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SBuilder FS9 Problem creating Mesh


Resource contributor
I was hoping someone could shed some light on what I'm doing wrong here.
I'm trying to create some Mesh BGL's for Futuna & Alofi islands in the French overseas department of Wallis & Futuna. I downloaded the relevant SRTM .hgt files from this 'website' https://dds.cr.usgs.gov/srtm/version1/Australia/ and proceeded to convert them to bmp and merge them in Sbuilder, followed by calibrating the resulting map to the right coordinates. So far so good!
I then select Mesh tool, and pick the LOD8 tiles i want to include in the mesh bgl (there's 2 of them) selecting both LOD8 and LOD9, as I'm really interested in a LOD9 mesh resolution. Then i select both mesh tiles, compile them which works like a charm, and put them in my addon scenery folder. So supposedly everything checks out right? Well I load up FS2004, go to the only airstrip those islands have which is on Futuna island (ICAO: NLWF) and the mesh is exactly the same as the FS9 default one!! Why did nothing change? What am I doing wrong? If someone could help me I'd be extremely grateful!
I followed this tutorial to make my mesh bgl's: http://michael-schaeuble.de/tutorials/sbuilder-for-fs9/creating-mesh-scenery.html
I can provide everything someone might need to help me! the hgt, bmp, final BGL & project files!


In FS9 the default terrain mesh at Futuna & Alofi islands is LOD-5 (1,223.0 Meters between elevation data points)

The maximum terrain mesh resolution that FS9 can display is LOD-11 (19.1 Meters between elevation data points), and is enabled via an edit to the FS9.Cfg file to set:



IIRC, the maximum resolution terrain mesh SBuilder for FS9 creates for high-resolution VTP "photo-mesh" using converted HeightMap (aka "HeightField" or "HGT" files) is LOD-8 (152.9 Meters between elevation data points)

Also, the maximum resolution terrain mesh SBuilder for FS9 creates for "non-photo-mesh" terrain mesh using converted HeightMap (aka "HeightField" or "HGT" files) is LOD-11 (19.1 Meters between elevation data points)

FS2004 SDK Resample can also be utilized outside the SBuilder for FS9 work-space to make a terrain mesh.


NASA SRTM ver.1 HGT data at Futuna & Alofi islands is 3 Arc Second (approx. 90 Meters) between elevation data points

NASA SRTMGL1 HGT data at Futuna & Alofi islands is 1 Arc Second (approx. 30 Meters) between elevation data points

SRTMGL1 HGT data at Futuna & Alofi islands can make a LOD-10 (38.2 Meters between elevation data points) terrain mesh

SBuilder for FS9 modifies COPIED FS9 LWM vector BGLs for Futuna & Alofi islands to allow SRTMGL1 terrain mesh display

Let me know if you wish to learn the FS SDK Resample method for terrain mesh BGL creation using the above SRTMGL1 HGT data, and the SBuilder for FS9 methods to modify copies of the default the LWM vector BGLs for Futuna & Alofi islands required to allow SRTMGL1 terrain mesh display. :)

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Hey GaryGB
First of all thanks for your reply!
Second, I thought Sbuilder could make any LOD mesh I wanted lol..
But that being the case, could you elaborate on using FS SDK Resample to make the mesh I want? :)
PS: I already have that setting on my fs9.cfg file ;)
Thank you!

Hi Leonardo:

I should properly clarify that I assumed you intended to make the 'High Resolution' "photo-mesh" in SBuilder for FS9. ;)

One can indeed use SBuilder for FS9 make a LOD-11 (19.1 Meters between elevation data points) terrain mesh as a stand-alone BGL that can be used with FS9 SDK Resample custom photo-real land class at LOD-13 (4.8 Meters per pixel).

