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P3Dv4 Dynamic Lighting

There's a reference to it in the effects section, if you search that for dynamic it tells you which panel on the effects tool makes it a dynamic light.
I don't think it's effects because I took the plane Baron as example he only has an effect that is fx_landing.fx and this effect if placed alone does not make the dynamic effect as does the plane, only the normal effect, there's something else more.
Is this worth it? I have heard this hurts performance terribly. If you bake your own textures you would get the same result with no performance penalty. Of course if this is a moving vehicle perhaps, but a lamp, or multiple lamps etc.

The videos look nice, but its not revolutionary per se. IMHO
Yes, unfortunately there are no examples and details.. the SDK is very poorly describes it. I'll be glad if someone could share how to add dynamic light. There is a very long list of effects.. But how do they support dynamic lights, difficult to understand.
I have always hate the Idea of effect since FS9 for unprecise and rather annoying method of placing with script but also the for the resource hug that can take on framerate.
Now with this SDK you can play about this new light to see the preview of those follow this guide:

copy the Visual Effects Tool folder inside SDK to to the default add-on packages folder, found here:C:\Users\XXXXX\Documents\Prepar3D v4 Add-ons
You will find the tool on the P3DV4 menu then open the effect of fx_ForestFire.fx change value following the link above SDK->Modeling->Special Effects and clear the fire particle and add a Light and check Spot Light and change the value at your taste.
I belive that soon or later some one will post the magic value.
I play for fun until my framerate descend below 7 FPS
Here sperimental dynamic light on light pole:

Anyone else noticed the landing light in external view now lights up the VC by default? When the light is set back from the cockpit.
I just used the default Landing lights effect attached it to an object and I got this 'dynamic light'.
here an example of light, play with value as much you want then save it as an effect and attach to a cube in a modeling software.


  • Light.jpg
    286.7 KB · Views: 5,679

Max-Liea or simbiosi, can you provide details?

It's possible to configure the direction and aperture of the light?

I'm producing freeware scenarios and there is not time because of my personal work. I already provided several scenarios but I would like to improve them.

Max-Liea or simbiosi, can you provide details?

It's possible to configure the direction and aperture of the light?

I'm producing freeware scenarios and there is not time because of my personal work. I already provided several scenarios but I would like to improve them.


Have spent the last days, among other things, something to experiment with the new light effects of P3DV4. First results:


Picture 1: Different light sources with different color values create a pleasant atmosphere


Picture 2: Also the windsack has got a lighting. The red lights emit even the light


Basically, it is normal fx files that have been slightly modified. If you use the fx files "attached" then you can also adjust the angle of the light.
Nice. Please show us how its done.

As simbiosi made it: FX Tool loaded in P3DV4, created / modified an effect. The effect then saved and with the help of the AttachPoint tool from the SDK the effect attached to my 3-D model, see picture:


Picture: 3-D Modell of a detailed and animated windsock with various attach points
FX Tool loaded in P3DV4, I have created a new effect


sequence ---- New --- Insert Light and compile data of effect, static, scale of PHI on ground, color night (for light angle check spot light and assign value to angle inner and outer.

On 3dsmax


Stick the effect as usual

Sorry for my english.

For me 10 Fps and it does not add anything to existing sceneries unless you start changing all the light effects.
As for user 'vehicles', well, in a lit up airport at night you will not see much difference. If you go out into the bush bush that may be handy but I do not think that it is worthwhile in a complex airport scenery because it does not affect AI (AFAIK).

PS: By the way, Christian, your taxi lights show up too far as well!