://www.google.com/earth/download/gep/agree.html
You will need your email address and the key "GEPFREE" to sign in when you first use the application.
Regarding the Forest definition file offsets you queried...

Do I need to move all four sides, or just two (does moving the western border 10 meters have an effect on the eastern border...I need to move the entire progect 10 m....??? I really need to shift "the middle" 10 m..

An example is in order. Let's say everything in the project is located 10 meters west of where it should be. To correct this, you would use the following:

#Positive values = shift objects at the west border eastward by X meters

#Positive values = shift objects at the east border eastward by X meters

Thus everything will UNIFORMLY be shifted eastward by 10 meters.

If you instead did this...

#Positive values = shift objects at the west border eastward by X meters

#Positive values = shift objects at the east border eastward by X meters

The result would be:
- objects at the left edge (west side of image) would be shifted eastward by 0 meters (i.e. they would not be shifted at all because the offset is 0).
- objects at the right edge (east side of image) would be shifted eastward by 10 meters (offset 10).
- everything in between would be shifted some amount between 0 - 10 meters. It's a simple linear formula so:
- - objects 20% of the way from left to right would be shifted eastward 2 meters
- - objects in the center (50% from left edge) would be shifted eastward 5 meters
- - objects 75% of the way from left to right would be shifted eastward by 7.5 meters.

It works the same for north/south offsets.

Finally, supplying negative offset values works the same as above only the individual objects will be shifted westward instead of eastward.
Another reflection (this from someone at work who serves on IT committees as "if he can follow this, anyone can"). After modifying the survey on the graphics display (that's how I "shifted" KSJX and it's fine), when one re-runs the survey and Forest asks Yes, No, or Cancel in terms of original/new survey, my (wrong) intuition was "yes" expecting it would use my edited survey. After about 10 efforts to change the plantings and always the same result (the definition of insanity....) I finally read the prompt a bit more carefully.... But I suspect others will do the same. Not sure if different wording...or just restricting use to non-idiots!!!-would help

I agree completely. I wasn't very fond of that dialog either so in the next version it looks like this:




  • SurveyDialog.PNG
    276 KB · Views: 1,340
Here is the full KSJX file--I think reversing the order of the highlighted/italics should accomplish your suggestion of smaller rather than larger conifers??

What you want to do is copy the Objects you like and replace the ones that are too big...


Another option would be to change the small conifer treegroup color/tolerance values to match the large conifer color/tolerance values then delete the large conifer treegroup from the Forest definition file entirely (Delete the line that starts with "Treegroup..." all the way to and including the last object line for that group).

Tree groups are extremely flexible and customizable. You can delete all the sample groups and make as few (must have at least one) or many tree groups as you like by using the object IDs (GUIDs) from the FSX object library site at:


Just remove the carriage returns in the middle of the object GUIDs when you paste them into your Forest definition file.


  • ReplaceObjects.PNG
    38.7 KB · Views: 1,371
Last edited:
But this is just wonderful!!! In the last three days I've spent more time on airports than I have in a long time (much shaking of head by my wife...). I spent an awful lot of time on past projects entering trees or small groups one at time

Thanks so very much, again. Next to learn and understand "excludes" --I understand the "author really likes this feature"!!!


It's the "Restricted Painting Mode" the author really likes : ). Once you get the hang of it it will totally change the way you use the program.

Thank you for the kind words and you are very welcome. I really appreciate your input.

A minor update is already coded (including the revised dialog window mentioned earlier). I'm in the process of bug testing now.



  • Version1.01.PNG
    62.7 KB · Views: 1,312
Thanks much... So, instant response is what you do when you are taking a break!!!

I have "regular" google earth, and it too allow pin placement. I snip a bit of excess, then import into Gimp, and I think I just got lazy with the selection cursor last night.

Re: the offsets--that makes sense. Move just one side stretches, move both.... Since in needed about 8-10 m northeast, I ended up just erasing and drawing. I kind of like the drawing,as I can add different trees with manual mode.

Thanks for clarifying the auto group. I gather the color/tolerance describes the image qualities that then get transferred to the corresponding group for planting.