Were you intending to make the "High Resolution" VTP "photo-mesh" in SBuilder for FS9 ? :scratchch

Hey Gary,

No, what i really want is simply a LOD9 mesh (since my hgt file has the elevation values at around that resolution) simple bgl file, no photo scenery stuff! :)
The problem is I followed every step listed in the tutorial I linked and when I load FS9 with the mesh bgl files that sbuilder compiled (with them in my addon scenery folder for example) I see no change either visually or on map view of the terrain! It just shows the default LOD5 mesh :/
Can you help me understand why? I cant confirm that my bgls are correct since i dont have, nor can have afaik TMFviewer..
However, everything should be working, and it isn't :(
Once again thank you!
EDIT: i added my bgl files in case you could check them out in TMFviewer for me! There are 4 files total because Sbuilder generated 2 files per mesh resolution and it created LOD9 and LOD8 mesh bgls



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Hi Leonardo:

I should properly clarify that I assumed you intended to make the 'High Resolution' VTP "photo-mesh" in SBuilder for FS9. ;)

One can indeed use SBuilder for FS9 make a LOD-11 (19.1 Meters between elevation data points) terrain mesh as a stand-alone BGL that can be used with FS9 SDK Resample custom photo-real land class at LOD-13 (4.8 Meters per pixel).

Were you intending to make the "High Resolution" VTP "photo-mesh" in SBuilder for FS9 ? :scratchch



Hey Gary,

No, what I really want is simply a LOD9 mesh (since my hgt file has the elevation values at around that resolution) simple bgl file, no photo scenery stuff ! :)

OK, sorry to have misinterpreted your goal at this stage of the learning process with FS9 scenery building. :oops:


The problem is, I followed every step listed in the tutorial I linked, and when I load FS9 with the mesh bgl files that SBuilder compiled (with them in my addon scenery folder for example), I see no change either visually or on map view of the terrain !

It just shows the default LOD5 mesh :/

Can you help me understand why?

This may be due to more than (1) issue with work-flow, and is more practical to troubleshoot after successfully making a fully functional terrain mesh using FS2004 SDK Resample.

And before utilizing that fully functional terrain mesh made using FS2004 SDK Resample, we 'may' also need to make some modifications to COPIES of the local LWM vector BGLs.


I can't confirm that my bgls are correct since I don't have- nor can have- AFAIK, TMFviewer.

However, everything should be working, and it isn't. :(

Once again thank you!

EDIT: I added my bgl files in case you could check them out in TMFViewer for me!

There are 4 files total because SBuilder generated 2 files per mesh resolution and it created LOD9 and LOD8 mesh bgls


The FS2004 SDK is now freely available to download and use regardless of the version of FS2004 that one originally purchased.

Download and install these:



After the above linked FS2004 SDKs are installed:

1.) Browse to: [FS2004_SDK_install path]\TERRAIN_SDK\Terrain_Tools\tmfviewer.exe

2.) Navigate: TMFViewer Menu > File > Open < 'Open Terrain File' dialog appears >

3.) In 'Open Terrain File' dialog: Browse / Select / double-click ...your terrain mesh BGLs made via SBuilder for FS9

4.) Move the Mouse cursor over islands and surrounding water areas to see elevation "Values" in Meters on the bottom status bar

NOTE: The SRTM source data you used is (as the cited tutorial warned) older, lower-resolution elevation data ...with many voids.

Those elevation data voids are seen as "NO_DATA" -or- "MISSING_DATA" Values of -32767 Meters on the bottom status bar.

FYI: The work-flow using SBuilder For FS9 has its own complexities and limitations compared to direct use of FS9 SDK Resample.

Understanding SBuilder For FS9 terrain mesh BGL output requires examining all source and 'work' files used to create the mesh BGLs.

Rather than taking time to step through the somewhat complex and convoluted work-flow for terrain mesh creation via SBuilder For FS9, IMHO, it may be a more practical allocation of my limited available free time to facilitate the learning process for you and other interested readers, by instead showing the work-flow for direct use of FS9 SDK Resample to make a replacement terrain mesh BGL for Futuna and Alofi Islands. :idea:

If you are interested, I can provide you with a mini-tutorial containing "clean" source files and "worked example" BGLs.

Specifically, I can provide newer "cleaned" elevation source data to make a LOD-10 terrain mesh BGL via FS9 SDK Resample methods, and I can also provide vector data derived from the "cleaned" elevation data to allow replacement LWM BGLs to be made in SBuilder For FS9, that allow the LOD-10 terrain mesh BGL to display properly in FS9. :pushpin:

Alternatively, terrain mesh BGL files for FS9 are freely downloadable that may meet your needs ...without all the work. ;)

Feel free to let me know how you may wish to proceed. :)

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Hey Gary!

