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I"m sure there is an easier way to place taxi line...

The surfaces that GP creates are so much better than the default FSX...

Unfortunately, I've found no way for the taxi lines or parking lines to show through the ground polys. I think I re-read the manual pretty carefully last night, and searched the forum.

For taxiways, I just make a very narrow taxi path in ADE, then overlay a GP line--single or double taxi line--with a 20-100 ft border of asphalt, or concrete, or whatever. That works pretty well.

But on aprons, etc.. I've come up with nothing better than endlessly trying to match a line to the path created in ADE. Last night I got frustrated and went back to the ADE apron, add the parking spots and connect--pretty easy!! But then I'm left with the FSX default textures.

Don--your spoiling me and killing me!!!

Am I missing something (again)?

Is there, or could there be, a way to create a GP line that follows the taxi way lines and apron lines--kind of like using the taxi path as a helper shape from which to create a line... Then I could place the line 5 clicks above the gp and....

An alternative I've wondered of--almost heresy on this forum---Products like REX4 claim to replace default FSX textures with "much better ones" (the look very nice on their website) at "default" FSX airports. Do they apply the improved textures to ADE modified airports (I suspect the answer is no and I guess this second thought should be in the ADE thread line).

Nice ground textures without all the other fun stuff we add to our airports would not amount to much.

Anyway, main question is of taxi lines/apron lines.
Well interesting. I think the issue is mine rather than Dons since it is the ADE design engine that generates the lines that are then turned into GP lines and polys. I do not think it would be too hard to use a piece of taxiway or an apron edge to create a GP line. The issue would be where smooth lines such as junctions are needed. I do have it on the list to create other helpers including a bezier curve (pretty much what is used to create junctions and curved markings) but it is not in place yet.
Is there a way to create some kind of path in ADE when moving your aircraft in FS? In AFCAD you could press period (to add a node) or o (to add a parking spot) while in FS to mark your position. If you could do this in ADE (perhaps placing Markers?), then transferring shapes from FS to ADE would not be so difficult. I did look at the manual, but couldn't find anything about this.

Yes Tom

If you have a ProKey then you can use the same keys as for AFCAD and create taxiways etc.

I had forgotten to reinstall ProKey after I did an ADE reinstall for a different reason. Works fine now. This would be a relatively easy way to transfer shape information from FS to ADE - just place nodes as markers, then use them in ADE to create the GP line.

Is there a manual for the ProKey features? I can't find it in the ProKey download. All I can find is a list of features on the ProKey web page.


They do tend to be referred to in the main manual and/or supplementary manual(s) with ProKey required against them. If there is a specific ProKey feature you want information on then let me know

I can find no mention of the period and o keys in the Keyboard section of the manual, for example. I don't have any other questions at the moment, but I'll let you know. :)
I'll check Tom - I suspect it is in the 1.50 supplementary manual :oops: