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The Fairey Swordfish includes a gauge to simulate the LSO or Landing Signals Officer with the familiar paddles we have all seen in the movies especially olf ones like "Dive Bomber" or "Wing And A Prayer" WWII classics from Hollywood.

I have the creators permission to modify the gauge to the changes between the USN and RN LSO's and share it which I will do. The USN LSO uses a "WAVEOFF" or rejected landing go around signal of waving the paddles over his head. I have been able to modify the other bmp's which are all static no problem. I don't know if or how to include an animated bmp for the Waveoff. Can anyone help me? How could it be done and included in the code.

Here is the existing code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <Descr>AceXML Document</Descr>
    <SimGauge.Gauge id="LSO">
        <Element id="Element">
            <Image id="Backdrop.bmp" Name="Backdrop.bmp">
        <Element id="Element">
            <Visibility>-0.5 0.5 (L:GS_Deviation, number) rng (L:IsFlashTime, bool) 1 == &amp;&amp; -1 1 (L:CentreLine_Deviation, number) rng (L:IsFlashTime, bool) 0 ==  &amp;&amp; ||</Visibility>
            <Image id="Roger_OK.bmp" Name="Roger_OK.bmp">
        <Element id="Element">
            <Visibility>(L:GS_Deviation, number) 1.0 &gt; (L:IsFlashTime, bool) 1 ==  &amp;&amp;</Visibility>           
            <Image id="waveoff.bmp" Name="waveoff.bmp">
        <Element id="Element">
            <Visibility>(L:GS_Deviation, number) -0.5 &lt; (L:IsFlashTime, bool) 1 == &amp;&amp;</Visibility>           
            <Image id="Low_climb.bmp" Name="Low_climb.bmp">
        <Element id="Element">
            <Visibility>(L:GS_Deviation, number) 0.5 &gt; (L:IsFlashTime, bool) 1 ==  &amp;&amp;</Visibility>           
            <Image id="High_descend.bmp" Name="High_descend.bmp">
        <Element id="Element">
            <Visibility>(L:CentreLine_Deviation, number) 1 &gt; (L:IsFlashTime, bool) 0 == &amp;&amp;</Visibility>           
            <Image id="Tighten_turn.bmp" Name="Tighten_turn.bmp">
        <Element id="Element">
            <Image id="Body.bmp" Name="Body.bmp">


BTW if anyone can rewrite this for me in FS9/FSX XML NOT ACES XML ( I tried with the P3D SDK and didn't understand it all I could do was open it in the ACES.exe) so that is is simpler. I read a post that most of you don't use ACES more complicated coding.

Thank you all in advance for coming to the rescue


  • LSO_USN.zip
    225.8 KB · Views: 106
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you can try this as a straight replacement.

Done in amateur XML

I have absolutely no way of testing it.

Some of the arms may well be misplaced and might need tidying up.

I had no idea how fast the LSO waved his arms on a waveoff, calmly or in a frantic fashion. This guy is laid back...



  • LSO_USN.zip
    227.3 KB · Views: 77
I apologise, I left a test variable in the gauge.

Here is the gauge without that variable.



  • LSO_USN.zip
    227.3 KB · Views: 106
Thank you Walter. I had almost given up on anyone answering my plea. I will try it out and let you know. I will try and find a video example of how frantic he waved his arms if I can.
I did, thanks, not a job for the faint-hearted! Did you try the gauge out? Did it work? I can not remember how fast the arms in the gauge worked on a wave off. I think they may have been a little slow, if so that is easily fixed. Let me know if anything needs fixing.

I am going to test it out today. Yesterday was just too busy a day...I will comment later and see how fast/slow the waveoff arms work. Thank you again for all your work. Another question. The Paddles gauge is positioned in the aircraft canopy but never changes size as the aircraft approaches the carrier. Is there a way for it to start out small and then get larger as it approaches? Or like the IFLOLS which is part of the carrier, can the Paddles gauge be attached to the carrier? I know I keep getting more complicated.
No problem. Your LSO, standing out there at the bow of the carrier, buffeted by massive winds and drenched to the bone, wracked with pain from holding his arms out straight to the side in the Roger (OK) position for so many hours and your Swordfish not even in sight yet, understands that real life must come first!

Back to real life, neither of your further wishes are within my compass of expertise...

