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FSX FXEditor portability

Thanks Arno,
I was thinking about creating a software to work on the effects for a long time because I found no tutorial.
Unfortunately I code extremely slowly.
But you did it!
Thanks again.

Ps: the software is it "portable"

What do you mean with the software being portable?
Hi Arno,
it's a French term I guess.
This is the case of software that works in a USB key and does not need installation.
What is interesting is that it can be used on a locked computer.
I use this kind of software (an editor to program) when I leave all week and I don't have my pc.
For Fxeditor, can it work without FSX, without installation and without administrator permissions?
Often I code myself (very small things as a multiple object placement tool for FSX) to get there.
I just gave it a try, it will miss the access to the textures.
I am attaching a photo.
But already I can work.
Have a good day


  • testFxEditorportabilité.jpg
    44.1 KB · Views: 165
Its good,
you just have to put all the files in the same folder (I copy the Effect file from FSX)
There are alert messages for the configuration but it is nothing.

My tools don't need admin rights or use an installer. So they are quite portable. But as you found out they might need a FS installation for some features.