Hi Don:
I was looking this info over again today to refresh my memory on what it was dealing with in regards to RWY Heading parameter values in SCASM source code having an impact on FSX SP2 performance.
This is just a "
shot in the dark" (pun intended
), but I noted that an associated FS run time display anomaly accompanying the FPS hit was reported to be SCASM "
So I thought it might merit mentioning this linked thread again as a possible avenue to be explored in your ongoing efforts to fully utilize SCASM lights in MSFS SP2 and P3D 2.x in
I found it intriguing that
Jim Vile mentioned he was able to change the run time anomalies seen when displaying such SCASM-coded BGLs (with "incorrect" Headings in the SCASM source code) when he stated:
you have to turn off Aircraft cast shadows in the (FSX SP2) Display Options (DX9)"
The FS2004 AI Planes ported over to FSX become invisible and the only thing that shows are the aircraft lights."
When the OP of that same thread above wrote the wiki on that topic here at FSDeveloper, he stated:
SCASM created runways have the problem that FSX/P3D AI traffic (with FS2004 native models) disappear when the "Ground cast scenery shadows" is activated in the preferences. No workaround exists at the moment.
AI Traffic with FSX native model does not suffer of this problem."
lights associated with a SCASM RWY display as
"too big" ...and legacy AI aircraft 'disappears'.
This anomaly can also be seen in FS9 with Multi-player aircraft (essentially another instance of AI aircraft) on certain legacy coded FS2002 or FS004 sceneries (
ex: on the RWY in LAGO's Georender "
Darrington" when "Ground Shadows" are left globally
enabled in the FS9 GUI (despite the author's caveat in "The Manual" ...to disable them.
One might wonder whether this anomaly can also be eliminated in one's source code by utilizing a "Suppress Shadow" technique in legacy aircraft MDLs being used (obviously impractical to do), or alternatively via use of obscure SCASM / ASM "tweaks" in
scenery coding ...as you discussed here:
...and as (others) discussed in this thread:
In the case of P3Dv2.x, this thread discussing aircraft shadow display anomalies raised some questions about cause / effect / how to
prevent such aircraft shadow display anomalies ...with Ground Polygons:
Since IIRC, P3D's Tesselation reportedly "breaks" DrawCall Batching, and also causes Effect display positioning (offset) anomalies, one might wonder if here are other associated code 'work-arounds' that work in FSX SP2 which might be further tried for P3D ...to achieve consistent display without performance penalties or other "gotchas" when using
SCASM-coded Ground Polygons, RWYs, and lights ?
Some other hits on the subject of aircraft shadows:
https://www.google.com/#q=Aircraft cast shadows
PS: I'll have to refresh my memory on how you and Arno are coding G-Polys via your respective methods, but perhaps the info in this thread might merit further consideration with regards to how one "textures" SCASM objects:
For some reason 'TexPoly' on TexPoly works fine but VertexList on TexPoly causes flickers."
NOTE: IIUC, the above posted description of "flickers" infers that the cited SCASM "TexPoly" method may have used "Points" (deprecated for FS200x versions) to define vertices when creating Ground Polygons.
A FSDeveloper wiki shows a SCASM code tweak for flickering Ground Polygons created using "points":
The SCASM online docs state that
VertexList replaces the "Point" command for FS200x:
"VertexList( 0 <vertex_0> ... <vertex_n> )
This command replaces the old Point command. All values are floating points."
Of additional note is that objects defined using VertexList can be "Scaled" via an additional Transform_Mat() command, and have a "Normal vector" which can be used for color shading.
An alternate input format to define the 'Normal Vector' requires a <elevation angle> and <heading angle>; I presume that the latter "<heading angle>" should properly be entered as a Floating Point (aka "non-integer") parameter 'value' ...subject to the same considerations of Degree range formatting as already discussed above for RWY heading to minimize risk for FS run time dispaly anomalies and/or performance issues:
NOTE: Interestingly, with TexPoly, both Brightness and Color shading can also be done via (accompanying) TexPolyShading:
This instruction sets the shading intensity of building bitmaps (side#.R8) in conjunction with textured polygons ( TexPoly( ) ).
This shading requires a special prepared bitmap file with 8 areas one for each of the 8 intensity steps).
and a special prepared bitmap file with 8 areas (one for each of the 8 intensity steps)."
still supports
*.R8 texture files, and has 138 such default FS files:
* 8 of which are named in a "side#.r8" series
...and as you may already know:
* 10 of which are named in a "runway0#.r8" series
FYI: IIRC, Richard Goldstein (author of the "Georenders" and many other excellent legacy-coded sceneries) once stated that when SCASM "
TexPoly" methods were used, there was virtually "
no limit" as to the resolution of textures which could be displayed in FS at run time (despite limits otherwise imposed on (FS2Kx) texture display resolution via 'default' FS SDK methods using
ex: Resample).
Hope this info might help a bit more with successfully implementing SCASM coded lights.
PPS: All the above pertains to MSFS DirectX-9, and P3D DirectX-11 (or the new DirectX-10 mode option).
One might wonder if "Shader mods" might be applicable for fixing such anomalies with DirectX-9 in a manner comparable to what apparently is being achieved to fix anomalies with DirectX-10 ?