Flight Files (FSX)

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Placeholder for content and structure of Flight Files (.FLT).


This document describes the format of flight (.FLT) files, which are used when a session is saved off, often to be loaded again later on.

Flight files can be amended after they are saved off and before reloading, or applications can be developed that output flight files in the correct format that can then be used as input to the simulation.

When a flight file is saved off, two (or three, if a mission is being saved) other files are saved off also, with the same filename but different extension.

  • .WX file contains Metar data for the world's weather.
  • .FSSAVE file contains information for the Windows Vista Game Explorer.
  • .SPB file contains the current state of a mission.

If the .WX weather file is not present, the simulation will simply use default weather.
If the .FSSAVE file is not present obviously the saved game will not appear in the Vista Game Explorer.
If the .SPB file is not present for a saved mission the simulation may well exhibit some strange behavior.
In other words, the .WX and .FSSAVE files are optional for both missions and free flight, the .SPB file is required for missions.

An application that creates flight files to initiate the simulation in a certain state
has the option of providing either just the flight file, or a flight file with an associated .XML or .SPB mission file.

Creating just a flight file is simpler, but the mission system does add more options -- such as the easy addition of objects to the simulated world.
Refer to the Mission Creation documentation for details on creating mission files.


MSDN - ESP - Flight Files - Details their structure & content.
Note - Document is for ESP, not all properties may be applicable to FSX.




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