• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.

prepar3d v4

  1. Draken

    P3D v4 Google Earth Decoder Optimization Tools (GEDOT) - Blender Addon

    Hello, I found an interesting tool to get 3D buildings from Google Earth. It works to build 3D landscapes for MSFS2020. I'm guessing if somebody knows a similar approach to use with Prepar3d (v4). Please let me have your inputs. Thanks! Sergio
  2. Draken

    MSFS20 Converting a MSFS2020 plane to P3Dv4

    Hello, us there any chance to convert an aircraft made to be used with MSFS2020 to Prepar3d v4? Pardon me if I missed a topic already discussed in other forums. Thanks!
  3. C

    P3D v4 Any "quick start" guide?

    Hello everyone. I am not new to scenery development, a few years ago I tried making a ground image, polygons and etc. So I decided to return to this theme and I am quite confused now. Is there any step by step guide on which tools should I use to create an airport, what is the sequence of...
  4. G

    P3D v4 Is it possible to read SimConnect Variables from First Officer?

    Hello, as the question in the title... I have read from an Thrid Party Add-On the QNH with the Variable "KOHLSMAN SETTING MB". This works for the Captains pfd. But how can I read the F/O QNH? I have tried it with "KOHLSMAN SETTING MB:1". And also with 2, 3 and 4... But nothing worked. Any...
  5. G

    Ground Poly Creation

    Hey guys! Just getting into scenery development and in need of some help about where to start with a ground poly. What software should I use? I have used Inventor but that’s not what is comparable with the sims. I have also heard of 3ds max and Blender but witch one would be the best for p3d...
  6. W

    P3D v4 Some bugs

    Hi, Arno. I find some bugs and I want to ask some question. 1. In Prepar3D v4\SimObjects\Weapons\ go to any 5 first folders and drag sim.cfg to MCX. When "Show particle effects" not pressed, all ok. If pressed - MCX freezes. 2. Prepar3D v4\SimObjects\Airplanes\F-16C\ drag aircraft.cfg to MCX...

    P3D v4 2D universal panel

    Hello all I've seen that IVAP or come other add-ons have a universal 2D panel that is accessible from the Add-ons menu. Well, I've been looking in the SDK and the simconnect SDK but I couldn't find anything about those floating panels or how can we design them. Can you plz tell me how to make it...

    How to get the path of installed P3D version via code from registry?

    Hi, I would like to get some info based on the code below. I wanted when running this script via .cmd, it will look for the registry of P3D installed on our pc and will copy the path and paste it to the red fonts in the codes below. @echo off REM Batch Script for Prepar3D V4 REM Add the...
  9. C

    P3D v4 Rougness/Specular textures in MCX PBR material?

    Hello everyone! I am not an expert in PBR, so I've got some problems.. I exported textures form quixel mixer, metalness workflow. I selected Albedo, Metalness, Normal. Then I applied that textures to ground polygon and this is result in Prepar - surface is really ''wet''.. I think this is...
  10. C

    P3D v4 .dae ground poly file (from 3ds max) reading errors in MCX

    Hello everyone! I have made a ground polygon in 3ds max in real scale (about 2000x1500 meters). I tried to export this to ground polygon wizard in MDX. When I select this model, it appears in the viewport just for a second and dissapears. Materials menu is empty, but there were assigned...
  11. Jim Johnson

    P3D v4 GDI+ and MAKE_STATIC macro

    I'm working on an aircraft DLL and an associated aircraft that will need multiple GDI+ gauges, is there any way to have only one C++ driver/DLL (i.e. SDK.h and SDK.cpp to use the SDK example) yet have multiple GDI+ gauges specified? Or do I have to have one DLL for each gauge?
  12. S

    Working on DGAA (Accra Ghana, West africa)

    Hello guys i have working on the Kotoka Int Airport located in Accra, Ghana. Planning on sharing it as a freeware once completed but i do need some serious help, Texturing, because mine doesn't look right lol. As far as testing goes, as of now the buildings, ground poly shows up in P3D V4.x...
  13. theisomizer

    [Beta] SimIn SDK

    Hi, We created a new forum to discuss this in more detail, but wanted to share this here in the Showroom as a bit of shameless self-promotion. https://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/threads/beta-announcing-the-simin-sdk.443755/ Myself and @fs1 have been working on various projects working with...
  14. theisomizer

    [Beta] Announcing the SimIn SDK

    Dear FSDeveloper Community, It's been quite a long journey. We (Federico Sucari @fs1 and Sean Isom @theisomizer), have been working to understand the FSX, ESP, and P3D internals for the last six years. We are passionate about this mission, and through our collective projects we have been...
  15. F

    P3D v4 Ground poly not visible at certain zoom level

    ive been developing WMKP scenery for p3dv3 as it is almost 90% completed.Then i upgrade to v4 and realized that the ground poly made for v3 is not visible at all.Then by using the latest ADE and ModelconverterX i tried to compile the ground poly bgl and update the afcad of the airport.The ground...
  16. Jay Bloomfield

    P3D v4 Changing an Airport Name in P3d 4.1

    For anyone trying to use the ADE 1.76 stub BGL method of changing an airport name in P3d 4.1, this thread that I started on the LM official forum might be of interest: http://www.prepar3d.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6307&t=128310
  17. Lagaffe

    Ménestrel HN-700 for Prepar3D v4

    Good morning, A few words to present an old project dating from 2011 (http://frenchvfr.free.fr/articles.php?lng=fr&pg=86&mnuid=491&tconfig=0) that I decided during Christmas hollidays to update for Prepar3D. This project which has born under Gmax has been translated for Blender in order to use...
  18. A

    P3D v4 No Dynamic lighting at arrival

    Hello guys, and Merry Christmas! I have a problem, and i would like to hope that someone of you could help me to get rid of it. So, i am building a little airport, and i have dynamic lights at apron. All works as it should, except the fact that dynamic lights are disappearing when arrive to...
  19. Aidas Patas

    P3D v4 Scenery problems...

    Um. i dont know if its the right place to post but i get this stupid error when trying to put my poligon (not the first time error) fsx seems to compile the area ok, but the whole scenery is not for fsx, its for p3d, so here is the problem (i tried making flattens doesnt work :/) Zoomed out...
  20. R


    Hi, I am looking for help with simdirector. If anyone is well versed in sim director, please direct message me for more details. regards, rony