• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

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P3D v5 BGL not working

I have 4 BGL files not working with P3Dv5.3 sim. Tested each one at a time individually and the sim stops working forcing me to kill via Task Manager. Tried with ModelConverterX_160 converting to MDL and then to BGL saving as FSX, P3Dv4.5 etc.
Original BGL files came from AFCAD and using MCX to save the BGL. The original didn't work neither. If I load the AFCAD the sim stops working as well.
Here the original AFCAD and the BGL I need tom get them work with the sim.
I want to point out the P3Dv4.5 sim has CTD randomly with those files.
I appreciate if someone can fix them.


  • need2fix.zip
    352.4 KB · Views: 93
  • VEBD_ADEX_simfly.zip
    527.3 KB · Views: 88

I have moved this question into a new thread, as reviving a 12 year old thread for a new question is in general not the best thing to do.

At first look the BGL file looks normal. But are you saying that P3D crashes/locks up with both the original file and the one you have converted? Because in that case the cause might be somewhere else.
I don't understand, AFCAD does not handle 3D objects.
Looking at the file names I guess AFCAD is actually ADE here.
Thanks, got it. People sometimes use AFCAD as a generic term for an airport BGL file but the correct term is AFD, I believe. AFCAD is a specific program.