Well I didn't know tmfviewer was also included in fs9 sdk's! I'll install them asap tomorrow!
Regarding using sbuilder to create my mesh files, I only thought of using it because it's the only scenery building utility for fs9 that I know can make mesh bgls, that I happen to know how to use lol
If you think it might be simpler to use sdk resample methods then I'm all for learning about it!
I tried finding mesh for that region but I could only find one (a freeware global mesh from simviation) that had lots of 'lines' missing lod9 data :/
Thats why I got around to install pilot's fs global 2010 mesh which is awesome with 95% (northern canada is no joy for some reason 0.o ) perfect world coverage!
Problem is that between logitude 176,5W and 180, aside from russia, all land south of it up until antarctica has no mesh (just shows up the default lod5 one)
Granted it's essentially just a bunch of islands in the pacific that get caught up in it: from the aleutians in alaska, through those 2 in wallis&futuna, half of fiji, and the kermadec islands in NZ; but since I was happy thinking I had the entire world (bar canada) in lod9 minimum resolution, I was pretty bummed out to find that 'fail' in fs global's mesh, so I just wanted to make some mesh myself (since I also can't find any glitch free mesh for those islands, some no mesh at all!)
So if you could indeed take a bit of your time to explain to me how to make mesh with the option you suggested I'd be extremely grateful!! :)
Let me also just say that you are by far, the most helpful, nice & patient person I ever had reply to me on any forum, of any thematic, EVER! :D So many thanks for that!

Looking forward for your tutorial!


Let me also just say that you are by far, the most helpful, nice & patient person I ever had reply to me on any forum, of any thematic, EVER! :D So many thanks for that!

Looking forward for your tutorial!


Hi Leonardo:

Thanks for your kind words ! :)

I assume you can now load into FS2004 SDK TMFViewer, your terrain mesh BGLs output by SBuilder for FS9.

After the above linked FS2004 SDKs are installed:

1.) Browse to: [FS2004_SDK_install path]\TERRAIN_SDK\Terrain_Tools\tmfviewer.exe

2.) Navigate: TMFViewer Menu > File > Open < 'Open Terrain File' dialog appears >

3.) In 'Open Terrain File' dialog: Browse / Select / double-click ...your terrain mesh BGLs made via SBuilder for FS9

4.) Move the Mouse cursor over islands and surrounding water areas to see elevation "Values" in Meters on the bottom status bar

NOTE: The SRTM source data you used is (as the cited tutorial warned) older, lower-resolution elevation data ...with many voids.

Those elevation data voids are seen as "NO_DATA" -or- "MISSING_DATA" Values of -32767 Meters on the bottom status bar.

5.) Navigate: TMFViewer Menu > File > Open < 'Open Terrain File' dialog appears >

a.) In 'Open Terrain File' dialog: Browse / Select / double-click ...[FS2004_install path]\Scenery\Ocen\scenery\FL900370.bgl

6.) Navigate: TMFViewer Menu > File > Open < 'Open Terrain File' dialog appears >

a.) In 'Open Terrain File' dialog: Browse / Select / double-click ...[FS2004_install path]\Scenery\Ocen\scenery\HL900370.bgl

7.) Navigate: TMFViewer Menu > File > Open < 'Open Terrain File' dialog appears >

a.) In 'Open Terrain File' dialog: Browse / Select / double-click ...[FS2004_install path]\Scenery\Ocen\scenery\HP900370.bgl

: The 'shape' of the Futuna and Alofi island land masses and shorelines in your 'real world' terrain mesh BGLs made via SBuilder for FS9 from the SRTM source data that you used ...is not matched by the "hole" in the above super-imposed default FS9 BGLs:

HL900370.bgl = Default VTP shorelines

HP900370.bgl = Default LWM polygons

Although not used for the "Hole" in the vector BGLs, as a point of reference, this BGL is also to be loaded:

FL900370.bgl = Default LWM Airport Flatten polygons

COPIES of the above default FS9 BGLs must be "Appended" to a SBuilder For FS9 project, and the vector poly-lines / polygons edited into alignment with the shoreline edges of your 'real world' Futuna and Alofi islands using an aerial imagery background image.

When the above default BGLs are COPIED, "Appended", Edited, and Compiled into replacement BGLs via SBuilder For FS9, those replacement BGLs will allow the custom terrain mesh BGL to display its entire extent of elevation AMSL through a "Hole" in the vector VTP shorelines and LWM polygons.

