Do you have instructions on how to add windows and doors to hangars or extensions? Do you have a picture of what that looks like?
Doors: These are currently only available for standard and arched hangars, please see instructions below. If I remember correctly it is also possible to add a simple entrance door to the "standard" extensions, however it has not been documented properly, so I can't provide any syntax at present.
Bi-fold hangar doors will have a simple entrance door drawn in it, providing the hangar door is tall enough (more than 360 centimetres)
Entrance door extension. Syntax: ED(<horizontal position (from front or left side of hangar)>x<vertical position>;<width>x<height>;<wall>;<door type>;<texture name>) or ED(<horizontal position (from front or left side of hangar)>x<vertical position>;<width>x<height>;<wall>;<door type>;<texture name>;<glass texture name>). Door types are Plain, Glass or Half glass. Glass and Half glass types are currently only available for left and right hand side. If no glass texture has been defined for Glass/Half glass doors, the door will be drawn as a panelled door. Opacity for glass texture is fixed at 30%.
ED(120x0;80x220;B;Plain;Silver metal)
ED(120x0;80x220;B;Half glass;Blue metal;Scratchy window)
ED(120x0;80x220;L;Half glass;Silver metal;Scratchy window)|ED(240x0;80x220;L;Glass;Silver metal;Scratchy window)|ED(640x0;80x220;L;Glass;Rusty metal)
Windows: These are also currently only available for standard and arched hangars, please see instructions below.
Syntax: W(<window side position (from front of hangar, or left side of hangar)>x<window bottom height>;<window width>x<window height>;<wall>;<texture name>;<opacity (0-100)>) or W(<window side position (from front of hangar, or left side of hangar)>x<window bottom height>;<window width>x<window height>;<wall>;<texture name>;<opacity (0-100)>;<number of windows>;<window gap>).
- Windows can be added to "normal" extensions. The syntax for the window extension attribute is exactly the same as for the window extension.
Windows stickers. You can now add "stickers" to windows. Syntax: W(<window side position (from front of hangar, or left side of hangar)>x<window bottom height>;<window width>x<window height>;<wall>;<sticker texture name>/<texture name>;<opacity (0-100)>) or W(<window side position (from front of hangar, or left side of hangar)>x<window bottom height>;<window width>x<window height>;<wall>;<sticker texture name>/<texture name>;<opacity (0-100)>;<number of windows>;<window gap>). Please note that the sticker texture will be rescaled to fit the window size, and the opacity for the sticker texture will be set to 100, whereas the opacity set in the extension is for the internal window texture. Stickers will therefore only work with image files which has transparency set.
W(50x110;70x70;B;Scratchy window;30;2;500)|W(640x110;70x70;L;Scratchy window;30)
W(50x110;70x70;L;Red metal;30)|W(640x110;70x70;L;Red metal;30)
W(50x110;70x95;B;Scratchy window;0)|W(150x110;70x95;B;Scratchy window;10)|W(250x110;70x95;B;Scratchy window;20)|W(350x110;70x95;B;Scratchy window;30)|W(450x110;70x95;B;Scratchy window;40)|W(550x110;70x95;B;Scratchy window;50)|W(650x110;70x95;B;Scratchy window;60)|W(750x110;70x95;B;Scratchy window;70)|W(850x110;70x95;B;Scratchy window;80)|W(950x110;70x95;B;Scratchy window;90)|W(1050x110;70x95;B;Scratchy window;100)
W(350x110;70x95;T0;Scratchy window;30)
W(350x110;70x95;B;Scratchy window;30)
W(50x180;216x86;L;NLA/Scratchy window;30;16;15)|W(50x130;216x86;R;NLA/Scratchy window;30;16;15)|W(50x130;216x86;F;NLA/Scratchy window;30;16;15)|W(50x130;216x86;B;NLA/Scratchy window;30;16;15)
The last example shows how to add a "logo sticker" to windows (in this case a texture called NLA), however I cannot share the image file for it as I do not own the copyright for it.
An updated manual would be great, because this tool is really nice, and I'd like to know how to tap into more of its abilities.
I am in the process of updating the manual and will include an extensive tutorial of the use of extensions among other things.
No, the building is yellow, and the roof is green.
You can add your own textures to the textures.och file and then select them from the relevant texture dropdown list (you may have to restart SketchUp). See instructions from the new manual below.
To add your textures, use the following format: <Texture name>;<Texture size>;<Texture type>;<Texture file name>;
Texture name – This is how it will appear in the dropdown menu when selecting the texture.
Texture size – Set the size of the texture in centimetres. If the texture is square, you only need to add one value, however for non-square textures, you the format is <width>x<height>, e.g. 150x100.
Texture type – This allows you to set which dropdown menu the texture should appear in. Separate each type with a vertical bar, e.g. Wall|Roof. See below for the different menu options.
Texture filename – This must be the full filename of the texture file, e.g. bricks.jpg. Please note the file must reside in the TextureFiles folder.
Please note the line must end in a semicolon, otherwise the texture and all subsequent textures on the list may not be loaded.
Texture types
Wall – Textures for both external and internal walls.
Internal – Textures for internal walls only.
Roof – Textures for roofs and ceilings.
Door – Textures for doors.
Floor – Textures for floors.
Metal – Textures for metal like structures, such as beams.
Wood – Textures for wood like structures, such as wooden beams.
Extension – Textures for various extension features, such as logoed windows, signage and billboards.
All – Use this to allow texture to appear in all menus.
Right, but what if I have a row of T-hangars? Is there a way to tell your plugin to make a row of 5 individual T-hangars?
At present this is not possible, however it is a good idea, so I will add an option to create several identical hangars next to each other at a set distance.
I think it's an interesting idea.
Thank you, I shall look further into it and add more options to the towers, such as windows and antennae.
If you have any issues adding textures or creating the door/window extensions, or any other feedback and suggestions, please let me know. I do appreciate it.
Edit: Forgot to add the images of doors and windows.