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MSFS20 Scenery Creation Is Not For Me

I would like to learn something about scenery creation so I started to follow detailed instructions in three or four tutorials on the subject, one after the other, of course. I am a newbie at this but I am used to working with files and I know I should be able to get a scenery project done.

Unfortunately, in every tutorial I have tried to follow, there was always a spot where I bogged down. I am tempted to say this was because the author was not precise enough in his description of the steps but I cannot in good conscience say this because, at the end of every tutorial, there were comments from people who had succeeded in creating the project in question.

So it had to be something else, but what? Here’s an example:

I began a tutorial called ‘A step by step scenery creation’. I read through it a couple of times then started my project. Soon, however, I came across the following 10-line section of text:

2) Creation of a new project
[DevMode]>New project
Project Folder : C:\Users\My-user-name\Documents\MyFSProjects (unchanged)
Project Name : BuildingProject01
Output dir : .\Compiled Package Output (I create this folder in the explorer prompt that shows up upon clicking on the "..." button, to prevent file confusion from my part after compilation)

>In the project editor>"Project" tab, I save.
BuildingProject01.xml is created in ..\MyFSProject

So, I duly clicked ‘New Project’ in DevMode, I then filled in the Project Folder line exactly as above (but entering Joseph as my own user name) then, for the Project Name, I entered ‘BuildingProject01.

I ran into trouble with the next line, ‘Output dir :.\Compiled Package Output’. The author states he created a folder with that name in the Explorer prompt he got after clicking the three dots but, when I clicked the dots and my Explorer window came up, I could not see any place where I could create such a folder.

Experienced Scenery Creation enthusiasts apparently had no problem finding or creating ‘Output dir:.\ but I found myself unable to proceed past this point because, either a) I lack experience or b) the tutorial was not clear on what steps have to be followed to create the folder ‘Output dir:.\’ or on where it is located.

I tackled a couple of other tutorials on scenery creation but, try as I may, I was always unable to finish. In one case, my problem was that I was unable to get my polygon to ‘rotate’ properly and, as a result, my ‘building’ tilted on its end instead of rotating. No matter what I did, the building refused to stay flat on the ground as it was being turned and lined up. (I realize this was not the tutorial author’s fault but I was nevertheless unable to proceed from there and despite all my research on the web, I could not find a satisfactory explanation for my polygon’s odd ‘rotation’ behavior.)

I appreciate all the work the authors had to do to prepare their tutorials and I thank them without hesitation. Their work could certainly not have been easy. If I was more proficient, I would get the three or four tutorials that I read opened side by side and I would make a new one encompassing EVERY item, from EVERY tutorial, going for utmost completeness. I would then ask a scenery novice to begin a project and, as he worked using this revamped tutorial, I would follow along , paying a lot of attention to see exactly where he encountered problems and why. If possible, I would look in all available tutorials to try to see where the problem lies and what needs to be done, then I would add the information to the about-to-be-finished tutorial so absolutely everything is finally explained clearly enough for the project to be completed.

Meanwhile, as this utopian scenario is not about to be realized, if any of you reading this can tell me where I should look to find and/or to create the ‘Output dir:.\ folder, I would appreciate it very much. I apologize for this rant, I thank you for any help and I wish everybody here the best during the holidays.
I think the bit which catches you out is this:
Project Folder : C:\Users\My-user-name\Documents\MyFSProjects (unchanged)
This folder could actually be anything, as long as it exists. He's chosen to place his projects in his system Documents folder, and 'My-user-name' is actually part of his system already, you can't use just any name, it is whatever actually exists. I've always had a main 'Development' folder on my data drive, by 'data' I mean not the OS drive, so mine is 'D:\Development\MFS\ then the actual project folder, which I name using my own naming convention. I normally create the project folder myself before starting the SDK tool. However there should be a 'New folder' button when File Explorer opens (under the file | Home tab), or you can right-click within the folder listing and choose 'new...folder'.

The output dir I think can just be '.\' . the single dot just tells the system to use the current folder (the project folder), and place the output folder there. The SDK will create a folder there called 'Packages' when you build the project.
I found it fairly easy to learn using Flying Theston's youtube videos. That way you can stop the vid at each step to make sure you're doing it correctly.

He is worth a look if you haven't already.

Merry Christmas


Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
I think the bit which catches you out is this:
Project Folder : C:\Users\My-user-name\Documents\MyFSProjects (unchanged)
This folder could actually be anything, as long as it exists. He's chosen to place his projects in his system Documents folder, and 'My-user-name' is actually part of his system already, you can't use just any name, it is whatever actually exists. I've always had a main 'Development' folder on my data drive, by 'data' I mean not the OS drive, so mine is 'D:\Development\MFS\ then the actual project folder, which I name using my own naming convention. I normally create the project folder myself before starting the SDK tool. However there should be a 'New folder' button when File Explorer opens (under the file | Home tab), or you can right-click within the folder listing and choose 'new...folder'.

The output dir I think can just be '.\' . the single dot just tells the system to use the current folder (the project folder), and place the output folder there. The SDK will create a folder there called 'Packages' when you build the project.
Of course, the right-click ‘New Folder’ option. Why didn’t I think of that. I’m not able to re-start the tutorial right now but I’ll get back to it soon and I should be able to create the new folder per your suggestion and carry on from there.

Thank you very much for your help.
I found it fairly easy to learn using Flying Theston's youtube videos. That way you can stop the vid at each step to make sure you're doing it correctly.

He is worth a look if you haven't already.

Merry Christmas


Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk
Yes, I know Flying Theston’s videos are good. As a matter of fact, I was using his 2nd video and I had gotten around to the 5-minute mark when I encountered my problem with ‘my inability’ to handle the polygon’s rotational action, with the attendant inability to rotate the four half-domes he was discussing in that great video.

It is certainly not Flying Theston’s fault if I was unable to proceed past this point. I think I should not even have mentioned my weird and hopefully unusual polygon episode in my original post because I know my lack of polygon handling proficiency is not at all relevant to what I was trying to depict as possibly insufficiently clear explanations in some tutorials for a novice at scenery creation such as myself.

Thank you very much for your help and Merry Christmas.
Terribly difficult. Not for the faint at heart. The product is not finished, we are being allowed to try it now and everyone is growing together with the new product. Soon the SDK will be finished and written.

If you want this, you will hang in there. If not, if you are not that interested, find something different. If you love this, dont give up. Just learn to take a break.
Terribly difficult. Not for the faint at heart. The product is not finished, we are being allowed to try it now and everyone is growing together with the new product. Soon the SDK will be finished and written.

If you want this, you will hang in there. If not, if you are not that interested, find something different. If you love this, dont give up. Just learn to take a break.
Thank you Sir. I'll hang in there.