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HTML5 JS gauge P3Dv5 VC display

Anyone has an idea how to display HTML gauge on Virtual Cockpit using panel.cfg ?
How to make specific entry for this in [VcockpitXX] section to call it ?

For 2D [WindowXX] is not a problem, html gauge shows normally...

SDK says this:

  1. Add the HTML_FILE property (file name with extension) to a [WINDOW] or [VCOCKPIT] entry in the panel.cfg
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I believe the gauge surface coordinates are set by the VC modeller in tools like 3DSMax etc. Without that, your only option may have to be trial and error.
Thank you, but this doesn't help neither...
I still wondering what could be do cause of not showing it on Virtual Cockpit...
Ernie already explained. Honest. If the 3D model doesn't have the VC entries mapped into a texture in the model's design, nothing will display.
Well, thanks... but I'm not sure you understand me completely.

This is my input in Panel.cfg


HTML_FILE=testjava.html, 10,10,200,400

And besides that it's still not visible in Virtual Cockpit
As the others have already said;

It does not matter what you do in the config, unless you make some surface geometry inside the interior 3D model.
This surface must be mapped with your $Background texture (BMP). The material parameter must be set to "is virtual cockpit panel texture".

Then you must export your model to include these changes.

You can inspect the model using ModelConverterX. Your $Background should look like a checkerboard.
Tnx a lot...
$Background is applied on 3D model but HTML5 gauge doesn't won't to render on 3D... for some reason... or I'm still doing something wrong in Panel.cfg... ?
Did anyone actually managed to do it ?

Gauge HTML code is fine... I'm seeing it on 2D panel regularly...
Sorry not beeing able to help. HTML/java gauges in P3D is uncharted territory for me.

But I am not sure what the first parameter in your config is doing for you?

Try to comment it out. //file=Background.bmp

I have only used that for 2D panels, not in the VC. If you need it as backdrop for your gauge, convert to a DDS and put it in your main texture folder. Not in the panels folder.
Hi conver,

I successfully integrated HTML gauge in the virtual cockpit.
It's really not easy...

My approach is to first create an airplane model in 3DsMax and set a virtual texture at the position of the panel.

You can refer to this:

Please note that the sticker needs to be named $xxxx !!!
Only in this way, your HTML gauge can appear in the desired position in your virtual cockpit.
Thank you for your detailed replay WesleyLu!
Are you able to show me your Panel.cfg entry for HTML gauge on VC ?
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Thank you for your detailed replay WesleyLu!
Are you able to show me your Panel.cfg entry for HTML gauge on VC ?
[Window Titles]
Window00=Main Panel

always_visible = 1
texture=$texture //This is what you defined in 3DsMax
Hopefully it helps you.
Thank you a lot for your help Wesley!

I just did it using your help inside of [Vcockpit01] section and it works.
However, there is a issue... is it possible to position .html gauge file along the texture and apply render size? using coordinates like for regular xml gauges for example?

gauge00=gauges!DefaultGauge, 0, 0,512,512

What I did is:

always_visible = 1

but after applying coordinates and render size .html gauge wont' show up!

HTML_FILE=test, 0, 0,512,512 //seems entry like this doesn't give a result at all.
Thank you a lot for your help Wesley!

I just did it using your help inside of [Vcockpit01] section and it works.
However, there is a issue... is it possible to position .html gauge file along the texture and apply render size? using coordinates like for regular xml gauges for example?

gauge00=gauges!DefaultGauge, 0, 0,512,512

What I did is:

always_visible = 1

but after applying coordinates and render size .html gauge wont' show up!

HTML_FILE=test, 0, 0,512,512 //seems entry like this doesn't give a result at all.
I haven't used it in this way, and I guess HTML gauge cannot be used like XML gauge.