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What do you mean by nothing appears... what are you expecting to appear?
Can you show what the fsx.cfg shows now?
<Name>Traffic Toolbox</Name>
<Path>C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D SDK 1.4.4747.0\Environment Kit\Traffic Toolbox SDK\traffictoolbox.dll</Path>
<Name>Object Placement Tool</Name>
<Path>C:\Program Files (x86)\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D SDK 1.4.4747.0\Mission Creation Kit\Object_Placement.dll</Path>
My suggestions is to post your FSX.cfg, DLL.xml and EXE.xml here on this Forum, so someone can have a look at the definitions, otherwise it will be difficult just by guessing to determine the Problem!
It has been mentioned several times on this thread that you should download the Prepar3D SDK 1.4.4747.0 from this site and install that one. It is not obvious to us if you have followed those suggestions!
Looking at you configuration files, I could not find any Errors, strange so far. Everything looks okay from the distance, although I dont know FSX-SE. I would suggest you the following proceeding:
If not, then it will be impossible to determine your Problem from the distance, something is strange in that case and has to do something with your Setup somewhere!
- Install SimConfigBackup from the link I described somewhere above, if not done already so.
- Backup all your configuration files with SimConfigBackup, carefully checking that you catch all the files as desribed on the Website of SimConfigBackup (by Peter Rosendahl).
- Create a copy of "FSX.cfg" just to be 100% certain and save this copy.
- Delete "FSX.cfg".
- Start FSX-SE, this will create a new "FSX.cfg". You will have to confirm again all Gauges and Modules, but this is worth the Trial.
- See now what happens, you should see and have in the Menu-bar of FSX-SE an Menu-Option "Addons" click on that and see if you see the Modules from the SDK.
Ok, here goes nothing...
Remember to always make a back-up copy before you edit, or change, any of these files!
Also, ONLY ever use NotePad, which comes with Windoze, or NotePad++, a freeware which works very nicely for this sort of thing. ANY other program could add symbols you can't see that would mess the file up badly.
Only make ONE change at a time, then save the .cfg file off, and start FSX to check out the effect of the change.
Ensure FSX is completely and totally closed before you open the FSX.CFG file for editing.
Just a little side note: I went in and separated each heading's entries from the next heading by putting a CR (carriage return, or enter key stroke) between. Like this:
That makes it easier, for me, to locate each heading as I look for them. They're not all crowded one atop the next this way, which, for me, makes it harder to separate them out.
Here we go!
In your FSX.cfg file try these:
First, try changing the following line under the heading
It's the last entry under that heading, just before the heading [PANELS}.
Save it off, and try it. Change nothing else whatsoever. Go into a flight, and see what's shown under Addons up on the menu bar, while flying.
Another little detail that may be causing troubles:
You have 3 headings labeled
[DISPLAY.Device.NVidea etc etc etc]
Comment out the SECOND and THIRD entries. Leave the first one alone. You can either put the comment indicator in front of the two or three lines concerned, like this
OR you can delete them entirely. That means the heading and the two or three lines under each one, before the next heading shows up.
Having more than one of those headings per file can cause some interesting effects, none of which are desirable.
Another little detail that may, or may not, have anything to do with your main trouble, but which you'll probably want to correct eventually:
Under the heading
change the line
Last, but certainly not least:
Under the heading
ADD the line
This is very important. Don't skip this!
I honestly don't know that any of these changes will have any effect on your original difficulty, but they need to be made, eventually. This is as good a time as any
Let us know how "things" turn out!
Hi Robert:
A quick Google search does not seem to turn up any definitive evidence that the (somewhat) unique coding of *.EXE and *.DLL files in FSX_ Steam Edition are fully compatible with SDK Object Placement Tool (aka "OPT").
IMHO, by the time you and any would-be helpers research and troubleshoot attempts to use either the FSX Deluxe or P3Dv1.4x SDK OPT with FSX: Steam Edition, it would have been a more satisfactory expenditure of time and would result in far more stable and full-featured functionality for you to have paid the mere $ 30 US
that it costs to purchase Instant Scenery version 3.x has been recommended to you previously:
IS3 works with FS9, FSX Deluxe / Acceleration / Gold / FSX: Steam Editions, as well as with P3D v 1.4x. / 2.x / 3.x.
I wish somebody could help me out here:
I have WIN10 FSX SE on C:\SSD 500G
I bought flight1 Instant Scenery 3.
For 2 weeks I've been trying to get installed into FSX SE menu but no luck so far.
- Right click the Installer, let it install by default in C:\ProgramFiles(X86)
- Run the installer module, both path's to my FS9 and FSX are taken from registry and both are correct.
- In FS9 it works perfect
- But when I start FSX SE I get the 'incompatible message' with the 'run once' 'check online' etc. options.
- All steps ultimately end in FSX SE crash.
I've searched and searched (almost) every available post on this subject on all Sim.sites.
I've tried and copied many solutions into my setup.
- click check online
- copying DLL.XML from \Name\Appdata\Roaming\Microsoft FSX SE to FSX
- Copied DLL.XML content from other posters (I have no add-ons that require an extra item in FSX menu)
(Instant Scenery is the first one I try)
My Instant Scenery error log from today:
2020-07-05 15:24:29.599 C:\Users\Peter Bootes\AppData\Roaming\Flight1\Instant Scenery\OnlineVersionUpdate.dat
2020-07-05 15:24:29.599 data9=1
2020-07-05 15:24:49.874 C:\Users\Peter Bootes\AppData\Roaming\Flight1\Instant Scenery\OnlineVersionUpdate.dat
2020-07-05 15:24:49.875 data9=1
2020-07-05 15:25:07.379 C:\Users\Peter Bootes\AppData\Roaming\Flight1\Instant Scenery\OnlineVersionUpdate.dat
2020-07-05 15:25:07.380 data9=1
2020-07-05 15:25:13.309 FSX directory: C:\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX
2020-07-05 15:25:13.310 FSX version: 10.0.63003.0
2020-07-05 15:25:13.311 C:\Users\Peter Bootes\AppData\Roaming\Flight1\Instant Scenery\OnlineVersionUpdate.dat
2020-07-05 15:25:13.311 data9=1
2020-07-05 15:25:13.311 h=EBF70000 EC500000 EC608850 EBFB4A70 EC2F0000 EC2FEDC0 EC1D0000 EC271520 EC282530 101 6BBE3678 EB36A190
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="Windows-1252"?>
<SimBase.Document Type="Launch" version="1,0">
<Name>Instant Scenery</Name>
<Path>C:\Program Files (x86)\Instant Scenery 3\InstantSceneryFSX.dll</Path>
Some posts suggested changing changing: <ManualLoad>False</ManualLoad> into <ManualLoad>Enabled</ManualLoad>
Did this but to no effect. I just want to add some simple Default FSX objects ( fence, barn, people etc) into smaller FSX airports.
Money wise only this year I was able to update to FSX SE so I realize I'm a bit behind affairs.
ubotes- copying XML.DLL from \Name\Appdata\Roaming\Microsoft FSX SE to FSX