FYI: Vector VTP shorelines and LWM polygons function as "Flattens", and also define Land and Water Class texture placement.

I am preparing higher resolution source data for you to utilize in a 'worked example' that will enable you to produce a LOD-10 custom terrain mesh BGL for Futuna and Alofi island via the methods described in the overview above.

Using a GIS application, I have already 'cleaned' and merged the required local 1 Arc Second and 3 Arc Second SRTM HGT elevation data files, then exported a 1-piece BIL file for you to use with a supplied INF file, both of which are ready to be submitted to FS2004 SDK Resample.

FYI: These source files allow FS2004 SDK Resample to successfully output a FS9 terrain mesh BGL that looks rather nice in FS9. (images below show the custom terrain mesh 'popping up' through the 'un-edited' default vector LWM / VTP "hole" in local terrain BGLs). :cool:




Prior to providing a BMP background image to be loaded into the SBuilder For FS9 work-space, I intended to test a work-flow that:

* Exports from SBuilder For FS9, a SBuilder "SBX" complete project file of vector data in local FS9 HL*.BGL and HL*.BGL files

* "Imports" to SBuilderX, the SBuilder "SBX" complete project file from SBuilder For FS9

* Edits in SBuilderX, the vector data in local FS9 HL*.BGL and HL*.BGL files ...over a high resolution aerial imagery background image.

* Exports from SBuilderX, a SBuilder "SBX" complete project file of the edited vector data

* "Imports" back into a SBuilder For FS9 project, the vector data Exported by SBuilderX as a SBuilder "SBX" complete project file

* "Imported" 'SBX' vector data is re-configured and compiled to create ...replacement copies for the local FS9 default vector BGLs.

I anticipate posting a status on test results for the above work-flow either later today (Wednesday) or tomorrow (Thursday). :pushpin:

BTW: The above proposed work-flow requires a side-by-side SBuilderX ver. 3.14 {64-Bit} or SBuilderX ver. 3.13 {32-Bit} installation.

If you are eager to get started working with a BMP background image to be loaded within the SBuilder For FS9 work-space, rather than awaiting my reply on the latter SBuilderX testing I described above, feel free to indicate that preference in a reply to this post, and I'll see if I can provide a BMP background image that works OK in SBuilder For FS9 ...without inducing 'instability' due to resource limitations in a SBuilder 32-Bit task session. ;)



  • Leonardo_Futuna_Alofi_SRTMGL30+SRTMGL1_hgt_bil_bgl.jpg
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  • Leonardo_Futuna_Alofi_SRTMGL30+SRTMGL1_hgt_bil_bgl-2.jpg
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  • Leonardo_Futuna_Alofi_SRTMGL30+SRTMGL1_hgt_bil_bgl-3.jpg
    254 KB · Views: 1,192
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Hi Gary!

You're welcome! ;)

Wow, that mesh looks really nice, exactly what I was trying to go for!
I have installed the FS9 SDK's and checked my bgl files, finding out that there are indeed some voids in the data :/
What I still don't fully understand is why doesn't the mesh I made doesn't load up on FS9.. Because you mentioned the hole in the HP file's lwm water polygon doesn't match the mesh 'location'; but in your pictures you said that what is shown is some mesh you made without editing the default HL, HP and FL files, so I'm confused; if you didn't edit the default files, why does your mesh show and mine not? Or did I miss something in your explanation?
Regarding your suggestion, I'm up for it! I'll install sbuilderX and await your instructions, since I really want to learn how to do this because I'll be wanting to make mesh for other islands as well, as I mentioned in my previous post ;)

Once again thanks for your time and patience!


What I still don't fully understand is why doesn't the mesh I made doesn't load up on FS9, because you mentioned the hole in the HP file's LWM water polygon doesn't match the mesh 'location'.

But in your pictures you said that what is shown is some mesh you made without editing the default HL, HP and FL files; so I'm confused: if you didn't edit the default files, why does your mesh show and mine not? Or did I miss something in your explanation?

Hi Leonardo:

You did not miss something in my explanation above that was specifically intended to answer why your compiled source data would not display in FS9 at run time, because I have not yet allocated time to investigate and render a properly informed answer to that question.

