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Library Creator XML 3.0

I think I could add an option to add all objects in a specific folder. Would that work for you?

Absolutely !

The ideal is setting up a project folder and having the tools "build" the library.

I understand your ideal, but I don't want Library Creator XML to force people to work in a certain way. It should remain a flexible tool that fits many ways of working.

The current option to just add multiple (all files in a folder) MDL files at ones does not work as good for you as adding a folder?
I'll confess, that I find it quicker once the xml template is built, to manually edit it and add a new filename as each new model is built.

(This is for FSX libraries of course)

I then usually compile the library via a batch file ....

just a production thing.

I can keep doing that, of course.

I have one request. Like hcornea I often make the XML files myself, since I like my format (the one created by GMAX) better than the one that Library Creator makes (it's neater with everything lined up vertically because the mdl names are listed last). So I would then like Library Creator to make the EZ-Scenery text file *without* compiling the BGL file. Could that be added as a menu item?


You can export a GUID listing from the tools menu, that's the same as the EZ-Scenery file.

I had a look at the possibility to add an option to open FS2004 MDL files in MDL Tweaker II directly from Library Creator XML. Unfortunately it is not possible to add this function, since MDL Tweaker II does not take a file as parameter while starting it.

I have now added the option to edit a GUID. Also I fixed a bug in the replace MDL function, for FS2004 objects the GUID is now preserved.
Hi Arno!

Thanks for the great tool. I'm using it now since weeks. Works very fine.

One tiny issue I have. When I create a brand new library, I save it giving the xml and bgl file name. Than I work further on the same library, if I want to save it again the program does not remember for the file names. Only if I re-open the library.

One more wish :) : When I do GUID listing of an FS9 library, the list contains the GUID's only. Is it possible to add the mdl's name? In case of FSX library it lists the friendly name which is fine.

Thank you!

Merry christmas to all of you!

One tiny issue I have. When I create a brand new library, I save it giving the xml and bgl file name. Than I work further on the same library, if I want to save it again the program does not remember for the file names. Only if I re-open the library.

OK, let me check. It should do so in both cases.

One more wish :) : When I do GUID listing of an FS9 library, the list contains the GUID's only. Is it possible to add the mdl's name? In case of FSX library it lists the friendly name which is fine.

It should use the MDL file names, without extension, for a FS2004 library. Let me check what goes wrong there.

I have fixed both issues now, so if you get the next development release it should be working.
FS9 library for SBuilder

Hi all,
Just to let you know that a beta version of Library Creator XML 3.0 is now available.......

:) Hi Arno, and first of all thanks for your great work.
I'd like to use this package to reduce the time in development of the scenery work I'm doing, that will have 17th sceneries at last, and will repeat several objects on it (mainly houses). The goal will be create a library for SBuilder use, by GMax and with textures already present on FS9/Texture default folder.
Now, I provide extra houses (where autogen is disable by closed objects) by Generic Building system, obtaining bgl files compiled from XML source.
This procedure takes me some time that I'd like to reduce.
some questions:
- can I put the bgl file of the obtained library in an activated addon scenery folder?
- It does not need any texture in addition to the default ones already in FS9/Texture folder?
:) I thank you in advance waiting for your kind reply
best regards
;) Aldo

- can I put the bgl file of the obtained library in an activated addon scenery folder?

Yes, you normally put the library BGL in the scenery folder of the project that it belongs to. Only if the library is used in many addons, it is better to place it in a special libraries scenery folder.

- It does not need any texture in addition to the default ones already in FS9/Texture folder?

Correct, if it only uses default textures, the sim will find them.


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Is there a way to keep the nice mdl names? (FS9 user)

I always get
libname.bgl 001,
libname.bgl 002,
libname.bgl 003,

and so on...

in ADE9.
No, those are not saved in the BGL file. It would be nice if ADE read the txt file that sometimes accompanies library BGL files, but AFAIK it does not.
Hi all,

Just to let you know that a beta version of Library Creator XML 3.0 is now available. It is part of the development releases package of my tools.

This new version has the following changes:
  • New user interface
  • Simplified saving (XML and BGL saved from same place)
  • Option to load a MDL from Library Creator XML into ModelConverterX

The changes I made now also will allow me to add support for reading BGL files soon. And I also have plans for more integration with ModelConverterX.

Arno, I suspect the obvious question may have already been asked, so dont shoot the messenger, but would like to know if there are plans to support P3Dv3? And in the mean time, can / should I point to the P3Dv2 bglcomp or ??

Thanks for a FANTASTIC piece of work...it REALLY helps the neophyte like me!

As far as I know there is no difference between the P3D v2 and v3 BGLComp compilers. So there is no need for Library Creator XML to see them as two different versions. If such differences appear in the future they will be supported as different versions.
Is there a way to keep the nice mdl names? (FS9 user)

I always get
libname.bgl 001,
libname.bgl 002,
libname.bgl 003,
Ten years after the same problem.

Now I habe a solution:
I create "single model libs" and name the lib like the model name :)

So I can add them in ADE and find them by the nice model name ...