• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

MSFS20 How do I create a plane for FS2020?

I'm looking attempt to create a plane for FS2020 using Blender.
From poking around this site, I presume I'll want to use the Blender2MSFS toolkit.
Any advice and tutorials on how to get started?

Many Thanks,
Best place to start is look at the example aircraft in the SDK and begin by understanding that.
Thanks for the reply.
Where can I find the SDK, is it part of the FS2020 installation or downloadable separately elsewhere?
Yes, if you enable developer mode in the "General" settings, you switch Developer Mode to ON. You'll then get a menu at the top left hand side. Click on Help, and then "SDK Installer" and it will open a link to download and install the SDK. A word of note, the SDK is going to be regularly updated as its not complete yet, but there is definitely enough to get you started.