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FSX [SOLVED] Auto Engine Cranking - Issue

Dear FSX experts,

I have recently bought the following FSX panel for:

Boeing 777: http://www.npsimpanel.net/b777-300-deluxe
Airbus Deluxe: http://www.npsimpanel.net/airbus-series-fsx-1

Overall is a nice panel, except the following issue, I am faced with:

1) Whenever I load / create an IFR plan and start the flight. the engine starts to crank-up automatically and keeps cranking until I manually flip the below marked knob from "Norm" to "Con" and then back to "Norm". (See below the marked area - Click it to enlarge)

2) As mentioned on very many FSX forums, I switched off the "Auto Start" and everything else (Dark Start) saved the flight, checked "make it default" option, but still each time I start the flight, its the same issue as if my saved setting gets reset. Once again, I need to perform the knob action from point "1" above.

3) The above is also the issue with Airbus panels.

4) This is not the case with my default FSX panels.

Please can anyone help me in fixing this issue? Do not know where to start looking into? Do I need into the related Gauge ".cab" file / Panel.cfg file / Aircraft.cfg file?

The developers manuals do not give specific anything in this context:

Boeing 777: Manual
Airbus Delux: Short Haul Manual / Long Haul Manual

Thanking you all in advance.

Best regards,
Contact the developer and ask him/her to remove the autostart function or at least make it optional.
Hi Heretic,

I have done it, no response yet. Is there a way for me to edit it myself?

Thanks in advance...

Best regards,
Well, find the XML file in the .cab that deals with engine starts. Sounds simple, but remember that there are 345893425934258973458973425873425 ways to acocmplish this and that you need to know what you're looking for ((>K:TOGGLE_STARTER[number]) or (>K:TOGGLE_ALL_STARTERS) or (>K:ENGINE_AUTO_START)).
Hi Heretic,

Thanks for the help and hint.

I found the following script lines in the overheadpanel .xml file. Now what should change to remove the autostart function or at least make it optional?

Thanks in advance...

Best regards,

For Engine 1:

<MouseArea id="Engine Start 1 GRD-FLT">
<MouseArea id="Eng Start 1DEC">
<MouseClick id="MouseClick">
<Script>(L:Eng Start 1,bool) -- s0 -2 &gt; if{ l0 (&gt;L:Eng Start 1,bool) } 1 (&gt;K:TOGGLE_STARTER1)</Script>
<MouseArea id="Eng Start 1INC">
<MouseClick id="MouseClick">
<Script>(L:Eng Start 1,bool) ++ s0 2 &lt; if{ l0 (&gt;L:Eng Start 1,bool) }</Script>
<Tooltip id="Tooltip">
<MouseArea id="Engine Start">
<MouseClick id="MouseClick">
<Script>(L:Eng Start,number) ++ 2 % (&gt;L:Eng Start,number) 1 (&gt;K:ENGINE_AUTO_START)</Script>
<Tooltip id="Tooltip">

For Engine 2:

<MouseArea id="Engine Start 2 GRD-FLT">
<MouseArea id="Eng Start 2DEC">
<MouseClick id="MouseClick">
<Script>(L:Eng Start 2,bool) -- s0 -2 &gt; if{ l0 (&gt;L:Eng Start 2,bool) } 1 (&gt;K:TOGGLE_STARTER2)</Script>
<MouseArea id="Eng Start 2INC">
<MouseClick id="MouseClick">
<Script>(L:Eng Start 2,bool) ++ s0 2 &lt; if{ l0 (&gt;L:Eng Start 2,bool) }</Script>
<Tooltip id="Tooltip">
This does not induce an automatic start on its own as <MouseArea> code blocks are only executed upon interacting with the mouse.

You need to dig deeper.
I think I found it Heretic. Please can you take a look and comment.

<Filename>B777 Main Panel.xml</Filename>
<SimGauge.Gauge id="Main Panel" ArtDirectory=".">
<Update id="Update">
(L:Init1) 0 == if{
1 (&gt;L:Nav Display Switch1, bool) (* Map *)
-1 (&gt;L:Vor1 Adf1 select, bool)
-1 (&gt;L:Vor2 Adf2 select, bool)
1 (&gt;L:DC Volts Selector,number)
1 (&gt;L:Select N1 SET, enum)

-1 (&gt;L:CTR Display Mode2, bool)
1 (&gt;L:Init1)
<Macro id="c" Name="c">
<Macro id="g" Name="g">
<Macro id="TOOLTIP_ID" Name="TOOLTIP_ID">
<Macro id="Macro" Name="ROUND_DIAL">
Yep, looks like it. Deactivate the lines marked in blueby commenting them out. Like this:

<!-- 1 (&gt;K:TOGGLE_STARTER1)
1 (&gt;K:TOGGLE_STARTER2) -->
Yep, it does. But even if the closing backet was present, the starters would be toggled.
It doesn't work without it. At least not as intended. Since the "wrapper" is broken, the content of the initialization routine is executed during every gauge update cycle, which would lead to switches automatically resetting to the state specified in this routine, despite having clicked then just earlier.

But since starters in FSX are, unlike the kickstarters in FS9, toggle switches, a properly coded initialization routine would still toggle them once before the routine ends.
Excuse me for butting in here, isn't that if statement missing a closing }?

Yes, but in this specific case it is not needed and the script will execute as intended by its author.

It doesn't work without it. At least not as intended. Since the "wrapper" is broken, the content of the initialization routine is executed during every gauge update cycle,

No, the script will execute only once, as expected. Closing brackets are not mandatory when there is no els{} involved and the conditional sentence goes up to the end of the <Update> tag.

No, the script will execute only once, as expected. Closing brackets are not mandatory when there is no els{} involved and the conditional sentence goes up to the end of the <Update> tag.

That's news to me. Never would have thought that a parser that gets a hiccup when there's a "°" somewhere in the gauge accepts a non-closing bracket.
I'll file left out closing brackets under "shoddy coding" though.
Yep, looks like it. Deactivate the lines marked in blueby commenting them out. Like this:

<!-- 1 (&gt;K:TOGGLE_STARTER1)
1 (&gt;K:TOGGLE_STARTER2) -->

Dear Heretic,

Sorry for my late response... I have successfully implemented your recommended corrections. and it works great.

Thanks a lot once again.