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VC Gauge Not Display

Hi guys, I have a problem with a gauge, more specificly with a transition of text. I have a panel light that anounces about few systems on the plane. The problem is when I trying to display the text but in differents colours, green for good an orange for a something its wrong.

Frist I use this code

    <Visible>(L:BATTERY_SWITCH, bool) 1 ==</Visible>
    <Image Name="MFD-BG.bmp" ImageSizes="1024,1024" Bright="Yes"/>
            <Visible>(L:SWITCH_OXIGENO, bool) 1 ==</Visible>
            <Position X="0" Y="214"/>
                <FormattedText X="342" Y="90" Bright="Yes" Length="270" Font="tahoma" FontSize="62" Multiline="False" Color="#00FF00" Adjust="Center" HorizontalAlign="Center" VerticalAlign="Top">
        <Visible>(L:A4AR_BATTERY, enum) 1 ==</Visible>
            <Position X="0" Y="304" />
                <FormattedText X="342" Y="90" Bright="Yes" Length="270" Font="tahoma" FontSize="62" Multiline="False" Color="#00FF00" Adjust="Center" HorizontalAlign="Center" VerticalAlign="Top">
        <Visible>(L:A4AR_BATTERY, enum) 0 ==</Visible>
            <Position X="0" Y="304" />
                <FormattedText X="342" Y="90" Bright="Yes" Length="270" Font="tahoma" FontSize="62" Multiline="False" Color="#FF8800" Adjust="Center" HorizontalAlign="Center" VerticalAlign="Top">

//------- the values for the A4AR_BATTERY are gived by extra gauge which call Lvars and the values setences is

            (A:ELECTRICAL BATTERY VOLTAGE, Volt) 24 > if{
            1 (>L:A4AR_BATTERY, enum) }
            0 (>L:A4AR_BATTERY, enum) }

when begin the startup sequence, the battery switch is in the off position. Turn on the battery and green display ok, but when the battery voltage descend belows of 24, the green text disappear and the orange text not appear, when I remove the element containing the green font colour, the orange appear.
I trying to use AceXML, use the font color script, but the gauge not shows. I use a two diffrentes $textures called red a green, and Use a differents xml files and the problem still there. The fun fact is I use a adittional panel called data and in use a string to verify the states of this variables, put the logic senteces and it works fine, the text switchs between BUENA y BAJA.

        <Position X="512" Y="50" />
            <FormattedText X="250" Y="60" Bright="Yes" Length="250" Font="tahoma" FontSize="20" Multiline="False" Color="#FFFFFF" Adjust="Left" HorizontalAlign="Center" VerticalAlign="Center">
                <String>CARGA DE BATERIA:%((L:A4AR_BATTERY, enum))%{case}%{:0}BUENA%{:1}BAJA%{end}</String>

Any ideas of what its happening here?


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I cannot exactly test what you are trying to do, but in trying something slightly different I found I had to add another element for each display

    <Visible>(L:BATTERY_SWITCH, bool) 1 ==</Visible>
    <Image Name="MFD-BG.bmp" ImageSizes="1024,1024" Bright="Yes"/>
            <Visible>(L:SWITCH_OXIGENO, bool) 1 ==</Visible>
            <Position X="0" Y="214"/>
                <FormattedText X="342" Y="90" Bright="Yes" Length="270" Font="tahoma" FontSize="62" Multiline="False" Color="#00FF00" Adjust="Center" HorizontalAlign="Center" VerticalAlign="Top">
        <Visible>(L:A4AR_BATTERY, enum) 1 ==</Visible>
            <Position X="0" Y="304" />
                <FormattedText X="342" Y="90" Bright="Yes" Length="270" Font="tahoma" FontSize="62" Multiline="False" Color="#00FF00" Adjust="Center" HorizontalAlign="Center" VerticalAlign="Top">
        <Visible>(L:A4AR_BATTERY, enum) 0 ==</Visible>
            <Position X="0" Y="304" />
                <FormattedText X="342" Y="90" Bright="Yes" Length="270" Font="tahoma" FontSize="62" Multiline="False" Color="#FF8800" Adjust="Center" HorizontalAlign="Center" VerticalAlign="Top">

You could try this and see if there is a difference

Thank you men !! Its look like the elements in the same hierachy level don't support two diffrentes conditions of show or maybe because the green font(lights color) are in the same places put mask and don't lets show any other text
Your writted the codes works fine.