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MSFS20 EHEH - Eindhoven Airport

After the release of LLER I started a new project of EHEH, Eindhoven Airport, it's been one month since I started the work so this is where I'm standing right now (think I have enough material to post here in the first post of this project)
the modeling is progressing and I also created a projected mesh for the airport, so I will keep you here updated about the progress and hope to deliver the same quality as in LLER

So as you may recognize, this is the terminal building in it's current composition (will all the expensions in the past years) with the Tulip hotel on top of it
the exterior model is almost done and I'm working on the interior, hope to start texturing it soon



the this is the Multi purpose Building \ P1

The P4 parking building

and this is some of the buildings that near the terminal (Have more objects but this two already got textures on them)
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So it's been one month since I publish my first post about EHEH, it's been a little quiet here but the work progressed on my side, so here the progress that have been done during this month


the overall progress is that now I'm trying to move with the objects I have information about, while collection more info about the other objects like the terminal that you saw in the firs post.
I'm trying to finish all the objects near the apron on the civilian are and after that start working on the ground poly in hope to finish it and place the objects that you can see in this post.
so in the photo below you see what have been done (green=done, yellow=in progress, orange=not started)
I also have 3 more pages with all orange but the page you see in this post has the most objected and the most detailed one so hopefully that will go faster after this one.
also I think that after finishing the building marked here I will add more building that seen from the airport
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thank you
I used a png image of a dirt over the windows itself
Yea that is next level, I don't recall ever seeing that before. The subtle dirt over the walls of the older buildings is excellent too, I've been doing that as well on some of my buildings but didn't put as much effort into it, yours looks fantastic.
thank you
I used a png image of a dirt over the windows itself
Did you experiment much with glass decals in the sim itself, and if so, I'd be curious what you found works best for the cleanest solution and least flickers.

I think the glass material itself doesn't take any textures correct? What I would do is duplicate the face of the glass material and add the decal texture to it, without even offsetting it. Is that what you do or do you offset it, create a new object etc.?
Would this be available also for P3D?
There is an option to make it to P3D because the base model can be converted also to P3D but it depends on the rime It gonna take

Did you experiment much with glass decals in the sim itself, and if so, I'd be curious what you found works best for the cleanest solution and least flickers.

I think the glass material itself doesn't take any textures correct? What I would do is duplicate the face of the glass material and add the decal texture to it, without even offsetting it. Is that what you do or do you offset it, create a new object etc.?
the glass dirt/shading is an object' a PNG texture that I made (you need to work on the alpha channel in photoshop so it will be supported in the simulator as it should be
and the object is offset from the glass material itself by 2-5 cm
I used it in LLER scenery and that how it looks in the simulator

There is an option to make it to P3D because the base model can be converted also to P3D but it depends on the rime It gonna take

the glass dirt/shading is an object' a PNG texture that I made (you need to work on the alpha channel in photoshop so it will be supported in the simulator as it should be
and the object is offset from the glass material itself by 2-5 cm
I used it in LLER scenery and that how it looks in the simulator
View attachment 91772

View attachment 917736

So you prefer creating a different offset object rather than a different face in the same object? I still haven't figured out when we get flickering exactly. Much of the time I don't get any flicker if the copied "dirt" face is not offset and relatively simple. But then if you have "auto merge verticies" enabled in Blender maybe you can lose those faces if you do any modifications and they're part of the same object, I have yet to find out. I use auto merge most of the time to keep the geometry clean.

