• Which the release of FS2020 we see an explosition of activity on the forun and of course we are very happy to see this. But having all questions about FS2020 in one forum becomes a bit messy. So therefore we would like to ask you all to use the following guidelines when posting your questions:

    • Tag FS2020 specific questions with the MSFS2020 tag.
    • Questions about making 3D assets can be posted in the 3D asset design forum. Either post them in the subforum of the modelling tool you use or in the general forum if they are general.
    • Questions about aircraft design can be posted in the Aircraft design forum
    • Questions about airport design can be posted in the FS2020 airport design forum. Once airport development tools have been updated for FS2020 you can post tool speciifc questions in the subforums of those tools as well of course.
    • Questions about terrain design can be posted in the FS2020 terrain design forum.
    • Questions about SimConnect can be posted in the SimConnect forum.

    Any other question that is not specific to an aspect of development or tool can be posted in the General chat forum.

    By following these guidelines we make sure that the forums remain easy to read for everybody and also that the right people can find your post to answer it.


  1. E

    MSFS20 MFS2020 Counter Rotating Blades King Air 350

    Hello, I am working on a personal advanced version of the king air350 using the news sdk features. I'm looking for the function to create CW (engine0) ACW (engine1) contra rotating propellers for better lift. The visual animation, does not interest me. Should I use shortcuts or ? It happens...
  2. I

    Create airplane model and make it work in MSFS2020

    Hello I am Iveta who is business manager of one agency from the UK. I found you here in fsdeveloper's forum and we are interested in your expertise. Currently, we are looking for MSFS2020 SDK expert, 3D modeling artist with MSFS2020 experience, QA tester. Our client has one MSFS2020 project of...
  3. J

    AI Traffic State

    Hi, I'm trying to monitor AI traffic by using the SimConnect API to retrieve the AI Traffic State (e.g. STATE_ENROUTE_AS_FILED, STATE_TAKEOFF, etc.). I can successfully get values such as Airspeed using SimConnect_AddToDataDefinition and SimConnect_RequestDataOnSimObject, but when i try to get...
  4. M

    MSFS20 PBR Textures Too Shiny & Metallic

    I'm having an issue with many PBR textures I download (particularly it seems those from textures.com) where the textures are showing up in MSFS as way too shiny and metallic/relective. One example is below, the tiles on the building are extremely shiny both during the day, and at night. I...
  5. OltcitRoom

    MSFS20 Modified default jetways help please

    Hi everyone, i need a little help please. I imported the default sample jetway in blender and saved it and exported as a custom jetway. Everything works fine except the Capote and Door. For some reason i can not figure out why is not rendering in the correct position inside the sim. Please take...
  6. P

    MSFS SSJ 100

    Hey guys , Long time lurker first time poster. I got myself heavily involved in the SSJ100 conversion project (with permission from Edgar). We are in the process of a native cockpit for the aircraft. 2 things I have a question about 1 ) Is the labeling i set up in the file correct. See...
  7. A

    MCX A suggestion for MCX

    Hello, @arno ! It's been a quite some time now using your tools, especially MCX. It is a great tool! Thx! However, I think it can be further improved in terms of user experience. This is not a request but a suggestion, how the title says ) What I think you could do to improve interaction with...
  8. weok-sim

    MSFS20 Polygons material tiling / offset breaks in the package

    Hello. I am trying to use polygons and custom material as a universal tool to fix certain areas of satellite imagery. In the screenshot on the left everything works fine in editor, but package (screenshot on the right) breaks offset and maybe tiling for texture. The tiling setting is something...
  9. N

    FPS-windows position

    I'm trying to find a solution to display my FPS in VR. The DevMode/FPS is positioned upper right corner and not possible to see when in VR. Wonder if there is a config file where we can set x/y to have it positioned lower. Maybe mid right would do the trick. Have anyone come across this setting?
  10. B

    MSFS20 Should a very simple html gauge work in MSFS2020?

    Hi, I am in the process of creating (custom) gauges and integrating them into my (custom) aircraft. Due to the low complexity that I need, I will use html. I'm sorry in advance if this post seems very basic and low-level. I'm trying my best to keep everything very simple and not make things...
  11. R

    Keypress multiple events

    Hi, I am using SimConnect with MSFS2020. I am capturing keypresses using the technique from the sample InputEvent, only modified for C#. Issue: For a single keypress, SimConnect receives 5 or 6 (or more) events from MSFS. I have verified this using FSUIPC logging. I have tried to remove...
  12. muffo

    MSFS20 Question abou different aprons

    HI Jon, reading sdk manual, I seen, in apron section, that you can create different: disk, square and default. In future release, will be implemented?
  13. sim4flight

    Flexible Positions Available

    Sim4Flight is looking for talented developers to join its A35X endeavour! While we have made considerable progress on our flagship project: The A35X for MSFS. We want to increase our production speed to a more favourable level and are looking for more talented developers to add to our team...
  14. Areographer

    MSFS20 Missing Ground Markings

    On a couple of my airports (KCAK, KCMH) a couple of users (and I mean only a couple...lol) have mentioned that they are not seeing ground markings on the aprons. However, I see them just fine (obviously since it is "on" my system). I had one person who downloaded my scenery (flightsim.to) post...
  15. Paddy211185

    MSFS20 Get flightplan as simvarIables

    i am looking for a way to load all latitudes and longitudes of the flight plan into an ingamepanel, unfortunately i can only find the sim variables for the last and next waypoint. Is this possible at all? Thanks for help.
  16. Paddy211185

    MSFS20 How to disable transfer of keyboard input within ingamepanel to Simulator?

    Hello, I am looking for a way to not transfer the keystrokes within a text field that is in an ingame-panel to the simulator. For example: If I enter the key n in a textfield inside an ingamepanel, no navlog opens.
  17. M

    MFS2020 SDK Camera bug - Dev camera with different resolution

    (Sorry in advance for my English) I have some trouble with the in game sdk. When I try to adjust the aerodynamics and geometry the dev camera doesn't align whith the camera. It also happens when I use a PBR channel as i show you with the images. I tried using the game in window mode and changing...
  18. dadpash

    Ntdll crash to desktop

    Hi to all, please help me to resolve the problem I used asobo textures for apron and my own apron textures for markings. In my other projects it`s work (no problem). But in this project I have this issue CTD with this error: Faulting application name: FlightSimulator.exe, version:
  19. danthehitman

    How to set PAYLOAD STATION WEIGHT:x values

    I have been struggling to set payload weights, or even get the number of payload stations, using c#. Setting fuel works fine so I at least understand the basic concept, but when I try and set payload station weight it doesnt have any effect, and when I try and get the count it get an error of...
  20. hoynedawg

    MSFS20 [Progress Update] NZMK - Motueka, New Zealand | NZA Simulations

    NZA Simulations is proud to bring you a new freeware airport to tie in with our upcoming payware release of NZNS - Nelson. We have kept this one quiet.. NZMK - Motueka .. coming soon! Massive thanks to Blake and Terry for all the time spent grabbing references for this one...