Hi everyone!
I'm new in this forum and new to the development of gauges so I need an help. I'm making an EFB in XML (Code below) for a plane I'm modifying and I wanted to show a menu on the top left corner that changes depending on the page. I was able to get the first 2 pages with the menu working but I have no idea of what I could do to make the menu change. I was thinking about using a variable for each page that changes when switching trough pages for example when on the main page I use (L: Main_Page, bool) and when on the doors page I use (L: Door_Page, bool) and then I make a menu for every page using one of those variables for the visibility but how can I assign a variable to the page the EFB starts with which is Main_Page in this case?
I'm new in this forum and new to the development of gauges so I need an help. I'm making an EFB in XML (Code below) for a plane I'm modifying and I wanted to show a menu on the top left corner that changes depending on the page. I was able to get the first 2 pages with the menu working but I have no idea of what I could do to make the menu change. I was thinking about using a variable for each page that changes when switching trough pages for example when on the main page I use (L: Main_Page, bool) and when on the doors page I use (L: Door_Page, bool) and then I make a menu for every page using one of those variables for the visibility but how can I assign a variable to the page the EFB starts with which is Main_Page in this case?
<Gauge Name="EFB" Version="1.0">
<Element Name="Main_Page">
<Position X="0" Y="0"/>
<Case Value="1">
<Image Name="EFB_MainPage.bmp" Luminous="True"/>
<Element Name="Main_Menu">
<Position X="0" Y="100"/>
<Value>(L:Active_Menu, bool)</Value>
<Case Value="1">
<Image Name="Doors.bmp" Luminous="True"/>
<Position X="0" Y="200"/>
<Value>(L:Active_Menu, bool)</Value>
<Case Value="1">
<Image Name="Ground.bmp" Luminous="True"/>
<Element Name="Doors_Page">
<Position X="0" Y="0"/>
<Value>(L:Door_Page, bool)</Value>
<Case Value="1">
<Image Name="Doors_Page.bmp" Luminous="True"/>
<Mouse Name="Menu">
<Area Name="Menu" Left="0" Top="0" Width="263" Height="99">
(L:Active_Menu, bool) ! (>L:Active_Menu)
<Cursor Type="Hand"/>
<Area Name="DOORS" Left="0" Top="100" Width="263" Height="99">
<Visible>(L:Active_Menu, bool)</Visible>
(L:Door_Page, bool) ! (>L:Door_Page, bool)
0 (>L:Active_Menu, bool)
<Cursor Type="Hand"/>
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