Debug DLLs, only Release (not Debug) version starting
Unmanaged code / C++ / VS2010: I am trying to get a simple .dll (e.g as here) running in FSX. Since I do not see the expected result, I try to debug the whole thing - which somehow is very tedious for me.
Any hints are appreciated? Is there some debug setting I can activate?
Result 1:
The functions seem to be invoked if I compile as release version, but not if I compile as debug version. What could be the cause for this?
Unmanaged code / C++ / VS2010: I am trying to get a simple .dll (e.g as here) running in FSX. Since I do not see the expected result, I try to debug the whole thing - which somehow is very tedious for me.
- Q1) How can I tell at all, that the dll is even started? Is writing to a log file the only option, or where would some stdout information go? The only thing I've notice is that particular "trusted dll question" (regarding my dll) when starting FSX. But then I am lost .
See Result 1 below - Q2) Has someone ever attached the VS2010 remote debugger to FSX? I can not set a breakpoint, because my symbols are not loaded. I have placed my symbol file in virtually every place it would make sense: in the dll path, in FSX root path, in the modules dir .
- Q3) My dll.cfg file contains <DllStartName>module_init</DllStartName <DllStopName>module_deinit</DllStopName>. Also the dll contains DllMain, DllStart, and DllStop. None of these functions seems to be invoked, any idea why? I also wonder why the documentation is featuring this <DllStart|StopName>, and none of my external dll are using this.
Any hints are appreciated? Is there some debug setting I can activate?
Result 1:
The functions seem to be invoked if I compile as release version, but not if I compile as debug version. What could be the cause for this?
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