• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

FSX Making a landable mountain using ADE for FSX

I don't know if this is even possible with ADE. I want to create a 1000 ft. mountain in the middle of my airport (this is a homebrewed airport not stock) that an aircraft can land on, also I want to be able to use a drivable vehicle to drive up onto the mountain to reach the actual terminal.I'm not even sure if this can be done in ADE. First of all how would you make the actual 1000 ft mountain if the airport's alt is 452.113ft AGL? Secondly, once you create the mountain, how would you place objects such as runways,taxis and buildings on the mountain? In other words, when you place such objects, at what altitude would you put them? Would you put them at the airport alt (452.113) or at the altitude of the mountain which if I am thinking right would be actually 1452.113 AGL? Has anyone even tried to do this?
That's not what I really wanted. I want to create my own custom mountain that I can create a slope that I can actually drive up onto the mountain. I also want to place some library objects on top of the mountain. This is a home made airport and not a stock one. I read somewhere that you can't have a flatten under the background and that you have to place a background in the area you want your mountain adjusting the alt accordingly. Unfortunaltely it would not be possible to remove the flatten background from my airport. Is there any other way to do this?
Make a textured 3D model of the mountain in ex: Sketchup, then Geo-locate the center of the base of the mountain.

If desired, include a flatten area required for the airstrip / surrounding airport infrastructure terrain area.

This local ground 'replacement terrain mesh' can also provide any necessary airport flatten, either level or sloped.

Export the 3D model from Sketchup as a Google Earth *.KMZ file, then import it to Arno's MCX.

After imported to MCX, export it as "Scenery" specifying a file type of FSX CVX Vector-type Sloped Flatten BGL.

See MCX PDF Manual:

"10.2.2 BGL flatten

ModelConverterX can create a terrain flatten BGL file using shp2vec based on 3D objects.

This can be used to make an accurate flatten based on a 3D mesh in a modeling tool.

See Figure 10.1 for an example of a flatten made from a building shape."


Figure 10.1: Flatten made from object mesh

Note: MCX automatically hardens the terrain surface and when exported as a CVX Vector-type BGL, it is 'placed' as a terrain mesh tile. :wizard:

That means the entire surface of the "mountain" object converted to a CVX vector sloped flatten, will become the local ground surface, and will function as normal terrain, with the option of Autogen, Seasonal ground Texture / Vegetation changes etc..

You can make the flatten for the airport RWY, Taxiway, and Apron areas "level" if you intend to use AI Traffic; if you do not intend to use AI Traffic, you can make the RWY, Taxiway, and Apron areas "sloped" (if you wish).

ADE can also place 3D Scenery Library Objects, Roads and/or other Land Class vector objects on that local terrain.

Freeway Traffic can also be placed on that local terrain using SBuilderX or FSX-KML.

IIRC, all those scenery objects can be placed AGL, and not MSL.

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Ok, I can't use sketchup because it won't run on my system. Can it be done with MCX alone or with some other program. My system isn't compatible to run sketchup, it won't even install to my system, something to do with GPU compatibility.
That's not what I really wanted. I want to create my own custom mountain that I can create a slope that I can actually drive up onto the mountain. I also want to place some library objects on top of the mountain. This is a home made airport and not a stock one. I read somewhere that you can't have a flatten under the background and that you have to place a background in the area you want your mountain adjusting the alt accordingly. Unfortunately it would not be possible to remove the flatten background from my airport. Is there any other way to do this?

You would be taking on a new learning curve with Terrain Sculptor Pro, but it is available here:


However, I doubt that you will find Terrain Sculptor Pro (TS Pro) easier to use than Sketchup Version 8, which runs on nearly any older computer, even with GPUs that utilize a portion of system RAM as graphics memory.

If you can run FSX, you should be able to run Sketchup Version 8 (free), and probably also Sketchup Make 2017 (free).

Note that you would not need- (or IMHO, 'want'-) to run the newer payware or free "online" versions of Sketchup.

If you are serious about making this project work, you may need to be more forthcoming with info that would-be helpers are likely going to need in order to help you.

Whether you take action on what others suggest will of course, always be at your own discretion, so it is not as though you are going to incur an obligation by being forthcoming.

You need, IMHO, to stop keeping the readers of your numerous posts in the dark, and accept some help; consider the possibility that others here may have insights that could assist you with achieving your goal.

