It's actually all over the internet and all the best developers are discussing solutions. When their perfectly fine 10 year old free software stops working, people are forced to either figure out why, or (cue evil master plan background organ riff) download the latest free version, EGADS!
How does this "forcing" work? Trimble floats a free version, as some sort of lure? It's full of defects and script errors and when a talented artist, like yourself, gets hooked, there is no recourse, but to pay up?
I'm wondering if the term "Ruby scripts," rings a bell. Some ten year old plugin stopped working, because of a graphics update, or Java patch, or something, but go ahead and blame the deep state because that makes it all a powerful conspiracy that is beyond our control.
I mean, it doesn't even stop the software from working, does it? You click yes, or no and the software continues to function, correct? So really, paranoid conspiracy theories aside, it could just be a warning to help your workflow, but no, good observation, go with it, you saw right through all that bs and didn't take the blue pill. Godspeed, you Neo of the flight simulator, as you take on the Mark Zuckerbergs and Google Advanced Manipulative Analytics that threaten to turn our virtual world of life and color into a row of boxes we click as
digital gardeners.
Still looking for a question about 3d modelling with Sketchup, btw.