I have some further testing to perform in order to identify possible factors that may result in failure of FS9 to display your terrain mesh cited in the OP for this thread. :scratchch

I am working to initially provide a successful 'worked example', and may have time later on to examine your source and INF files, then perhaps to also run them through the terrain mesh generation procedures in SBuilder for FS9 to see what may have occurred during those intermediate steps.

So, please keep your source, INF, BGL and intermediate SBuilder for FS9 'work' files somewhere safe inside a ZIP file archive within the respective folder(s) where they were placed to begin with, and we may be able to look at them later. ;)



I'll install sbuilderX and await your instructions, since I really want to learn how to do this because I'll be wanting to make mesh for other islands as well, as I mentioned in my previous post ;)

Once again thanks for your time and patience!


Before you install SBuilderX, we need to know:

What version of Windows are you using: XP, Vista, Win-7, Win-8.x, Win-10 ?

What version of Windows are you using: 32-Bit (aka "X86") or 64-Bit ?

Do you also have FSX installed: MS' RTM Deluxe, FSX Gold, or DTG FSX Steam Edition ?


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Hey Gary!

Oh ok! And yea I have all my files in a folder

I'm using Windows 7 64-bit and have no FSX whatsoever, just FS9 installed!

Hi Leonardo:

I recommend you install SBuilderX version 3.14 (64-Bit) into Windows-7 from a "complete package" ZIP file rhumbaflappy posted.

After that is done, you will need to install all the most recent 64-Bit aerial imagery tile server updates I linked to below, into that new [SBuilderX v3.14 (64-Bit) install path]\Tiles sub-folder:

SBuilderX "complete package" download URL: https://onedrive.live.com/download?resid=F3950C5BBD2BCFA1!805

rhumbaflappy said:

Hi all.

Until Luis returns from sailing, I'm going to make available a zip file of a complete SBuilderX314 folder. It contains everything. Just unzip it to the harddrive location of choice, and it should run on any 64-bit Windows7 or Windows8. Make a shortcut of the SBuilderX.exe and place that on your desktop, if you like.

When Luis returns, he'll decide if a full 314 installer is a good option, and I'll remove this zip from the cloud.
rhumbaflappy said:

This should end installation problems a few users are still having.

Here's the link:



Some notes on configuring that new install of SBuilderX v3.14 from Dick's "complete package" zip file:


BTW: When one manually enters the Geographic coordinates of a project du jour as the default "start location" in the SBuilder.ini :


...the SBuilderX background image in the work-space, and the web tile server "down-loader" dialogs all work more easily.

FYI: Although manually entering the "Go To Position" coordinates and/or using SBuilderX when 'connected' to a live FS flight session (either FS9 or FSX) via FSUIPC can certainly help in many cases, IMHO, it is preferable to also change the Geographic coordinates of that default "start location" in the SBuilderX "initialization" file (aka "Sbuilder.ini"), as that helps SBuilderX to 'manually' zoom / pan / scroll properly when working with displayed scenery content within its work-space when working in a project location area over multiple SBuilderX task sessions.

Otherwise, the Geographic extent to which one is able to successfully 'manually' zoom / pan / scroll is limited when working with displayed scenery content within SBuilderX's work-space, and the requested area one attempts to visualize may not stay in view, as the work-space "background" keeps shifting back to a position closer to the default Geographic coordinates for a "central start location" specified within the SBuilder.Ini file. ;)

To do this, one must edit the pertinent lines in the SBuilder.Ini file to set the center of the Map background at the Geographic center of your own project area rather than the default one in Portugal via: :idea:

SBuilderX Menu > Edit > Preferences > {Background Tab} > click [INI File] button < file opens in Windows NotePad >

LonIniCenter=-9.136076 <-- Your own project's central Longitude goes here
LatIniCenter= 38.7813203 <-- Your own project's central Latitude goes here
BGLFolder=C:\MyPrograms\SBuilderX314\Scenery <-- Your own project's compiled BGL 'active' \Scenery folder path goes here

1.) When configuration of your SBuilderX project is completed via editing "SBuilder.ini" in Windows NotePad:

.....a.) In Windows NotePad Menu > File > Save As... > "Save as type" field, set to "All Files (*.*)" (do not click OK yet)

.....b.) In NotePad Menu > File > Save As... > "Save In" field, browse to [SBuilderX install path] folder; double-click to select it

2.) Back in NotePad Menu > File > Save As... browse dialog, click "OK"

.....a.) When prompted to over-write Sbuilder.ini, click "YES" to save your edits to that file.

