• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

msfs sdk

  1. Sakuukuli

    MSFS20 Is RTCShot working yet?

    There’s documentation for real-time cinematics (RTCs) now, but when I make an RTCShot that references a .gltf with camera animation, the camera animation doesn’t play even if another RTCCameraShot plays correctly in the same RTCSequencer. There’s no errors in the console so it’s hard to debug.
  2. S

    MSFS20 Problem with a comp texture - its there but doesnt get compiled

    Hello. Not sure where to post this since it has various aspects, i hope its ok here. Its a SubstancePainter file but the error occurs on build only. I have a problem with some texture that i made with Substance Painter. My project has nearly 30 objects, all done the same way but it only...
  3. tml

    MSFS20 How many coordinate systems does an MSFS aircraft need?

    If I have counted correctly, there are at least three involved in aircraft creation and debugging: Firstly, the 3D model. The SDK says In the Z axis the center should be approximately where the water level would be. Meaning that positive Z is upwards. Which matches what most people would call...
  4. S

    MSFS20 SDK/Sim Update - no objects visible anymore....

    Hello. Updated the Sim and SDK. Maybe i oversee something, this is the first update i did. I had a project going on, pretty far already, with around 5 buildings, a tower and clutter (its in showroom). Now i tried to open and rebuild it but all my models seem to be gone. They are visible but...
  5. ZdenniZ

    MSFS20 Any way to change textures without reloading the sim?

    MSFS has a great feature of reloading the gltfs on the fly as you edit them given that you have your package in the Community folder. But it only works if you don't change any textures. I tried to change a texture, build project, move the new package into Community (with sim running), close and...
  6. S

    Scenery or Airport for an airport project with surroundings?

    Hello all. Im not getting a satisfiying answer to the question what one should use for an airport with surroundings. The examples folders in the SDK has a scenery folder and an airport folder. Looking at the tutorials available (flyingtheston for example) they seemingly choose "Scenery" for a...
  7. D

    bridge taxiway over water

    Hello, I'm try to improve the airport of Macau VMMC, which use a bridge for taxiway over water. for testing I have design a quick possible bridge in blender and import the object in FS2020 SDK. my plan was place the 3dObject of the bridge and try to place the taxiway path on top... but...
  8. NovemberIndiaCharlieOscar

    MSFS20 Texture failed to convert [SOLVED]

    I have a little mystery that I just cannot solve. I have two buildings in Blender. I designed these buildings for FSX using FSDS, but I convert the MDL's to Collada files using Model Converter so that I can import them into Blender. This has so far worked flawlessly for several hundred objects...
  9. D

    Remove/hide default taxi line

    Hello, im try to improve my base airport in FS2020, but i cant find the way to hide the default taxiway line. see below picture: as you can see there are messy lines everywhere.. any idea how to hide that.. Thanks for help
  10. S

    MSFS20 Material library with FlightSim materials - Paramblock2 Error

    Hello fellow simmers! I hope this question wasn't already asked, but I didn't manage to find a similar thread. In my workflow, I tend to make a material library of all the materials I like to use/reuse. But, with the FlightSim material, I keep getting the ParamBlock2 error. The error appears...
  11. hoynedawg

    MSFS20 [Released] NZNS - Nelson, New Zealand | NZA Simulations

    NZA Simulations are super excited to announce development has started on NZNS Nelson New Zealand, a new payware release. Here is a little teaser of the progress so far. We would also like to thank Blake and Terry for all of their hard work in helping NZA get to this point.
  12. J

    Help with MSFS Package build.

    I have a 3D model from blender and I do the blender to msfs thing. When I go to build the package I get 5 errors and I am not able to see my model on the scenery editor / objects. I done this before and it was working but now 2 months later it doesn’t. The errors are different than before and...
  13. blugames

    MSFS20 How to Override MSFS Photogrammetry for Custom Aerial?

    A portion of my custom aerial is being covered by default textures & Photogrammetry. Anyone know how to fix this? Airport (KDWH) ((Original Textures were broken, ugly & covered with clouds so I am trying to fix it.)) New Custom Ortho... You can see a line where the default textures end and...
  14. Midcon113

    MSFS20 Editing Fuel and Cargo Loadout

    Hi Everyone, I'm working on a C# Windows App that would allow the user to edit the payload and fuel loadout of the aircraft outside of the sim (mainly because I don't like the MSFS UI for this function). I almost exclusively fly the C208 and when I went hunting around I found that it has a .cfg...
  15. B

    MSFS20 Scenery Creation Is Not For Me

    I would like to learn something about scenery creation so I started to follow detailed instructions in three or four tutorials on the subject, one after the other, of course. I am a newbie at this but I am used to working with files and I know I should be able to get a scenery project done...
  16. U

    MSFS20 Blender edited Google Earth Capture looks gridded 😕

    Hi guys ... Blender newbie here and would appreciate any kind of help. The 3d Model I've downloaded from google maps and edited in Blender looks gridded or clipped when I load it to SDK .In the project I removed clipping by increasing the view min size and max size but when I export my files to...
  17. J

    Making Airplanes,Jets & gliders in MSFS SDK

    Hi so this is the showroom, I hope this content fits in here. I have searched YouTube on how to make your own airplanes for the MSFS 2020, but there is not much info around that so I made some videos about it, hope you enjoy these and that they give you ideas for your own airplanes. So I will...
  18. Patrick Germain

    Official Airport to SDK project: here is a small app to help you (draft)

    Hi folks Are you tired (like I am) to find your favorite airport incomplete ? (Missing taxi signs, shuffled taxi names, etc , etc). So I wrote a small app that converts (as much as possible) an official airport to a project that you can use with the SDK to update your favorite airport. I used...
  19. F

    Tutorial video about creating materials and individual runway markings

    Here is my new SDK tutorial video (german language with english subtitles) about individiual materials and runway markings: Have fun !
  20. RomanDesign

    MSFS20 Weird CTDs connected to my custom airport. Any idea on how to trace and fix?

    I am designing a custom airport in Blender (with Blender2MSFS). The first version only had 3 or 4 models: 2 types of hangar replicated several times and a flag. Plus a sprinkle of Asobo ready-made objects etc. At least two people told me about CTDs: the weird thing that one was able to fly from...