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Blender 2.70, Blender2FSX Tools (Video Tutorials)


Resource contributor
Hi everyone!

I have started the Blender2FSX tools video's that I told Capt_X, Kevintampa5, and Ronh that I was going to start making.

I would like to give a very large thank you to: Capt_X, KevinTampa5, Ronh, Dutcheeseblend, N4gix, Heretic, Lionheart, and Hairyspin for all of their help.

The tutorials are not how to model, they are on how to use Blender2FSX tools to produce a model with animations, VC tectures, and how to get the model to run in Flight Simulator X.

If you find time please watch the video's and let me know if I need to add something.

Thank you Krispy1001

Note: I am going very slow in the tutorials, so that a person that has never use Blender before should be able to follow the tutorials. My first video I did not know how to turn on Screencast. The second video I used Screencast.

Video Links:
first video =
second video =
Thank you very much, Krispy! Respect. :wave:

My :twocents: on Video 1: I would have suggested emphasizing the scale issue from the beginning: everything needs to have a scale of (1,1,1)! Scaling in object mode obviously changes the scale. So for objects that will be part of the final model, I avoid scaling in object mode altogether, i.e. the boxes I use for aligning the background images are deleted after use, not used for modeling. Also, the 'Root' empty is not scaled down, but rather gets a new size via the "Empty" properties Panel in the Properties window. But... If you go after all these wrong scales in the end, I will have said nothing more...:duck:That's just my way of dealing with the scale issue.

Anyhow, the soon-to-come Version 1.0 of the toolset already has a "Fix scale"-button! :stirthepo

Keep at it! I think your work is a wonderful addition to the toolset.

Edit: I just came to the beginning of Video 3 and have to retract my statement about the scale issue. Nicely done, Krispy. Looking forward to more videos...
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Hi Everyone!

Here is the link for Video 4:

Thank you very much Capt_x! But it should be me and the rest of us that should be thanking you. Because, if you did not take the time to make this incredible add-on for blender; We would still be using GMax. So the lest I can do is help others with learning to use your Blender2FSX Tools. :)

And if anyone has any comments or things they think that I am missing in the tutorials, or something that can be done easer please let me know.

Here is an outline of what I plan for the tutorials: (of coarse I may not go completely in that order).

Flight Simulator YouTube Videos
exterior model
1. Setup Blender Project file, and folder structure, start modeling body.
2. continue modeling body.
3. model wing
4. model rudder, elevator
5. model prop
6. continue modeling prop
7. model landing gear
8. continue modeling landing gear.
9. setup FSX Plane folder
10. continue setup FSX plane Folder, and test plane
11. animate prop
12. continue animation of props, and test in FSX
13. animate ailerons, and flaps
14. continue animation of ailerons, and flaps, test in FSX
15. animate rudder, and elevator
16. continue animation of rudder, and elevator, test in FSX
17. animate wheels.
18. continue animation of wheels, and test in FSX
19. begin texturing body, UV unwrap
20. continue texturing body, and test in FSX
21. texture wings, and ailerons, flaps
22. continue texture wings, ailerons, and flaps, test in FSX
23. texture rudder, elevator
24. continue texture rudder, elevator, and test in FSX
25. setup Aircraft's lights, test in FSX

Interior Model
1. Model interior model
2. continue modeling interior model
3. continue modeling interior model and test in FSX
4. model instrument cockpit panel
5. continue modeling instrument cockpit panel and test in FSX
6. model panel1 apply panel texture
7. continue modeling panel1 and apply panel texture
8. setup panel.cnf file and gauges
9. continue setup panel.cnf file and gauges, test in FSX
10. setup panel lightmaps
11. continue setup of panel lightmaps, and test in FSX
12. model chairs and texture them
13. continue modeling chairs and texturing them, test in FSX
14. model control yoke
15. continue modeling control yoke and texturing, test in fsx
16. animate control yoke, and test in FSX
17. setup aircraft cabin lights, and test in FSX
18. Fine tune model and test in FSX

So everyone can see I have a lot of video's to make.

There are a couple of areas that I am still trying to learn. animating wheels, and control rectangles used to control animated items in the VC with a mouse (Like a throttle). If anyone has any tutorials that I can read on these subjects I would appreciate it very much.


This is great. Just what I was looking for. I am also trying to learn Blender, now that there is a blender2FSX toolset- I modified mine to use the P3D SDK files.

Keep up the good work on these videos. The idea of a simple aircraft and concentrating on the technical stuff rather than how to model it is a good idea.
Krispy, nice videos! But, second video around 6:00, you can flatten the underside of the airplane by selecting all the appropriate vertices, Scale in Z direction and press 0. ;)

Great work sir!
Hi Krispy, in video 7 around the 15 min mark (measuring contact point and other info in blender), here's what I do, for example to get nose gear contact point measurements: I select the nose gear, tab into edit mode, select the lowermost vertex and then read the global position of that vertex from the Transform display on the right side of the 3D-viewport. You then have the exact measurement in feet of your contact point to enter in the aircraft.cfg.
Hi Capt_X!

Thank you, that is a very good way to do that. I will start using that on my models.

I appreciate any input that you have on anything in the video's, that you know an easer way to do it.

Krispy1001 :)
Hi Everyone!

Here is the link for Video 8:

Sorry this video is over an hour long. This video is on animating the prop.

Also remember to select your whole model and set it back to default scale just in case you forget to reset the scale on an object. I am going to do this for now on before I export my .mdl file in Blender.

I almost forgot to rescale my prob blur object for the prop0_blured, but thank goodness I rescaled the whole prop blur model. Or I would have had to redo the video.

Thank you Krispy1001
Thanks for these videos, they will be very helpful when I start making aircraft (one day I'll get there)

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Ok, found some time ;) Video 2: placing the cursor at 0,0,0 can be done easily as follows: Shift+S, Cursor to Center (and explore the other possiblities!)

By the way, the fuselage sides could both have been selected and scaled wrt X to get them correct at the blueprint. Easier and makes sure you'll maintain symmetry ;)

Incremental grabbing, rotating, and scaling (and so on) can be carried out while pressing Ctrl. Then you grab the vertices a meter or so at a time (or at higher zoom level, smaller distances).

Don't feel offended, just ole man's experiences
Thank you Dutcheeseblen!

I am not offended at all. I appreciate any advice. I have only been using Blender now for about 1 month.

Thank you, Krispy1001