HI Morten:
It's good to see further progress on a Sketchup plugin which is more specific to the needs of FS Developers.
In regards to your latter posts above, I'm wondering if you may be able to provide FS Developers using Sketchup with an even easier way to replace textures while preserving UV mapping, as discussed in this recent thread relative to existing such plugins for Sketchup:
Also in regards to texture replacement, can your familiarity with
building complex objects also facilitate a 'reverse' script for
reducing complexity ...to expedite creation of
ex: simpler or "hollow" closed-door hangars and other buildings ?
As you may have discovered by now, in FS, as in many simulators, most objects are built as less-complex objects wrapped with a texture derived from a light-mapped (
ex: ambient occlusion etc.) rendering of a texture created when the object had its original complex geometry intact.
The derived texture creates the visual appearance of greater complexity, when in fact, the complexity has actually been
reduced ...to generate a model at a lower Level Of Detail (aka "LOD").
I believe FS Developers using Sketchup would welcome a plugin which allows them to replace original textures from complex models with light-mapped / edited textures on a derived model which has had its complexity reduced, without having to manually re-texture the model because a plugin could
ex: both save out the derived texture, and then reduce the LOD of a copy of the model ..."auto-magically" via a 'reversed' Ruby script originally used to build a model.
Perhaps such a sophisticated script could even attach derived texture(s) onto a model with a lower LOD ...at the established UV vertices ?
Hope this conceptual overview is not too hard to follow (...or to implement in Ruby !).
Thanks for your diligent efforts and generous contributions to the FS Development Community !