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P3D v4 ACM affected by P3Dv4.4 update?

Ed, I have started testing. But you can maybe help me a bit, which part of the autogen is missing? Trees, roofs, library objects? That might help me to know which file has the problem.
Hi Arno:
I´m 100% sure I´m missing trees and roofs. Not totally sure about library objects, as far as I remember, but I think I´m also missing them.
Hi Arno:
Re-installed ACM again (I had previously uninstalled it some days ago) and did the merge again. I can confirm both trees and roofs are missing, and library objects (tanks, towers, power lines, etc.) are OK in the sim.
OK, thanks. That should help debugging.

I think I have found out what went wrong. Could both of you try this beta version with a fix to see if it works correctly now?


  • AutogenConfigurationMerger.zip
    755.1 KB · Views: 470
Hi Arno:
Thanks for your new beta version. This is what I found after installing and running it:
- Installed the new ACM-beta normally, using a fresh install from a previously uninstalled version.
- First run of P3D:
I did not get the usual ACM window asking for a re-start of P3D to see the changes. After that complete P3D start-up, the trees and roofs (ORBX ones) are missing already. After shutting-down P3D I noticed that changes were made in the P3D autogen root folder.
- Put back the ORBX's definitions in the P3D autogen root folder. It's like having the P3D autogen root folder before the merge.
- Second run of P3D:
This time, I got the usual ACM window asking for a re-start of P3D to see the changes. After that complete P3D start-up without shutting-down the sim, the trees and roofs (ORBX ones) are showing OK, as expected. After shutting-down P3D I noticed that changes were made by ACM in the P3D autogen root folder.
- Third run of P3D:
After a complete start-up of P3D, the ORBX's trees and roofs are not showing.
The following are the root P3D autogen folder files before and after the merge, for you to check:
- Before the merge (ORBX's world): https://www.dropbox.com/s/6uqjylzg96tf5sf/Autogen P3D folder - Before merge (ORBX world).rar?dl=0
- After the ACM merge: https://www.dropbox.com/s/uo6sz4r96wlbykp/Autogen P3D folder - After merge.rar?dl=0
I continue using P3Dv4.3.
Hope this is not confusing. I'm available to continue testing upon your requests. In case of doubts please let me know.
Thanks again, Ed
OK, I'll have another look tonight.

I had a first look at the files, but some of the changes are as you would expect the merging to happen.

Does France VFR deliver their scenery with these configuration files and ACM? Because for ACM to work best the custom autogen should only include the definitions for that specific addon, this file looks much more than that.
Hi Arno:
Don´t know how to answer your question. The FranceVFR definitions were originally downloaded from their website (they have them freely available from their site, named Autogen Global X).
For my system, since I´ll be upgrading to P3Dv4.4 really soon (need to find a free time to do it), I will have a fresh set of P3D default definitions, I will run FTX Central, etc., and after re-installing your latest released ACM, I will try the merge again and see what happens and report back to you.
Keep in touch.
Cheers, Ed
Hi Ed,

OK, so ACM is not part of the France VFR product, but you are trying to use it to merge them with the Orbx ones.

I think it worked by accident in the old version, but now that I fixed some bugs in the merge order it doesn't seem to work anymore.

Now that I look more closely at the different definitions both Orbx and France VFR seem to contain definitions from various addons. And the order in which they are present is not consistent. So if you try to merge these it depends on the order of merging which result you get. For optimal result that custom definitions in an addon scenery should only contain those definitions that have been added by that addon.

See the ACM manual as well, where it is explained why it is a back idea to include definitions from other addons within an addon. I'm afraid these issues are an example of such problems.
OK, so ACM is not part of the France VFR product, but you are trying to use it to merge them with the Orbx ones.

That´s correct!.

Now that I look more closely at the different definitions both Orbx and France VFR seem to contain definitions from various addons. And the order in which they are present is not consistent

The only addons that I have are: ORBX, FranceVFR and another one that injects trees everywhere named TerraFlora, from Turbulent Designs). I don´t really know if TerraFlora install definitions also on the default files or over the ORBX modified ones, but I suppose they do it. When I apply FTX Central I can see all trees from ORBX (HD Trees Global) and the TerraFlora vegetation, as well as all the roofs (from ORBX autogen), but I loose all definitions from FranceVFR, that´s why I was tryind to use ACM to merge both (1) ORBX-TerraFlora and (2) FranceVFR.

I´ll try this again from the beginning with P3Dv4.4 once I finally do the upgrade, as I said before, and will report my findings back to you.

Thanks for your excellent support. Top notch!. Keep in touch.

Cheers, Ed
So Arno, is the issue Ed is experiencing here is because FranceVFR is injecting more than just their own agn files in order to work with Orbx or is it because Ed is trying to? Should we still test this latest, unreleased ACM version you did for Ed or stick with the latest released version (the same one you created for us). I call it the ACM "bottom" version since it adds entries to the bottom of the file. Guess I should get the version numbers we are talking about.

We can still test this version above posted, or wait, or whatever you would like.

I would still use the latest version I posted in this thread. I did fix a bug in there, if the first entry of the file you are merging is replacing an existing definition it was not inserted in the right location. So that's fix in the latest build.

FranceVFR is not using ACM natively, so they are not injecting any definitions, unless a user by himself put their complete definition package in an autogen subfolder. Since they are a complete set, the results are really undefined and largely depend on the merging order.
1. On your Downloadpage are "The last version of Autogen Configuration Merger is 1.1.6531.37127, which you can download here. "

I think the New Version is 1.2.6949.36366 or is it the Beta Version 1.2.6949.37585
I use P3D V4.4

2. How can i restore the my P3DV4.4 after Autogen Merger is running. Only copy back the Files in the autogen Folder,
or is the Merger nothing changing at the P3D Files.

Sorry about my bad englisch writing

1. I forgot to update the version number on the download page. I'll correct that this evening.

2. If you want to restore the autogen configuration to the status before ACM ran, just copy the backup folder into the FS autogen folder.
Arno, we started testing your latest version. I am getting reports the previous version would create a folder called scenerydesign.org. and place the ACM.exe file in there. This version does not. It installs the ACM.exe file where ever you have chosen... no folder.
Arno, we started testing your latest version. I am getting reports the previous version would create a folder called scenerydesign.org. and place the ACM.exe file in there. This version does not. It installs the ACM.exe file where ever you have chosen... no folder.

I didn't touch the installation code. In the previous build it would also install in the folder you point it to, no scenerydesign.org folder is added automatically. But the default location is "program files\scenerydesign.org\autogenconfigurationmerger".