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Compilation error, probably because of Orphan ILS


I've been working with LFPG airport in ADE for a while. I have repositioned the runways and deleted the current ILS's and created new ILS approaches to these runways. I was at the time I compiled this unaware that I were going to face a problem about orphan ILS. Yes, I have read one thread about this, but what I mean is the difference now is that I doesent have any XML file to delete this duplicate ILS in any way.

Here's just one error. There are about 4 errors which are the same as this one, just for other runways:
ERROR: version = 9.0
ERROR: <Airport
ERROR: country = France
ERROR: city = Paris
ERROR: name = Charles-de-Gaulle
ERROR: lat = 49.0097224339843
ERROR: lon = 2.54777759313583
ERROR: alt = 391.998F
ERROR: magvar = 2
ERROR: trafficScalar = 0.7
ERROR: airportTestRadius = 5000.0M
ERROR: ident = LFPG
ERROR: <Runway
ERROR: lat = 49.0547188132077
ERROR: lon = 2.54777759313582
ERROR: alt = 391.998F
ERROR: surface = WATER
ERROR: transparent = FALSE
ERROR: heading = 87.2293460053155
ERROR: length = 1.0M
ERROR: width = 1.0M
ERROR: designator = W
ERROR: patternAltitude = 0.0F
ERROR: primaryTakeoff = NO
ERROR: primaryLanding = NO
ERROR: primaryPattern = LEFT
ERROR: secondaryTakeoff = NO
ERROR: secondaryLanding = NO
ERROR: secondaryPattern = LEFT
ERROR: lat = 49.0547188132077
ERROR: lon = 2.54777759313582
ERROR: alt = 391.998F
ERROR: heading = 87.2293460053155
ERROR: frequency = 108.000
ERROR: range = 0.0N
ERROR: magvar = 2
ERROR: ident = GLE
ERROR: width = 0
ERROR: backCourse = FALSE
INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR: #C2024: Failed to process closing element tag <Ils> near line 17710!


    524.7 KB · Views: 169
I have fixed the dimensions of the orphaned runway, it would not compile at first, but i ticked the force skip compile button. I think problem is fixed now, thank you for support.


  • Screenshot_11.png
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What you don't show is the actual compiler error but you mention that the errors aew duplicate VOR/ILS : GLE, DSU and GAU I see that you orphaned these and then recreated them somehow. It's not clear to me how this came about. However I am able to get past the compiler errors. Do you have a ProKey?
Hi Jon, I had a similar problem in FS9. I use 1.76.6715 (Pro) and I opened an Airport from Bgl.
To get rid of an stock ILS, I orphaned it. Now I got the "red rectangle" in the lower left corner.
After clicking it I could see the orphaned runway was exactly 1m width. I clicked "Fix" and rhe runway was 1.1m.
(My settings were "Dimensions Meter")
I think there can be several errors here but as I recall ADE sets the orphan runway to the acceptable minimum size for the compiler. However if the fix adds a bit then my memory is playing tricks on me again :)
I have fixed the dimensions of the orphaned runway, it would not compile at first, but i ticked the force skip compile button. I think problem is fixed now, thank you for support.
That explains it. It doesn't compile so you don't see errors :duck:
forcing skip compile is a bad idea, you are telling ADE not to compile it.
I ran another test with Settings: Dimension= Feet and all went fine (runway had 4ft length and width).
So your memory wasnt playing tricks :)