• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

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FSXA Unusual Sounds In Flight Simulators

There are unexplained weird sounds that I've been hearing in flight simulators for the past several years. It ranges from sounds, or weird sounds, that one should not be hearing to sounds that are not at the correct levels. Examples are sound levels that are too loud in the cockpit and sounds that are not loud enough in the external view. The problem is NOT the master volume level in Windows. There are also weird unexplained sounds that should not be heard at all. Sounds such as engines running when the engines are not even running. I've recently loaded a flight using the Flight1 Super 80 aircraft and the plane loads with 2 scenarios that do not match. When you look at all the panels, the aircraft engines and power are all shut down, but yet, one can hear weird sounds of the engines running. The plane is also supposed to load a pop-up menu upon loading. The manual specifically says that this menu pops up upon loading but it never does. After I go through several cockpit views then the menu finally pops up and everything is normal. I don't understand these weird problems that I'm having and when I go and do a search for these problems, it is NOWHERE out there, and I know I'm not the only one that has these problems. As I've said, I've been hearing these unexplained weird sounds in flight sims for several years now. It seems that it was about the time when Windows 10 was released. These problems need to be addressed and fixed. If they have, I haven't found anything regarding this. Will someone explain what is going on regarding these unusual sounds that should not be playing and why the sound is louder in the cockpit than it is in the outside view. I know there are sound settings that allow one to set the level of the engine sounds., But as far as I know, the manual does not say how these settings should be set, so therefore should not have to be adjusted. I also would like to know what causes popup menus to not popup. I'm running Windows 10 Pro.

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Those are some strange problems indeed. Is it possible that perhaps you are hearing sounds of the APU? Lots of developers used to (still do?) create sound packs or release add-ons where you can hear the APU from the cockpit, often WAY louder than it would be in the real thing if it could even be heard at all. I have disabled probably more than a dozen such 'APU sounds' in various sound packs and add-ons over the years.

I'm not sure what would cause your menu problem other than having flight sim start from a viewpoint other than default. You could try making sure the sim starts in 2D panel view, which is often where most gauge code (including code to show that menu) often resides and must be shown in order to be loaded, after which it will work fine in theory.
Those are some strange problems indeed. Is it possible that perhaps you are hearing sounds of the APU? Lots of developers used to (still do?) create sound packs or release add-ons where you can hear the APU from the cockpit, often WAY louder than it would be in the real thing if it could even be heard at all. I have disabled probably more than a dozen such 'APU sounds' in various sound packs and add-ons over the years.

I've heard about those sound packs and never bothered to install them. As Far as I know, I don't have any sound packs installed.

I'm not sure what would cause your menu problem other than having flight sim start from a viewpoint other than default. You could try making sure the sim starts in 2D panel view, which is often where most gauge code (including code to show that menu) often resides and must be shown in order to be loaded, after which it will work fine in theory.

I may try that and see what happens. But the pop-up menu has always worked in the past, even using the 3D mode. I think it's caused by one of those windows updates. Windows Updates put too much priority on security crap that don't help anyone one bit, and it's these updates that causes many problems in software programs.
