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Effects placed using SDK instr not visible?

Seriously, I'm about to Elvis my monitor :cool:

I've spent countless hours now meticulously placing an effect file using the method outlined in the SDK. I'm able to place a ramp spotlight effect with a y-offset of 55 (ft or m I don't know). The effect previews beautifully in P3d (v4.1). I save the fx file, have generated an xml file and converted it to bgl, moved both to the main effects folder and an add-on scenery folder for the lighting bgl.

Problem is, the sim launches and nothing is visible. Loading the fx I just created in the fx tool previews correctly, so why won't the bgl created bring in the effects?

Couple questions that may reveal self-inflicted issues:

  1. Using the FX tool, I'm in slew mode and create a light that is static, etc, but in order to make it preview correctly I set it to an offset of 65 in the y axis.
  2. Having saved the fx, does the fx itself get inserted at 0 AGL since its light source is +65 y? I tried creating the light at 0 and recompiling with the effect at +65 AGL with no succes.
  3. In the FX tool, pitch is 90 to point the light straight down (counter intuitive to the diagram in the SDK). Is this an issue then with the xml for the effects being a 0,0 pitch/bank?
  4. Lifetime in the Light 1 Emitter section confuses me- .50 seems to be a default, but is this limiting the spotlight in some way?
What's strange is that one in every ten times I load the sim I will momentarily see the dynamic lights illuminating the AI, then they go dark. I'm at the point where I'm not sure it's my eye or the effects are really there and just being suppressed somehow, but the simple steps in the SDK don't work for me.

Ready to raise the white flag.....

Here is the "Do Effect" shot. Is my effect timing out instantly or something similar?

KMEM Flood Torture.PNG
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Thanks Gary, will do when at home. I'm also wondering if the effects bgl needs to be in a higher priority scenery folder/level. I've tried adding it as a separate scenery entry, as well as adding it to the scenery folder of the host airport (neither worked).

Update- below is the text of my light effect for the preview above:

XML source:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1" ?>
<FSData version="9.0" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="bglcomp.xsd">

<SceneryObject lat="35.066775705" lon="-89.983588652" alt="0" pitch="0" bank="0" heading="0" altitudeIsAgl="TRUE" imageComplexity="NORMAL">
<Effect effectName="DD_KMEM_Cargo_Flood_65YoFF" effectParams="DUSK=1;NIGHT=1;DAWN=1" />

FX File:

[Library Effect]
Display Name=DD_KMEM_Cargo_Flood


Lifetime=0.50, 0.50
Delay=0.00, 0.00
Rate=1.00, 1.00
X Emitter Velocity=0.00, 0.00
Y Emitter Velocity=0.00, 0.00
Z Emitter Velocity=0.00, 0.00
Drag=0.00, 0.00
X Particle Velocity=0.00, 0.00
Y Particle Velocity=0.00, 0.00
Z Particle Velocity=0.00, 0.00
X Rotation=0.00, 0.00
Y Rotation=0.00, 0.00
Z Rotation=0.00, 0.00
X Offset=0.00, 0.00
Y Offset=65.00, 65.00
Z Offset=0.00, 0.00
Pitch=90.00, 90.00
Bank=0.00, 0.00
Heading=0.00, 0.00

Lifetime=0.00, 0.00
X Scale=125.00, 125.00
Y Scale=0.00, 0.00
Z Scale=0.00, 0.00
X Scale Rate=0.00, 0.00
Y Scale Rate=0.00, 0.00
Z Scale Rate=0.00, 0.00
Drag=0.00, 0.00
Color Rate=0.00, 0.00
X Offset=0.00, 0.00
Y Offset=0.00, 0.00
Z Offset=0.00, 0.00
Fade In=0.00, 0.00
Fade Out=0.00, 0.00
Face=0, 0, 0

Color Start=0, 0, 0, 0
Color End=255, 255, 255, 45
X Scale Goal=0.00
Y Scale Goal=0.00
Z Scale Goal=0.00
Falloff Exponent=1.50
Inner Cone Angle=70.00
Outer Cone Angle=90.00
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The Special Effects Tool (aka "VisualFxTool.dll" in FSX SDK) can preview a *.Fx file independent of any placement parameters otherwise applicable via the XML placement code compiled by BGLComp into a BGL. :idea:

All *.Fx files should be kept within the \Effects sub-folder chain of FSX (and presumably in a equivalent P3DV4.x folder as well). :pushpin:

The *.Fx file name (without file extension) must be explicitly "called" via XML placement code compiled by BGLComp into a BGL. :alert:

FYI: You may wish to refer to the (sound-specific) Effect *.Fx coding format used by rhumbaflappy in this worked example:


IIUC, in your posted example above, it appears the *.Fx file name is DD_KMEM_Cargo_Flood, but the *.Fx file name (without file extension) explicitly "called" by XML placement code compiled via BGLComp into a BGL is: :redflag:


BTW: You may also wish to test this *.Fx file functionality using Arno's "FxEditor" utility (also accessible via MCX)



I plan to test a FSX version of this *.FX code and placement BGL today, to verify functionality in FS at run time. ;)

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HI Gary, thanks for the input and your willingness to assist. I did confirm the disparity in the fx file name and the "friendly name" listed in the fx file itself- In the FX tool in P3d the name option I entered has the _65oFF removed (this just reminds me of the 65 Y axis offset) but it does in fact create the correctly named _65Yoff.fx file in the effects folder.

