Hi Humphrey:
I see Tom posted as I was still composing this reply.
FYI: Your MCX dialog title bar shows "
Mass Texture Editor"; this means you are
not using the latest version of MCX.
Please download and install the latest MCX development release:
Once the current version of MCX is installed, and all desired Options and SDK paths correctly configured:
1.) Export the edited 3D Warehouse model from Sketchup as a
*.KMZ (
NOT as a *.DAE Collada)
2.) Import that
*.KMZ into MCX
3.) MCX Icon Toolbar >
Material Editor > {
Textures} tab
top listed texture name
Press and hold down Shift Key
bottom listed texture name;
all listed textures should now be '
selected' (
...now release Shift Key)
Click: [Folder Icon] button at right of "
Texture Folder" path field (
Browse For Folder dialog opens)
(1) In
Browse For Folder dialog >
click: [
Make New Folder] button
Browse: to a target folder chain for your scenery to be output by MCX
ex: [FS install path]\Addon Scenery\
Click: [
Make New Folder] button to make a '
folder chain' ...with a top folder and (2) nested sub-folders:
Minivan_Police_Car <-
top folder
Scenery <-
Texture <-
Texture sub-folder >
click: [
OK] button
c.) Back in MCX > Icon Toolbar > Material Editor > {
Textures} tab dialog:
DDS in texture format pick-list via [scrolldown-arrrow] button at right of "
Texture Folder" path field
Click: [scrolldown-arrrow] button at right of [
Save Texture] button > in pick-list,
both of these check-boxes:
Ensure Size Power of Two
Overwrite Existing Textures
Click: [
Save Texture] button
NOTE: MCX now converts / re-format textures / updates pending MDL
internal texture data
Click: Tiny [
X] button at the top right of the MCX Material Editor dialog box (
MCX now returns to its main GUI)
4.) Back in
MCX main GUI > Icon Toolbar > Object Placement > Object Placement dialog:
Click: [
Remove] button at bottom right of placement parameter dialog section
Click: [scrolldown-arrrow] button at right of 'Map' pick-list,
Google Satellite
c.) In Search text field, enter location to be shown in Map >
click: [magnifying glass] button at right of Search field
NOTE: The Map should now move to the requested location
Click: [
Remove] button at bottom right of placement parameter dialog section
Click: [
Add] button at bottom right of placement parameter dialog section
(1) Scroll Mouse Wheel to Zoom In / Out
(2) Left Mouse click+hold > drag Red rectangle to position the 3D object at its intended location
(3) Manually set BGLComp XML placement parameter values in
Object Placement sub-dialog section as intended
Click: [
Add] button at bottom right of placement parameter sub-dialog section
NOTE: The placement parameter sub-dialog section should now
update settings for the requested location
Click: Tiny [
X] button at the top right of the MCX Material Editor dialog box (
MCX now returns to its main GUI)
5.) Back in MCX main GUI > Menu >
Export Scenery (Save As: dialog opens)
a.) In
Save As: dialog:
Browse: to a target folder chain for your scenery to be output by MCX
ex: [FS install path]\Addon Scenery\
Select: Minivan_Police_Car\
Scenery sub-folder >
click: [
OK] button
Save As Type: Choose:
FSX BGL File (*.BGL)
(3) File Name: Type-over 'file name'
(4) Click: [
Save] button
NOTE: MCX should now output a 3D MDL packaged inside a BGL along with the 3D model placement info
6.) Add the new folder chain to the top position in FS' Scenery Library GUI stack of Area layers via [Add Area] button
Verify successful 3D object placement and rendering in a slewed FS flight session at the intended location.
Let me know how this works for you.