Please post a Manufacturer name and model number for the computer you are using to run FSX.

If we require more info to verify what hardware and software compatibility issues might make your system incompatible with Sketchup, we can post questions here, which when answered may get you a definitive answer on the available software options to make your mountain project become a reality in FSX.

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OK,I have a Dell optiplex980 with a Nvidia GTX980 GPU. I'm running Win 11, all drivers are up-to-date. When I try to install Sketchup, it tries to install then gives me a message saying my GPU driver is not current enough , and to update the driver. I have to newest and latest GPU driver already, but sketchup insists that it is not up to date and I have to update it, it won't let me ignore the error, it just cancels the install. I tried it several times and it just won't install. My system is old but up to date as far as hardware and drivers. my CPU is a 2.9GHZ ,I have 4G of memory (the max the machine can take) , a 2TB main drive (SSD).
Hi Tom:

Trimble, who bought Sketchup from Google, wants you to believe there is no longer a way to use a more full featured version for free. :alert:

It is a good idea to search for answers in a number of places; Google 'can' be one of those places ...if one ignores AI replies ex: o_O

"AI Overview
Learn more

According to information available on FSDeveloper, to access the GaryGB Sketchup version 8 installer, you would need to navigate to the FSDeveloper website, specifically the GaryGB Sketchup plugin page, where you should be able to find a download link for the version 8 installer; however, be aware that older versions like Sketchup 8 might not be readily available or supported on the site anymore.

Key points to remember:
  • Check the website regularly:
    As software updates, older versions might be removed from the download section on FSDeveloper.
  • Contact support if needed:
    If you can't locate the specific version 8 installer, reach out to FSDeveloper support for assistance.
  • Compatibility considerations:
    Ensure your current Sketchup version is compatible with the GaryGB plugin version 8 you are trying to download.
Generative AI is experimental."

The above is 'machine nonsense'; so I'll provide you with some human intelligence based assistance with getting Sketchup installed.

Some facts from your disclosure above:

* You run Windows 11 with 4GB system RAM, so your OS is 64-Bit

* Your GPU has these specifications


...thus, your computer 'should' be able to install and run Sketchup Make 64-Bit desktop (not 'online') versions.

So, I recommend downloading / installing Sketchup Make 2016 and Sketchup Make 2017 64-Bit desktop (not 'online') versions:


Why both Sketchup Make 2016 and Sketchup Make 2017 ?

Because 2017 (all versions) 'broke' Combine Textures feature for vertically aligned Faces, and never fixed it; use 2016 to do that.

Let me know if you have any difficulty downloading / installing these more full featured desktop 64-Bit versions of Sketchup.

Then we can look into options to achieve your goal in FSX.

If you already have output CVX vector BGLs for terrain via ADE, be sure to save backups, as they might be converted for future use.

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Ok, I tried downloading and installing Sketchup 8. Here's what happens, it attempts to install and looks as if it's installing, then at the very end, it pops up something (I assume it's some kind of error) really quick and goes off, then says the installation cannot continue because a fatal error has occured then asks if I want to send the info to microsoft or not. Installation then cancels. I tried several times to get it to install, it just refuses to do so. I would love to get it to work and learn how to use some of these new designer programs, but my system won't let me. Could it be a Win11 compatibility issue. I have found some things that just refuse to install on Win11. And yes I am using 64bit. Also, I upgraded the ram to 12GB as well. I did make a mistype on the GPU it's a 960 not a 980 but it has 4GB of RAM.
I've been in touch with Dell because I was having issues with other programs not installing and getting similar errors, it seems it has to do with the processor upgrade I did to make my MB compatible with Win11. I had an old 2 gen I7 originally and Win11 didn't support it so I moved up to a 4th Gen and that's when the problems started. It appears to be a MB problem ,something to do with my outdated BIOS. Dell told me to try a alternate BIOS that they say will work on my MB< but I'm hesitant because if it don't work , I could very well "brick" my system and I don't want to do that. So next month I'm going to look into an updated MB for this machine and see if I can fix my install problems. It's not just Sketchup but other unrelated software too that don't want to install on this machine. As soon as I replace my MB I will try Sketchup again. I really want to start learning to use design tools like that to design my own scenery and stuff. I never could figure out how to use SBX or even Gmax for that matter. I used to know how to use Gmax, but it no longer has any help files with it anymore and I can't find any online that are still available to download. All of the Gmax websites are no longer active. Could you tell me where I could get the help files for Gmax. I used it a long time ago and it was actually pretty easy to learn. I just don't have any documentation on it anymore as that was 20+ years ago when I first got into sims. I had the software tucked away on an old HD and it actually still runs on this machine, I just don't have any docs on it.
Generally speaking, modern computers from nearly all manufacturers have quality BIOS chipsets and well-vetted BIOS code.

