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MSFS Missing FlightSim Menus in 3ds Max [Fix]

Paul Domingue

Resource contributor
Using 3ds Max 2019 the first MSFS SDK v0.5.1.0 provided the full complement of menu selections. I did read where people with other versions of 3ds Max did not get the full selection. Upon updating to the MSFS SDK v0.6.0.0 I found that Max no longer displayed all the menu selections in my version of Max.

I have spent quite a few hours trying to remedy the situation and have found a fix. There are two ways to get all the menu items back into Max and this should work with any version of Max that is listed in the MSFS SDK. One method is simple and the other requires a little bit of work.

A. The easy method.

1. If you had all the menu items with the v5 SDK but lost them with the v6 SDK uninstall v6 and reinstall v5.
2. In 3ds Max select Customize\Customize User Interface… and under the Menus tab right side Main Menu Bar expand both the FlightSim and Babylon menus by clicking the little plus signs and verify that you have all the menu selections.
3. Once you have verified all the menu selections click save at the bottom and save the UI with a unique name then close Max.
4. Uninstall SDK v5 and reinstall v6.
5. Open Max and go back into the Customize menu as above and load the custom UI that was saved. You should now have the full menu.

B. The not so easy method.

While some of the menu selections may not be listed in the Menu Bar they are listed in the Action list and it will be necessary to locate them and drag and drop them one at the time into the menus in the right pane. Once you have rebuilt the menus save the custom UI as in Method A.

This is the full menu list to use as a guide when rebuilding.

Materials Tools
Object Renamer
Babylon Utilities
Create AnimationGroup From Selection
--End of Menu--
Plane Validation
--End of Menu--
Animation Tools
Animation Exporter
--End of Menu--
Generate a babylon.js scene file2
--End of Menu--
--End of Menu--

Note: Every time you start 3ds Max it runs the max script FlightSim_SDK_Startup.ms which sets all the paths for the plugins and max scripts in the SDK and you end up with all the missing menus again so you need to reload the custom UI every time you start Max. I have removed the before mentioned max script so it does not reload every time I start Max. I am testing to see if this has any repercussions. If you want to test this the file is in your 3ds Max 20xx\scripts\Startup. Just rename it with a different extension such as .txt so that it will not run and test.

Edit: I've encountered problems from hiding FlightSim_SDK_Startup.ms so for now you will just have to reload the custom UI when you start Max.

Send feedback please.
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Hey Paul,
Easy fix. This happened to me. Uninstall the MSFS SDK, then reinstall it. It automatically reinstalls the components into Max.

Hey Paul,
Easy fix. This happened to me. Uninstall the MSFS SDK, then reinstall it. It automatically reinstalls the components into Max.

That didn't work for me. I uninstalled and reinstalled several times but it would always be missing the menu items. I'm stuck having to reload my custom UI every time I start Max. The problem is in the scripts and Python code but I don't have the knowledge to backtrack through the code to see when the menus are loaded.
Well, at least you can get it working compared with it being permanently broke.

So... Have you got a working plane into MSFS using Babylon and into gITF format? Is it showing up?
I have found copying the v0.5/0.5.1 version of the file :\MSFS SDK\Tools\3dsMax\FlightSimPackage\scripts\FlightSimManager\ViewportCustomizer.py fixes it ... mostly. There is one tool with an error, the one called plane validation >"nodes". I'm too sleepy into looking into what's causing that problem though right now :p Also i havn't tested if exporting etc works, just that the tools load etc.