I'm more and more convinced that I have a conflicting scenery object that's suppressing my bgl, as I've been able to see the lights momentarily during the scenery load before they vanish. I've used the standard scenery addition method for the airport and the lights so as to have control over the scenery order in the config to no avail; I have an idea about using the add-on.xml in the KMEM scenery folder to force my lights to be above the other contents using the xml method to re-add KMEM. Will try that this eve (PST so perfectly opposite your time zone I think :cool:)
Hi again:

While it is possible to exclude Effects by a specific targeted option in a BGLComp Exclusion Rectangle, Instant Scenery "Labels" feature configured to reveal such Exclusions from "All Loaded / Active BGLs" does not show such an Exclusion Rectangle present under the Effect in question at the FSX default KMEM object placement Geographic coordinates.

Thus, it may be practical to initially address some other issues with Effect placement on a priority basis. ;)

I forgot to mention a caveat for placing Effects (2) times to implement EffectParams for different periods of a day: :duck:


FYI: I am testing the above *.Fx file; it does display in FSX via the Special Effects Tool, but not via BGL placement.

I will try to edit the above BGLComp XML for a (2)x placement with differing EffectParams; will re-test and advise . :coffee:


That is odd ! :yikes:

Now the Effect does not show in FSX via Special Effects Tool or the BGLComp placement BGL.

I'll have to refresh my memory on some of the obscure "gotchas" with Effect display via Special Effect Tool later. :scratchch


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Thanks Gary, I'm still away from my pc but at least good to know it's behaving oddly and I need not question my sanity (well, at least not over this!)
I had a fire/smoke effect I was using for a campfire in one of my sceneries. When I initially built the scenery for FSX and P3Dv2 I used the XML placement method you listed above to place the effect. However, upon recently checking compatibility with P3Dv4, I noticed that this effect no longer showed up. My workaround was to attach the effect directly to the model in Model Converter X. It has worked without issue since then.
So, had some success (finally!). The only way I was able to get my lights to appear was to add them to the add-on.xml in the KMEM FSDT MyDocuments folder (the default FSDT install method). Doing this seems to have finally forced them to a higher level than the rest of the airport scenery.

Now some tweaking of the intensity (lower probably by half) and color temps. The cones are the built-in scenery so can't be removed, but it didn't look right to me with dark aircraft parked under them, so the Fedex ramp finally looks like a more realistic night scene (still get fps in the high 30's).

Hi again:

Congratulations ! :)

IMHO, it would still be helpful to better understand what issues involving FSDT exclude rectangles and/or scenery object Arae layer display priority at KMEM, prevented display of your Effects, versus a "hell-bent-and-determined" LM-P3Dv4.x draconian predilection for not allowing us to render our Effects unless we use their XML add-on installation protocol (...and/or compelling us to use 3D MDL AttachPoints rather than BGLComp XML placement).

BTW: I now see that this thread is related to the topics discussed in the recent prior thread here:


It will be interesting to see if this type of Effect object can be properly implemented and displayed in FSX, or if it is only able to be displayed in P3Dv4.x.

I have some memory-refreshing and tinkering to do when I can get some more free time to explore this further. :coffee:

FYI: I have discovered that due to a quirk in functionality of Special Effects Tool (aka "VisualFxTool.dll" in FSX SDK), I was not actually displaying your object, by rather a prior object last displayed from many months ago. :eek:

I also have not yet been able to display your object (as coded above) within Arno's "FxEditor" utility (also accessible via MCX)


Have you personally been able to display your Effect object (as coded above) within Arno's "FxEditor" utility ? :scratchch

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Hi Gary, strangely I get an unhandled exception error in FxEditor (latest Dev release - "Object reference not set to an instance of an object") when I try to render the effect in night mode. Tried several that I created via the P3d SDK and same result. I AM able to open standard .fx files that were stock P3d. Strange...

Btw, I was able to use ADE to place effects I created to light the ramps at PGUM v4, so the issues at KMEM are certainly related to that scenery's config.

Hi Gary, strangely I get an unhandled exception error in FxEditor (latest Dev release - "Object reference not set to an instance of an object") when I try to render the effect in night mode. Tried several that I created via the P3d SDK and same result. I AM able to open standard .fx files that were stock P3d. Strange...

Thanks for following up on this issue with current functionality of Arno's FxEditor utility.

Although he has thus far been able to replicate 'most' of what we would see via the Windows DirectX rendering sub-system of MSFS and P3Dv2&3 using OpenGL, he has acknowledged there are some things still to be developed.

That said, I believe he would appreciate a more detailed report on the error you described above to be posted as a separate thread in the FxEditor sub-forum, if you would be so kind as to do that when you have some time available. :)



Btw, I was able to use ADE to place effects I created to light the ramps at PGUM v4, so the issues at KMEM are certainly related to that scenery's config.

Indeed, it seems that FSDT did place a BGLComp-XML-type "Exclusion Rectangle" that incidentally does target Effects, and which covers the location where your worked example effect was also placed above, via this file:

[FSDT install path]\Addon Manager\Fsdreamteam\KMEM\scenery\KMEM_ADEX_FSDT.BGL. :pushpin:





+ at top left marks location of the user aircraft in FSX / ADE where your worked example effect is also placed as cited above.

That explains part of what you reported above at FSDT KMEM with regard to *.Fx display issues. ;)


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