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P3D v4 Why don't my bmp's work

For the past two days I have been pulling out my hair what little I have left LOL to try and get season bmp's attached to the CWAQR SBX that I created in SBuilderX V3.13 with no luck. I was able to create the map all the way through the Photo01 bgl with one season; the INF all that stuff just fine in Windows 10 64bit pro for Prepar3D V4.5

When I reopen the SBX I created and try to add seasons from bmp's I created first in Photoshop then when they did not work in Windows 10, I took them over to my trusty Windows 7 laptop to tweak them in Corel Paintshop Pro X2 that I have used for years saved them as 32K 8 bit and back into the Windows 10. What do these bmp's have to be to have SBuilderX recognize them as valid bmp's when trying to attach to the SBX for multiple seasons. I can say "all files" and they are recognized and will attach as seasons and even compile and create a proper INF. BUT, when I try and slide it over the resample.exe from Prepar3D V4.5 SDK it doesn't create the Photo01. HELP!!!!!
Not sure if I can help or add any suggestions as I have not worked with SBuilderX for some time and have never used it for imagery but what the heck... let's see.

If I understand, you want to have seasons using your images correct? So you will have an image for winter, fall, spring as well as summer? It sounds like you were able to create one bmp image to work correctly when you use inf to process a bgl, correct?
Yes. Creating a map from the background image and then compiling it a Photo01 bgl of that image was created and the simple INF as well as the bmp that I used placing it with coordinates in ADE. Also adding it to the scenery folder I compiled and added to addon scenery in P3D V4.5 it showed up perfectly. That image from Google Satellite is summer as it now is but I now that Newfoundland will be getting white in a few months which I checked in the sim changing the season. That is when I created the seasonal changes and saved them as bmp's. I have done this before a few times so I am not a total novice. Unfortunately, before it was for FSX and it was done in Windows 7 NOT P3D and Windows 10. I hate 10 but that's another horse.
So it sounds like the issue is either in:
A. The creation of the additional bmp seasonal image files
B. Proper inf file setup
C. Proper lat/lon information

1. Can you post here the inf file your are trying to process?
2. Since I use geotiff images for when I process, I am not sure how one does it with bmp files. How do you do this? In SBuilderX?
SBuilder X.
Type = MultiSource
NumberOfSources = 5

Type = BMP
Layer = Imagery
SourceDir = "."
SourceFile = "CWAR Summer.BMP"
Variation = July,August,September
NullValue = 255,255,255
SamplingMethod = Gaussian
ulyMap = 47.3239305833333
ulxMap = -54.0087890555556
xDim = 4.29153374565949E-05
yDim = 2.91025933159735E-05

Type = BMP
Layer = Imagery
SourceDir = "."
SourceFile = "CWAR Spring.bmp"
Variation = April,May,June
NullValue = 255,255,255
SamplingMethod = Gaussian
ulyMap = 47.3239305833333
ulxMap = -54.0087890555556
xDim = 4.29153374565949E-05
yDim = 2.91025933159735E-05

Type = BMP
Layer = Imagery
SourceDir = "."
SourceFile = "CWAR Fall.bmp"
Variation = October,November
NullValue = 255,255,255
SamplingMethod = Gaussian
ulyMap = 47.3239305833333
ulxMap = -54.0087890555556
xDim = 4.29153374565949E-05
yDim = 2.91025933159735E-05

Type = BMP
Layer = Imagery
SourceDir = "."
SourceFile = "CWAR Winter.bmp"
Variation = December,February,March,January
NullValue = 255,255,255
SamplingMethod = Gaussian
ulyMap = 47.3239305833333
ulxMap = -54.0087890555556
xDim = 4.29153374565949E-05
yDim = 2.91025933159735E-05

Type = BMP
Layer = Imagery
SourceDir = "."
SourceFile = "CWAR Night.bmp"
Variation = Night
NullValue = 255,255,255
SamplingMethod = Gaussian
ulyMap = 47.3239305833333
ulxMap = -54.0087890555556
xDim = 4.29153374565949E-05
yDim = 2.91025933159735E-05

DestDir = "."
DestBaseFileName = "Photo01"
DestFileType = BGL
LOD = Auto
UseSourceDimensions = 1
CompressionQuality = 85
Falcon409 who also started a different thread here to help me found the problem when he told me that the bmp's have to have the proper suffix: CWAR_SU.bmp' for summer; CWAR_SP.bmp for Spring etc. with FA and WI for fall and winter. When I renamed them and recreated the seasons on the SBX they compiled correctly and resampled correctly too. Problem solved.
Ah, good to hear. It's those little thing we miss (I've done that many times), that make us scratch out head.