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FS2004 Installed aircraft not appearing in FS9 menu for mysterious reasons


Resource contributor

I have a problem that has happened once or twice that I just can't understand how or why :S
I'll use the most recent case as an example:
I had all of the old HNAC Airbus A300's and A310's installed on FS9 some years ago, with lots of liveries, nice sounds and a cool panel, and all ran smoothly. Then recently I decided to look up AVSIM and other libraries for liveries I didn't have, since I love these aircraft so much, and found a few and downloaded them to install manually on my FS9/Aircraft folder.
Now I should mention that I'm definitely not new at manually installing aircraft, as I have around 600 folders, 400 of which are AI planes (of which 200ish are WOAI and the other half I installed myself manually!), so I have over time made lots of common and some uncommon mistakes that would prevent an aircraft from properly showing up for selection in FS9 (or from showing up at all!), and I have learned a lot regarding how to properly install them manually over time because of that.
The problem then appears: After installing some new liveries flawlessly, I then proceed to install 4 more, but 3 don't show up. I triple checked and I didn't do anything different from the ones I installed 2 mins earlier; no fltsim.x mistake, no air filename mistake, checked a dozen times if I was using the correct model, and so on.. those 3 liveries (all sharing the same model and fltsim numbered 9 through 11) still don't show up.
I then thought to myself that either the liveries were corrupt, or were meant for another model or aircraft (the livery author listed the liveries compatible with 2 different versions of the A310; one HNAC and the other some payware version). But then I decided, just for the sake of troubleshooting, doing the following:
create a new folder, copy the model, sound, panel folders and the air file from the A310 I0m having problem with, and then install those 3 liveries there, editing the aircraft.cfg to contain those 3 liveries, essentially 'resetting' it to start from fltsim.0 through fltsim.2, then loaded up FS9
To my surprise, the aircraft now appeared with those 3 liveries in FS9!!!
I thought it could be a 'limitation' on the other folder's aircraft.cfg file to list only 9 liveries?? but if so why? And if that is a reason, then why on another aircraft folder (in this case an FAIB 737-400 AI airplane) the same thing happens if I try to add a livery beyond the 2 that are listed in that folder's aircraft.cfg??
I'm completely baffled by this 'bug' since I've thought and thought about it and can't come up with any logical explanation!

If anyone here knows what this is and how to fix it, or if you've had it happen to you and managed to solve it, please help me out! I mean, I can apparently 'solve' my problem by just creating another folder for the same airplane, but I don't wanna have duplicates for various aircraft every time this happens, when I'm sure there must be a way to fix it! :/

Hi ErickC,

Yes, as I mentined in my post, every possible 'rookie mistake' I could've made, I triple checked and no mistakes made!
The way I 'solve' my problem is by having more than 1 folder for the same aircraft, though I'm not exactly pleased with that solution...
There's no logical explanation I can come up with for this baffling error :/
Perhaps you could check the aircraft folder with AI-Aircraft editor? Or show us the "mean" aircraft.cfg and folder screenshot?
Hey hgschnell, I never heard of that utility 'AI-Aircraft editor', but I assume it would be useful for both AI and non-AI aircraft? Since I have problems with both types :/
I can post the offending aircraft.cfg files no problem, I'll do it as soon as I'm home!

Hey hgschnell, thanks! I'll try it out to see if it solves my problem!
If not I'll post the offending cfg files so you could see if there's some problem I'm just not seeing!
