• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

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Decompiling BGL files

I found BGL2KML and opened a bgl file with it but it tells me -
Cannot Read File Format. (File not Created by BglComp).

Is there a bgl file decompiler which will decompile other bgl files eg files which were not created by bglcomp?

I have a BGL file created by AIBTC and I just want to look at the code generated as the ai boat is not doing what I expect.
I assume you mean BGL2XML? Perhaps if you post the file we can take a look at it. If the file is pre FS9 then it will not be made with BglComp. Something like BglAnalyze might read it. However there are some bgl files not created by BglComp. For example traffic files or terrain files.
Thanks Jon
Sorry a senior moment with the spelling - YES BGL2XML

YES the file is a traffic file and so that must be the reason.

I tried BGLAnalyze and it too gave a similar error.

I know that AIBTC will convert a (boat) traffic file to the required input files to compile to a bgl but I was hoping to get a file such as an XML file so that I can attempt to work out what causes a boat to start facing in a particular direction, if that is possible.

I have attached the bgl file



  • trafficSecheltBoats.bgl
    2.8 KB · Views: 540
Last edited:
I don't know anything about traffic files but hopefully someone will be able to help