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FSX Navigation Database Update

Hello experts,
I have already posted this question in the gauge forum, and I was suggested to post this question here because some BGL experts may help me finding the solution to my problem.
Here is the original message :

As some of you know, I release EasyFMC some years ago, a universal FMC that doesn't require a navigation database because it uses the sim internal database (fs9/FSX/P3D). EasyFMC uses the GPS software interface, explained in the great GPS guidebook, to read the database like the standard GPS does.
Everything was going OK until Hervé Sors had the great idea to propose a navdata update for FSX/P3D (http://www.aero.sors.fr/). He uses a BGL compiler to update the database according to AIRAC cycles.

The problem is that my EasyFMC doesn't work with his update. I tried to debug my EasyFMC until I realized it also fails with the standard GPS...
I made a test with the ROXER waypoint. As you can see on the image, it is visible on the map, it is also in the BGL file, I checked this with a BGL reader.


Then I tried to fly direct to ROXER using the standard GPS, and... it failed. ROXEN and ROXET were available, but no ROXER to be found...


If the standard GPS can't find it, I don't think my EasyFMC will ever be able to do it better.
Do you have any idea why this waypoint is there, visible on the map, but not accessible through the GPS?
Did Hervé miss something when he generated the BGL files of his update?
I contacted him directly to know more about the way he generated his update, but unfortunately he couldn't help. H said he uses a BGL compiler that showed no error during the generation process.

Any information is greatly welcome.

Thank you !!

With the help of Bob (rpmc) and Hervé Sors (developer of the nav data update), I found the explanation to this problem.
It appears that when I updated the BGL files of the Nav Data update, FSX did not properly update its internal database, especially the indexes. FSX is supposed to do this when the BGL files are modified, especially when a file is added, removed or replaced by another one. You can easily see this because FSX shows a progress bar saying "updating indexes" or something like that.

On my system with FSX Steam Edition, I didn't notice the index update was not running when I changed the BGL file, which is why I had the problem described in my post above. I forced the FSX update by removing the BGL, restarting FSX, then add the new BGL and restart again. I saw the update progress bar each time FSX was starting and... everything worked perfect. The problem disappeared :)

So now I have a new question:
Can someone explain me why FSX didn't update its database and indexes as it should?

Any clue is welcome.

In my experience this FSX database updating can be unreliable. I can usually get it to reload by going to the Scenery Library and pressing OK.
In my experience this FSX database updating can be unreliable. I can usually get it to reload by going to the Scenery Library and pressing OK.
Indeed, it does the trick :)
It is much easier than what I did: delete all the .idx files in the Facilities folder to have them re-generated.

Thanks for the info.