Flashing the BIOS always compels one to write out a backup of the current installed BIOS version to disk before an "upgrade".

That way, if there is a mishap, one can simply restore the current BIOS code from an external backup.

I have not read of a 'bricked' Mobo in many decades; Routers, yes; but Mobos, no, as they are manufactured to be fool proof.

Most modern BIOS chips actually keep a copy of the current BIOS code in a hidden backup partition within the BIOS chipset.

But it is prudent to first write out a backup of the current installed BIOS version to disk before an "upgrade" flash is attempted.

In the past we had to do this from a DOS boot working with diskettes to launch BIOS "Flash" software; it is all in the BIOS now.

Dell is quite reliable with their choice of hardware manufacturers and BIOS code sources, so after a bachup, I would upgrade.

It is true that one may not always need to upgrade to 'each' available new numeric version of a Mobo BIOS; but if Dell recommends a specific BIOS version, saying it will be last version to be made available for your specific Mobo, I would install it.

It is important to look at the silk-screened info on the Mobo to be certain of its Model / Part number and Revision number, then check on Dells website to verify the info you were given by tech support.

Then one can double check which BIOS version is actually needed for the specific Mobo and CPU that you have installed, as well as any troubleshooting or performance fixes that a newer BIOS version reportedly provides.

After all is double checked, do the BIOS backup and flash, as explained in the computer manual PDF from Dells website (there may be more than (1) manual pertaining to the computer model); the industry trend is to have a separate manual for the BIOS.

As to GMAX, I never used it; if you thought it was relatively easy, wait until you use Sketchup: IMHO,you'll never go back. ;)

There are few hard core old timers who are familiar with GMAX and the whereabouts of documentation and tutorials.

One good source of GMAX info is likely to be Tom Gibson of CalClassics :teacher: <OOPS ...sorry about the "Old Timer", Tom>. :laughing: :duck:

I hope this info helps a bit more. :)

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It does actually, thanks. I already downloaded the BIOS upgrade and decided that I will go ahead and give it a shot. I really would like to get sketchup installed so I can start learning to use it. I already made the backup of my BIOS so if any problems do happen I should be able to restore it. I've looked almost everywhere to find the Gmax material, but most of the websites are no longer operational and those that are seem to not have to docs either. So, I'll try some more to install sketchup. I've also heard about something called "blender" ,is it relatively easy to use? I haven't tried to install it yet.
I actually got sketchup to install after updating my BIOS. Now all I have to do is learn to use the darn thing. Can I actually use sketchup to convert Collada 3d files to 3d objects? that would be great if I can do that. As far as making those mountains now, I'll have to start learning some stuff to do that, but at least thanks to you I am on the right track now. Also thanks to Dell ( I love Dell machines) I was able tofix many other issues I was having by updating the BIOS to a newer and more compatible version (Dell no longer supports this machine so they sugested a compatible BIOS) everything seems to be working, now it's off to school to learn how to use this thing, but it looks simple enough just by looking at it. Kinda looks like a more powerful version of MCX actually.
Old timer Tom Gibson here. 😁

I have an old tutorial describing how to get the original sketch up program creations into FS nine. Obviously not perfect but it would get you started. It will at least show you the general approach.

Hope this helps,
Here we go:

The link will only be active for a week becasue I'm short on space in that account, so if an admin wants to grab it and upload to the Resources section, I'm reasonably sure that Tom wouldn't mind.
I can zip the webpage with the images and put that in resources. But Tom has to give explicit permission.
No panic Dick. I hadn't realised that Mega use your allotted space to store rollbacks too. I just nuked all rollbacks which has freed up a lot more space, so the file can lurk around for a bit longer. Note the size though; it's full of videos.