3.) Exit and re-start SBuilderX (...or the above changes will not yet take effect) :alert:

FYI: All rhumbaflappy's latest SBuilderX web tile down-loader *.DLL files (such as "GoogleServer_api3.dll") should be located (only) in:

[SBuilderX install path]\Tiles\ sub-folder root location

PS: For additional info related to downloading / installing the above updated 64-Bit SBuilderX tile down-loader *.DLL files, see:


If you have questions regarding the new "must-have" GoogleServer_api3 tile server DLL for SBuilderX recently released by rhumbaflappy, you may wish to review the clarifications for use on your 64-Bit Win-7 computer, of only the 64-Bit version of that DLL, and only the 64-Bit version of all other tile server DLLs ...discussed above in this thread:


Let me know if you need any additional help getting SBuilderX installed, configured, and updated with tile server DLLs. :)

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Hey Gary!

Ok, I'll get to installing SBX tomorrow morning and take some time to soak all that info regarding the installation in, since I'm staying at home all day tomorrow :)

As soon as I have it all up and running (or if I encounter a problem midway) I'll let you know! :D

Hey Gary,

Well I have installed SBX314 in my computer, and installed the most recent server tiles files as instructed! :)
SBX seems to run fine, except for the part it's always complaining "FSX not found" when I load it up; which is normal since I have no FSX installed, but is this a problem that can affect the app's performance?

So what's next? :)


Hey Gary,

Well I have installed SBX314 in my computer, and installed the most recent server tiles files as instructed! :)

SBX seems to run fine, except for the part it's always complaining "FSX not found" when I load it up; which is normal since I have no FSX installed, but is this a problem that can affect the app's performance?

So what's next? :)


IIRC, this will 'nag' you every time you start SBuilderX (aka "SBX" for purposes of our ongoing discussions here), despite having applied a SDK 'CorFlags' fix, a FSX install path Windows Registry fix, etc. :alert:

AFAIK, to fix this (without SBuilderX currently running in Windows):

1.) Install the P3Dv1.4x SDK (which also is essentially identical to the FSX / ESP SDK):



.) Browse to: [P3Dv1.4x SDK install path]\Environment Kit\BGL Compiler SDK\

a.) Copy BGLComp.exe and BGLComp.xsd to: [SBuilderX install path]\Tools sub-folder

3.) Browse to: [P3Dv1.4x SDK install path]\Environment Kit\Terrain SDK\

a.) Copy SHP2Vec.exe, Resample.exe, ImageTool.exe to: [SBuilderX install path]\Tools sub-folder

4.) Browse to: [P3Dv1.4x SDK install path]\\Environment Kit\Modeling SDK\3DSM7\Plugins\

a.) Copy XtoMDL.exe, Managed_Lookup_Keyword.dll, Managed_CrashTree.dll to: [SBuilderX install path]\Tools sub-folder

5.) Start SBuilderX, and let me know if you continue to see this- or other- error messages. :)

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Hi Leonardo:

Sorry for the lapse of time before getting started today (...I had scheduled some time free for this afternoon).

First, some preparatory procedures
: :coffee:

1.) Make a backup ZIP archived copy within the same FS9 sub-folder, for these BGLs:

a.) [FS9_install path]\Scenery\Ocen\scenery\FL900370.bgl <name it ex:> "FL900370_bgl_ORG.zip")

b.) [FS9_install path]\Scenery\Ocen\scenery\HL900370.bgl <name it ex:> "HL900370_bgl_ORG.zip")

c.) [FS9_install path]\Scenery\Ocen\scenery\HP900370.bgl <name it ex:> "HP900370_bgl_ORG.zip")

.) Start SBuilder for FS9 (aka "SB9" for purposes of this mini-tutorial)

a.) SB9 Menu > File > New > < 'Scenery Builder - Project Properties' dialog opens >

(1) In 'Scenery Builder - Project Properties' dialog:

(a) {General Tab} > Project Name: <type ex:> "NLWF_FS9_Vector_ORG"

b.) SB9 Menu > Options > Preferences < Scenery Builder - Preferences dialog opens >

