• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

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Cannot assign right textures

Some textures were lost,which were already changed to dds files.
The folder is right,but once you click "match" nothing changed.
If trying MissingTextureFinder,it crashed when click "Search".
.MDL compiled by FSX SDK,changed from .dae skecthup output.
The Mass Texture Editor is to resize or convert the textures, not assign them to the parts. The Missing Texture Finder looks for missing textures in a library BGL file, not an MDL object file.

For that you use the Material Editor. Click on the relevant material on the left, and then scroll down to the Textures section on the right. The day texture should be the Diffuse Texture, and the night texture (if any) should be the Emissive Texture.

Hope this helps,
Hi Humphrey:

I see Tom posted as I was still composing this reply. ;)

FYI: Your MCX dialog title bar shows "Mass Texture Editor"; this means you are not using the latest version of MCX. :alert:

Please download and install the latest MCX development release: :pushpin:


Once the current version of MCX is installed, and all desired Options and SDK paths correctly configured:

1.) Export the edited 3D Warehouse model from Sketchup as a *.KMZ (NOT as a *.DAE Collada)

2.) Import that *.KMZ into MCX

3.) MCX Icon Toolbar > Material Editor > {Textures} tab

a.) Click: top listed texture name

(1) Press and hold down Shift Key

(2) Click: bottom listed texture name; all listed textures should now be 'selected' (...now release Shift Key)

b.) Click: [Folder Icon] button at right of "Texture Folder" path field (Browse For Folder dialog opens)

(1) In Browse For Folder dialog > click: [Make New Folder] button

(2) Browse: to a target folder chain for your scenery to be output by MCX ex: [FS install path]\Addon Scenery\

(3) Click: [Make New Folder] button to make a 'folder chain' ...with a top folder and (2) nested sub-folders: ex:

Minivan_Police_Car <- top folder
|_Scenery <- sub-folder
|_Texture <- sub-folder

(4) Select: Minivan_Police_Car\Texture sub-folder > click: [OK] button

c.) Back in MCX > Icon Toolbar > Material Editor > {Textures} tab dialog:

(1) Choose: DDS in texture format pick-list via [scrolldown-arrrow] button at right of "Texture Folder" path field

(2) Click: [scrolldown-arrrow] button at right of [Save Texture] button > in pick-list, check: both of these check-boxes:

* Ensure Size Power of Two

* Overwrite Existing Textures

(3) Click: [Save Texture] button

NOTE: MCX now converts / re-format textures / updates pending MDL internal texture data

(4) Click: Tiny [X] button at the top right of the MCX Material Editor dialog box (MCX now returns to its main GUI)

4.) Back in MCX main GUI > Icon Toolbar > Object Placement > Object Placement dialog:

a.) Click: [Remove] button at bottom right of placement parameter dialog section

b.) Click: [scrolldown-arrrow] button at right of 'Map' pick-list, choose: ex: Google Satellite

c.) In Search text field, enter location to be shown in Map > click: [magnifying glass] button at right of Search field

NOTE: The Map should now move to the requested location

d.) Click: [Remove] button at bottom right of placement parameter dialog section

e.) Click: [Add] button at bottom right of placement parameter dialog section

(1) Scroll Mouse Wheel to Zoom In / Out

(2) Left Mouse click+hold > drag Red rectangle to position the 3D object at its intended location

(3) Manually set BGLComp XML placement parameter values in Object Placement sub-dialog section as intended

f.) Click: [Add] button at bottom right of placement parameter sub-dialog section

NOTE: The placement parameter sub-dialog section should now update settings for the requested location

g,) Click: Tiny [X] button at the top right of the MCX Material Editor dialog box (MCX now returns to its main GUI)

5.) Back in MCX main GUI > Menu > Export Scenery (Save As: dialog opens)

a.) In Save As: dialog:

(1) Browse: to a target folder chain for your scenery to be output by MCX ex: [FS install path]\Addon Scenery\

(a) Select: Minivan_Police_Car\Scenery sub-folder > click: [OK] button

(2) Save As Type: Choose: FSX BGL File (*.BGL)

(3) File Name: Type-over 'file name' ex: Minivan_Police_Car.BGL

(4) Click: [Save] button

NOTE: MCX should now output a 3D MDL packaged inside a BGL along with the 3D model placement info

6.) Add the new folder chain to the top position in FS' Scenery Library GUI stack of Area layers via [Add Area] button

Verify successful 3D object placement and rendering in a slewed FS flight session at the intended location.

Let me know how this works for you. :)

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