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UV Mapping Copy/Paste

I found a nice addon for copying and pasting UV mapping/coordinates. There are many times in texturing a model I needed to copy a UV set on a certain poly or set of polys. In GMax 'sometimes' this wasn't necessary due to planar UV Wrap modifiers, etc, but so many times It wasn't possible to apply the same set of UV coordinates to another poly or set of vertices within a model. For whatever reason I needed to save time when texturing, and would have to re make a UV set for an unwrap.

Blender has an addon that lets you copy/paste UV coordinates!


just ad it to your script addons as you would any other addon.

I put my addons right in the Main Blender folder script tree, but this can be flawed as addons will need to be reinstalled when the program is updated. (as updates seem to install data like scripts in different version specific folders)

Once you copy the *.py file to the location of your choice, under File, User Preferences, Addons, then on the left, under 'supported level' select 'community', it should be listed on the right, all the way towards the end of the list, under 'UV: Copy and Paste UV'. Be sure to click the ckeckbox to activate the addon. Hint: make sure there is nothing listed in the upper left search box or any of these lists will only show whats being searched for. Then on the lower left, select 'Save User Settings'.

pretty simple from here... UV map what you want, such as a box face, then select that face (or vertices as the addon page suggests, i get it to work by selecting the face(s) instead), hit 'U' for the UV menu, and Copy UV is listed, select it... Then deselect all with 'A', select the face you want to paste the UV Mapping to. (Usually an identical face) Hit 'U' for the UV menu, select 'Paste UV' and it should use your Mapped UV coordinates...

Now, if the face was extruded from something, etc, the mapping orientation can be 'off' meaning upside down, or inverse. GMax used to have a way to orient it to an axis and fix this, if Blender does, I haven't found it yet, and will edit this when I do. To get around this with your mapping, you CAN orient the Mapping orientation of a face by selecting the face, 'ctrl+f' for face options, and down the list is 'Rotate UVs' and 'Reverse UVs'. Use these accordingly to fix your face UV mapping 'disorientation' without having to do so in the UV mapping screen for each identical face that seems to have a different orientation.
Nice find. I guess the faces have to match, i.e. you can only copy/paste UVs from a tri to a tri or a quad to quad... Is that so? And can you copy UVs from a whole patch of mesh at once, for example from one side of a mirrored object to the other?
Gosh what a convoluted workflow. Surely a poly, set of polys or object can be mapped and then cloned? Blender, Gmax or Max: that's what I'd try to do.
Gosh what a convoluted workflow. Surely a poly, set of polys or object can be mapped and then cloned?
Yes, of course. But when you change the mapping after having cloned the part, that's when such a script would come in handy.
Anyway... To sustain your point: You can make linked duplicates (with Alt+D), that is clones of your original object which automatically update the mesh (and UV-mapping) when changes are made.
...You can make linked duplicates (with Alt+D), that is clones of your original object which automatically update the mesh (and UV-mapping) when changes are made.

Like Instanced clones in Max or Gmax: good to know.