The new display is great. I really don't think that even I could have messed that up!! But the old one was too, if I had truly read it. Always a great danger in turning on my "assumption switch"

Eric, even with a few days of exploring (and just touching the very surface, I'm sure) this is really great.

Thanks again

Thanks much... So, instant response is what you do when you are taking a break!!!

I have "regular" google earth, and it too allow pin placement. I snip a bit of excess, then import into Gimp, and I think I just got lazy with the selection cursor last night.

Re: the offsets--that makes sense. Move just one side stretches, move both.... Since in needed about 8-10 m northeast, I ended up just erasing and drawing. I kind of like the drawing,as I can add different trees with manual mode.

Thanks for clarifying the auto group. I gather the color/tolerance describes the image qualities that then get transferred to the corresponding group for planting.

The new display is great. I really don't think that even I could have messed that up!! But the old one was too, if I had truly read it. Always a great danger in turning on my "assumption switch"

Eric, even with a few days of exploring (and just touching the very surface, I'm sure) this is really great.

Thanks again


You are correct, the treegroup color and tolerance values are what the program uses to determine what image pixels are probable vegetation. The "tolerance" determines how picky the program is - the wider the tolerance the more parts of the image that will be included in a group.

My break is over - LOL. I just started coding again today after about 3 weeks off.
Eric, even with a few days of exploring (and just touching the very surface, I'm sure) this is really great.

Thanks again


Open the sample KOLM project in the editor then go to the "Options" tab.

Click the checkboxes for:

Obey Exclusion Ranges
Obey Tree Group Color Ranges

You will see a green band surround the image indicating the editor is obeying the treegroup and exclusion color range settings specified in the Forest definition file.

Now paint some trees randomly around the airfield...notice the trees only go where they are supposed to...the dirt areas are not painted (or erased).

Now imagine being able to include or exclude areas on the fly with a couple mouse clicks rather than having to edit the definition file. That's "Restricted Paint" mode.
Forest 1.01 beta is now available for download.

While this release carries a "beta" label it should be highly reliable and relatively bug free and is recommended for general use.
Updated documentation should be available within the coming weeks.

Build Notes

Version 1.01 beta (Build 120)

New Features
Added project archival capability (Share > Archive Project) to make it easier to share projects or store them for later use.
New project now creates an "Info" directory. This directory is a place to store useful information about a project. Anything in the directory can be included in project Archives.
A Template ReadMe file is placed into the Info directory.
Loading a Forest definition file will now automatically create the "info" project subfolder if none exists. This will update older projects when they are loaded into Forest 1.01+.
Added a direct menu link (Share > Visit Official Forest Forums) to the FSDeveloper.com Forest online support forums.

GUI Updates
Corrected display of Surveyor and Forester labels so they always show whenever a project is loaded.
Added dedicated editor button to main GUI window removing th eneed for the Survey Image right click shortcut.
Relabeled all "View / Edit Survey Mask" UI elements to "Review Survey"
Added arrow grapics to main GUI window.
New Survey Source dialog more clearly describes the available options.
Improved dialog text for many notification windows.

Usability Enhancements
Modified the Surveyor "Check neighboring pixels" algorithm resulting in much faster processing while retaining similar results.
Review survey functions are now enabled/disabled on project load based on presence required project files.
Main program window now moves to front when Apply Edits (resurvey) is selected from the Editor > Edit menu.
Entering color pick mode in the editor now automatically toggles display of the Color Range tab.
If an image file is present, blank mask files are now created (if not already present) any time a definition file is loaded.
Modifed "Perform Survey" function to test if both mask files are present (_mask.bmp and _wmask.bmp) before displaying Confirm Survey Source dialog.
Program now enables appropriate menu items when a project is loaded even if some project elements are missing.
Added support for jpeg images with ".jpeg" extension in addition to existing ".jpg" support.

Stability / Error checking Improvements
Added checks for a "." character in the project name which causes problems for the BGL compiler.
Added check for "," in folder path which causes issues with explorer operations.
Added check for valid image file before allowing the editor to open.