(1) In Scenery Builder - Preferences dialog > {Display Tab}

(a) Center of Display: Latitude = -14.3113890; Longitude = -178.0661110

(b) Displayed Coordinates: Check: "Lat / Lon in Decimal Degrees"

(c) Tick: "Points in LWM Coordinates"

(d) Un-Check: "Restrict Grid Display"

(e) Check: "Show Labels on Lines / Polys / Objects"

(f) Check: "Undo / Redo is ON"

3.) SB9 Menu > File > Save As... > < 'Scenery Builder: Save Project As' dialog opens >

a.) In 'Scenery Builder: Save Project As' dialog > Navigate to: [SB9 install path]\Tools\Work\ sub-folder

(1) File Name: "NLWF_FS9_Vector_ORG.SBP"

(2) Save as type: Scenery Builder (*.SBP); click [Save] button

4.) Back in SB9 work-space:

a.) Menu > File > Append > LWM BGL > Browse to >[Open]: [FS9_install path]\Scenery\Ocen\scenery\FL900370.bgl

b.) Menu > File > Append > VTP BGL > Browse to >[Open]: [FS9_install path]\Scenery\Ocen\scenery\HL900370.bgl

c.) Menu > File > Append > LWM BGL > Browse to >[Open]: [FS9_install path]\Scenery\Ocen\scenery\HP900370.bgl

5.) Menu > File > Export... > SBuilder SBX... > < 'Scenery Builder: Export Project As' dialog opens >

(a.) In 'Scenery Builder: Export Project As' dialog > Navigate to: [SB9 install path]\Tools\Work\ sub-folder

(1) File Name: "NLWF_FS9_Vector_ORG.SBX"

(2) Save as type: Scenery Builder Imp / Exp (*.SBX); click [Save] button

6.) Back in SB9 work-space:

a.) SB9 Menu > File > Save

Next, in SB9, we will inspect "Appended" FS9 default vectors for Pointe Vele Airport (ICAO: NLWF). ;)

Pointe Vele Airport: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pointe_Vele_Airport

Google Earth (desktop version):


Google Maps (browser version):



NOTE: The 'shape' of the Futuna and Alofi island land masses and shorelines in 'real world' terrain mesh BGLs made via SB9 methods or manually via FS9 SDK Resample when accurate SRTM source data is used ...will likely not match the "hole" in the above super-imposed default FS9 BGLs:

HL900370.bgl = Default VTP shorelines

HP900370.bgl = Default LWM polygons

Although not used for the "Hole" in the vector BGLs, as a point of reference, this BGL is also to be loaded:

FL900370.bgl = Default LWM Airport Flatten polygons

To inspect the above FS9 default LWM and VTP BGL " vectors" in TMFViewer, after the FS2004 (aka "FS9") SDKs are installed

1.) Browse to: [FS2004_SDK_install path]\TERRAIN_SDK\Terrain_Tools\tmfviewer.exe

2.) Navigate: TMFViewer Menu > File > Open < 'Open Terrain File' dialog appears >

a.) In 'Open Terrain File' dialog: Browse to >[Open]: [FS2004_install path]\Scenery\Ocen\scenery\FL900370.bgl

3.) Navigate: TMFViewer Menu > File > Open < 'Open Terrain File' dialog appears >

a.) In 'Open Terrain File' dialog: Browse to >[Open]: [FS2004_install path]\Scenery\Ocen\scenery\HL900370.bgl

4.) Navigate: TMFViewer Menu > File > Open < 'Open Terrain File' dialog appears >

a.) In 'Open Terrain File' dialog: Browse to >[Open]: [FS2004_install path]\Scenery\Ocen\scenery\HP900370.bgl

5.) TMFViewer Menu > View:

a.) Check "Draw Land / Water Mask Index Area"

b.) Check "Draw Polygons"

c.) Check "Fill Polygons"

d.) Check "Draw Wide Lines As Lines"

e.) Check "Draw Points"

6.) TMFViewer Menu > Jump: Latitude = -14.3113890; Longitude = -178.0661110 > click [OK]

7.) Click / Pan / Zoom to see entire extent of both Futuna and Alofi extending from the 'Jump' coordinate point at ICAO: NLWF

NOTE: Rectangular LOD-13 "quads" forming a "Hole" in LWM 'Hydro' and VTP 'shoreline' vectors surrounding both islands are Blue.