It looks really great, I don't recall seeing that effect before so kudos if you are the first to use this.
There is an option to make it to P3D because the base model can be converted also to P3D but it depends on the rime It gonna take

the glass dirt/shading is an object' a PNG texture that I made (you need to work on the alpha channel in photoshop so it will be supported in the simulator as it should be
and the object is offset from the glass material itself by 2-5 cm
I used it in LLER scenery and that how it looks in the simulator
View attachment 91772

View attachment 917736
It would be nice to have it in P3D! :D Hope that would be possible

Looking forward to the positive news!
the glass dirt/shading is an object' a PNG texture that I made (you need to work on the alpha channel in photoshop so it will be supported in the simulator as it should be
and the object is offset from the glass material itself by 2-5 cm
I used it in LLER scenery and that how it looks in the simulator
View attachment 91772

I was messing around with this effect and it shows up OK in Blender but again, I can't get a decal to show up in front of a window in MSFS, it's just not showing up at all if it's in front of a "Glass" material. I reported a similar issue before:

When you say "you need to work on the alpha channel in photoshop" do you mean that I have do add an extra (4th) channel to the image before exporting the PNG as opposed to simply exporting a RGB image with a transparent background? I believe that's what I've been doing and these decals work fine on walls, but don't show up on windows.

In the other thread I mentioned that my workaround for a "mesh" with holes in it was to use a "MSFS Standard" material with alpha mode "Mask", but I don't think that produces smooth alpha blending across the whole window.

I'm also getting warnings about my PNG files missing Asobo extensions and I think Mamu posted a fix for that (going to Shading and select the first option in the gltf node), although it appears to be a harmless warning anyway, I'm not sure if it's related.
So it been another month into the development and now it's the right time to show you the progress I made with EHEH - Eindhoven airport scenery during this time period.
I hoped that my progress could be more significant in the amount of models I could finish during this time but on the other hand I have been working on large objects that took more time.
also when I look at the progress plan it's look like 50% of the objects has been modeled (also note that it can be changed because I'm adding more objects to the list on the go)

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Looks great. What made you pick EHEH as a project by the way?
thank you, my decision to go on EHEH was made by statistics, after LLER I saw that most of the customers come from western Europe and north America (excluding the local customers that take 50% of the sales)
So I start looking into statistics, basically used Vatsim statistics to look into airport with high demand, I was looking into Asia Middle east and Africa, all of the airports I piked had a potential but the distance from Europe will lower the demand.
also It impotent to avoid airports that previously had a developer for P3D/XP and somehow I came across EHEH that I saw it have a very high traffic movement. So why not? I learn a lot after LLER and hopfuly will learn even more after EHEH
I had a good look on my PC and I noticed the textures on the rooftop and other things I missed before. I don't think I've ever seen any better texturing: no sight of a repeating pattern, how each rooftop is darker around the edges, the individual drip marks under each window, individual bottom/top dirt at the doors... Your work sets a new standard.

Are you planning on putting as much care into the runways? Do you plan to make a huge aerial image?
thanks, and I can write here how the roof is made, it a combination of seamless (high-res) texture and aerial image
at first I put a material for the face I want to make a texture, in this case the roof, after that I converting this material into a texture so it get the shape of the roof

and after this I'm sending the texture into Photoshop

the next step is to paint black (new layer) the empty spaces

and now place the aerial imagery and clean it (things like smoke release hatches, AC and more)


and now I'm adding the seamless texture of the bitumen roof (I'm trying to align them with the layout of the aerial image' you can see the border of each bitumen sheet, so I'm trying to align with them)
also I'm duplicating this group, and playing with opacity and filtering so I get the result that I want

and the last thing, I'm painting a shape over the roof and make it inadvisable (0% fill) this way you can apply inner shadow with out making it disappear when when you compare it to opacity)
this will darken the edges of the roof

and now I'm saving the texture and it override the texture in the model and this is how it look

and yes, I will use high res texture with opacity over an aerial image for the runway/aprone and taxiways
Thanks. So you basically have a full unique texture for each entire roof? I normally use tiling textures and put a dirt decal on top in Blender. I would have though that using a full unique texture for the roof of each building might be unmanageable, if you have them all 4K. I imagine for very large buildings the texture is either quite large or you give up some detail up close? But from a reasonable distance this "bespoke texture" method looks the most realistic I'm sure.

> I will use high res texture with opacity over an aerial image for the runway/aprone and taxiways

What do you mean by high res texture with opacity? Do you mean semi-transparent aprons with generic Asobo asphalt materials, and partly showing the aerial image underneath for large-scale variation?