Known Issues
Editor performance degradation when zoomed. Performance improves as editor window size is reduced.
Extremely large images may exhibit refresh issues when zoomed to maximum. Performance improves if zoom is reduced.
Some functions are disabled while Editor is in color selection mode including:
- Editor close button (X) is disabled while Color Selection mode is active
- File and Edit menus are disabled while Color Selection mode is active
- Main program window does not confirm exit if close button (X) is clicked while any editor window is in color selection mode
Forester (Plant Trees) progress bar is not accurate when Tree Density is not set to 100%
Last edited:
Eric: For the update should we re-run install, or replace the files in my original folder with those in the application folder of the 120 download?
Forest 1.01 is now available for download.

Release Notes:

================================================== Version 1.01 beta (Build 120) ==================================================

New Features
Added project archival capability (Share > Archive Project) to make it easier to share projects or store them for later use.
New project now creates an "Info" directory. This directory is a place to store useful information about a project. Anything in the directory can be included in project Archives.
A Template ReadMe file is placed into the Info directory.
Loading a Forest definition file will now automatically create the "info" project subfolder if none exists. This will update older projects when they are loaded into Forest 1.01+.
Added a direct menu link (Share > Visit Official Forest Forums) to the FSDeveloper.com Forest online support forums.

GUI Updates
Corrected display of Surveyor and Forester labels so they always show whenever a project is loaded.
Added dedicated "Review Survey" button to main GUI window removing the need for the "Survey Image" right click shortcut available in earlier versions.
Relabeled all "View / Edit Survey Mask" UI elements to "Review Survey"
Added arrow graphics to main GUI window.
New Survey Source dialog more clearly describes the available surveying options.
Improved dialog text for many notification windows.

Usability Enhancements
Modified the Surveyor "Check neighboring pixels" algorithm resulting in much faster processing while retaining similar results.
Review survey functions are now enabled/disabled on project load based on presence required project files.
Main program window now moves to front when Apply Edits (resurvey) is selected from the Editor > Edit menu.
Entering color pick mode in the Editor now automatically toggles display of the Color Range tab.
If an image file is present, blank mask files are now created (if not already present) anytime a definition file is loaded.
Modifed "Perform Survey" function to test if both mask files are present (_mask.bmp and _wmask.bmp) before displaying Confirm Survey Source dialog.
Program now enables appropriate menu items when a project is loaded even if some project elements are missing.
Added support for jpeg images with ".jpeg" extension in addition to existing ".jpg" support.

Stability / Error checking Improvements
Added checks for a "." character in the project name which causes problems for the BGL compiler.
Added check for "," in folder path which causes issues with explorer operations.
Added check for a valid image file in the project folder before allowing the Editor to open.

================================================== Version 1.01 (Build 130) ==================================================

New Features
Smart Filter is now usable in the graphical editor. Combined with "Obey" restrictions this will enable you to produce results identical to the auto survey function.

GUI Updates
Added smart painting filter button/indicator to the Editor tool panel.
Added image area statistics to Surveyor logging.
Added Smart Filter status and sensitivity settings to Surveyor logging.
"Check Neighboring Pixels" function has been relabeled "Smart Filter".
Rearranged Editor Options tab functions to accommodate new Smart painting filter functionality.

Usability Enhancements
Upon closing the Editor you will now be asked if you would like Surveyor to apply your edits (if edits have occurred).

Bug Fixes
Corrected bug which caused projects to load with functions disabled if Forest is launched from an associated definition file.
Corrected several bugs with auto definition file (.fdefauto) loading.

Known Issues
Editor performance degradation when zoomed. Performance improves as Editor window size is reduced.
Extremely large images may exhibit refresh issues when zoomed to maximum. Performance improves if zoom is reduced.
Some functions are disabled while the Editor is in color selection mode including:
- Editor close button (X) is disabled while Color Selection mode is active if there are unsaved edits.
- File and Edit menus are disabled while Color Selection mode is active.
- Main program window does not confirm exit if close button (X) is clicked while any Editor window is in color selection mode
Forester (Plant Trees) progress bar is not accurate when Tree Density is not set to 100%
Forester may on occasion create a blank XML/BGL (file with no coordinates in the filename). It is safe to delete this BGL file as it contains zero scenery objects.
Your tool looks to be phenomenally useful for scenery people! :wizard:

Not too many aircraft need to be decorated with trees though, so it probably won't be of much help for me... :rotfl: