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P3D v4 Starter for Engine - Start Button "SOLVED"

Christian Bahr

Resource contributor

For the start of the engine a button was animated and tagged with the animation tag "switch_starter". The clickspot was also tagged with "switch_starter":

The startup works. if I press the button, then the engine starts.
But stopping the engine does not work!

The goal is to be solved this way:

- I press the starter button and the engine starts. The starter button remains in position "On"
- I push the button again and the engine goes off. The starter button returns to the "off" position.

The animation of the starter button has two keys: Key 0 and Key 50:

Is there already an existing recipe in the ModeDef.xml that i can use for this idea or modify something?
Nope. Aircraft starters are not stoppers.

But you can create a custom mouse rectangle tag that does something like this:



Not sure if this'll work as is, but it should get you there.

Make the button animation depend on "(A:GENERAL ENG COMBUSTION:1,bool)" to have your start/stop button depressed when the engine is running.
An automotive ignition switch has two distinct functions, it energizes the electrical circuit to an “engine on state” and then, upon further action by the operator, it briefly energizes the starter motor. Switching off the ignition switch performs the function of shutting down.

it seems like all these steps already have existing and available corollaries. Really, all you need to do is add an off/on switch, which could be animated as a rotation of your already existing starter button and go with that, no?

We have now found a perfect solution. The start button is controlled by MAGNETO1_OFF and other variables.

Thank you for your help :)