These vector objects are what must be 'modified' via SBuilder using COPIES of the above "Appended" default FS9 local vector BGLs.

Next, in SBuilder for FSX (aka "SBX" for purposes of this mini-tutorial), we will "Import" the "NLWF_FS9_Vector_ORG.SBX" complete project file exported by SB9 ...containing FS9 default vectors for Pointe Vele Airport (ICAO: NLWF).

We will then modify those FS9 default vectors to match the 'shape' of the Futuna and Alofi island land masses and shorelines in FS9 terrain mesh BGLs (made via SB9 GUI methods or manually from accurate 'real world' SRTM source data) ...overlaid with aerial imagery.

This should result in the "Hole" in LWM 'Hydro' and VTP 'shoreline' vectors surrounding both islands being identical to the 'shape' of the Futuna and Alofi island land masses and shorelines ...in a accurate, custom FS9 terrain mesh BGL that is intended to be used with the modified FS9 vector BGLs. ;)

To be Continued shortly... :pushpin:

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Well I downloaded the P3D SDK's; I'll install them and then address your second reply, first thing tomorrow morning ;) as it's 1 am here already lol
Once more thanks for all this man! :D

Hey Gary,

Well I did all that copy-paste of those files from P3D SDK's but SbuilderX still complains "No FSX found" :/
It's really not that much of a bother, my only concern is if it has any implication on the way SBuilderX runs or performs it's tasks.. Because if it doesn't then I'm fine with the message every time I start it up lol :P

I'll be addressing the workflow of your second reply yesterday now ;)

Hi Leonardo:

So, IIUC, you are able to get into the SBuilderX work-space after dismissing the error message ?

That may be something which could be fixed by a couple of more brief fixes whenever you are inclined to do so.

IIRC, when SBuilderX starts up, if a particular portion of its auto-configuration check-list is incomplete, it may still search the Windows Registry for the FSX install path, and IIUC, may also check for the actual presence of a FSX.exe file in the root of the FSX installation folder path specified in the Windows Registry.

Additionally, like SBuilder for FS9, it may want to copy files from the FS folder chain into specific sub-folders under SBuilder itself.

You could try creating a "dummy" or "fake" FSX installation folder chain on the root of a drive letter on your computer (ex: C:\FSX).

In that folder, place a "fake" FSX.exe file created in Windows NotePad as 'FSX.TXT', then re-named to 'FSX.exe'

Next, download and run the free Flight1 "FSX/FS9 Registry Repair Tool"


...from: http://www.flight1.com/view.asp?page=library

In FSX/FS9 Registry Repair Tool, browse to the "fake" FSX.exe file, and it may be used to identify a FSX install path to SBuilderX.

BTW: SBuilderX should also be installed on the root of a drive letter on your computer (ex: C:\SBuilderX) to eliminate interference of write permissions by Windows "User Access Control" (aka "UAC") which, on an otherwise secure computer with a properly configured software firewall, and with other security measures implemented, is simply 'disabled' by some users via the Windows Control Panel.

There are in general, only a few such troubleshooting scenarios to be found online in FS forums and on the PTSIM website for the above reported error, because only a few users endeavor to use SBuilderX without also actually having FSX installed.

However, technically, having FSX installed is NOT required to use SBuilderX; but it is apparently 'expected' by the current SBuilder 'auto-configuration' check routine. :banghead:

FYI: I do not think the initial error message will adversely impact anything in either SBuilderX or Windows after that message has been dismissed during start-up. :pushpin:

Feel free to let me know if you need / want to further pursue this issue if / when you are inclined to do so, as it may help the SBuilderX user community knowledge base establish a better understanding of how to 'fix' this when it occurs. ;)

PS: If I can allocate some more free time today, I will continue with another post of content for my mini-tutorial in this thread. :)

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Hey Gary!

Well I have done everything you listed in part 1 of the tutorial! Also, aside from the first file (XX900370) you misspelled all the other's name, since what I need are the FL/HP/HL900370 files and not the XX901370 files, but I figured that out ;)
And I can indeed load up SBX after that message, it just asks me the path to FSX installation, but if I click ok without selecting any, it just opens up the main SBX window with that pop-up from PTsim asking to donate lol
So I think I'll just leave it like that for now, as I really want to learn the process to make my mesh ASAP :D
So whenever you can, I'm ready for part 2 of the tutorial! :)