Seems a little inappropriate for the aircraft, I'd say


  • B737.jpg
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Yes that is what it looks like in the cockpit though landing a 737 on the flightdeck even of a Nimitz may be a bit far fetched LOL! It probably would have to be modeled into the carrier in Blender or GMax I would think in retrospect which is way beyond me. Thank you. I will use it like it is and am testing in AICarriers right now and back with the result.
I tried to use the Paddles yesterday and neither version worked. Then I remembered that there is another part or gauge that is a proximity gauge for the carrier. Paddles didn't recognize the carrier so now I have to go back to the original Swordfish gauge xml code and see what I missed and see if I can fix it to work. After three tries I finally get AICarrier to cooperate and then end up disappointed with the guy just stationary with outstretched arms. Phooey!!!!!!! More later.
It might be worth your while trying to display the values of the L:Vars being passed to your LSO gauge. Some other gauge is creating values for those variables.

(L:GS_Deviation, number)
(L:CentreLine_Deviation, number)
(L:IsFlashTime, bool)

I would display those values instead of the LSO animations to show the gauges are in fact interacting.

Looking at a guy with arms outstretched can be quite exhausting...

There is a file (attached) that belongs in the panel which I have added but not had a chance to test how it works. I am also going back to the source for their description of how it works for the Swordfish. In FSX I had to have the Swordfish completely installed to get it to work. We'll see.
I decided to try the original package. I installed the Swordfish into P3D V4.5 perfectly. I started at Ocean Isle airport then slewed the aircraft with the map offshore at 3700 feet and 90 knots. I am having issues with aicarrier that when it first positions the carrier almost immediately it goes to 4800 miles away and I have to delete it and start over but usually the second time it's ok. So I positioned the Enterprise 5 miles ahead and forward at 25 knots and almost as soon as I viewed it the "batman" appeared and he guided me all the way in with no waveoff I got on deck. At 55 knots there is a lot of forgiveness carrier landing the Swordfish. NOW I will leave the Swordfish installed and transfer the "batman" gauge to a USN aircraft and see how he works with the FDO xml gauge. Maybe tomorrow after church or else Monday afternoon. I'll update you. I guess I just got ahead of myself. If "batman" works in my Grumman F3F then I will put our gauge in and see if it works with the Swordfish in the hanger.
This just doesn't work in anything but the Swordfish and I am at a loss why. I just substituted the original Swordfish gauge into the F3F and it doesn't work so I want to thank you for all your time and effort and I am through wasting any more of your time or mine on it. It's very disappointing. There must be something in the Swordfish model that is not in any other mdl. I'm off to my MJC Dash 8 Q400 and something I understand and can fly. It's no fun at all when the sim doesn't work like it's supposed to. This is a hobby for fun not frustration. It isn't the first thing I wanted to do that didn't work and I am sure will not be the last. Agaiin thank you. I saved all my carrier files and our paddles files for the future. I almost go back to stuff. I flew the MJC when it first came out five years ago and am back again with a different airline and area.
Now that is a bit of a shame. Always disappointing to have to abandon a project unfinished. Good to hear that you have saved all the files. Perhaps, some day, as you are landing your Dash 8 on a tricky runway in dicey weather and with one engine out, sweat running down your face and back, you might get a flashback to your Paddles problem and think about how every carrier landing was just like this, and the longing will come back on you to try the project all over again... :)
I agree. It has happened to me before. I think they call that "ADHD", LOL! When in school they just said that I didn't pay close enough attention or didn't apply myself well enough or something like that until Educators coined it. Thank you again for all your help with this and have a very Happy Christmas if we don't talk again before the holidays.

As the saying goes: "I gave it one last ol' college try" a bit ago by putting the swordfish panel which includes the original files and bmp's into the F3F; put the F3F out over the ocean; activated aicarrier's Enterprise CV6 and then flew the pattern. The "batman" never appeared and when I opened him up with the [shift]3 all he did was stand there so I am going on the premise that it only works with the Swordfish in P3D V4.5. I thought back a few years ago that I got it to work in FSX in other aircraft and remembered that the Swordfish package had to be in simobjects but that didn't make any difference, so I am just chalking this up to one of those "OH WELL" experiences. Just in case it's the AH F3F combo that is the problem, I am waiting for A.F. Scrubbs to finish converting the CFS2 into FSX and P3D V4 native models. I will install the real swordfish panel into that and try just one more time. I will give you the results of that experiment. If that works, then it's the AH F3F conflict. We shall see. Again thank you for all your time.
