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MSFS20 Triggering Hangar door animation in SimObject by distance?

Not here. I just resorted to having a fixed animation, opening and closing doors every couple of minutes. Could not make an acceptable triggered animation.

Not perfect but I could imagine this being feasible with an emmissive light flashing left and/or right of the doors that indicates like half a minute in advance before the doors are closing.
Flashing controlled simply by having the light moving back and forth through a lightbox or the hangar wall. If both animations are not random they should match, but haven't tried that myself yet.
In the SDK Q/A they confirmed, that material based animation is a matter of change at present. It will change in the future but they said they cannot define a point in time when this will work. The peole in this threat tried so many things but nobody has reported success until today...
If it wasn't a dream I saw a hangar door open in Gaya LOWW once. But with some animated plane that moves there. The plane moves inside and the door is closing.

I could double-check if you want.
Ok, it wasnt a dream. But seems more like an endless loop than triggered by location. It goes on and on. So not what you need


Well as I mentioned before, what I was able to do is to start and stop looping animation like this by using the distance functionality that's automatically available by the airplane that's use in the current flight. In my example I used an animated flag that I put in front of a hangar. When closer than 100 meters it was animated, in greater distance it stopped. So to say "standard aninmation" for material works.
See https://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/t...n-in-simobject-by-distance.451392/post-876527
and Romans post with the coding after that as well...
Your example is almost the same as what's going on in the msfs menue of the pilots hangar. These hangar doors are opening and closing in a loop...
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Well as I mentioned before, what I was able to do is to start and stop looping animation like this by using the distance functionality that's automatically available by the airplane that's use in the current flight. In my example I used an animated flag that I put in front of a hangar. When closer than 100 meters it was animated, in greater distance it stopped. So to say "standard aninmation" for material works.
See https://www.fsdeveloper.com/forum/t...n-in-simobject-by-distance.451392/post-876527
and Romans post with the coding after that as well...
Your example is almost the same as what's going on in the msfs menue of the pilots hangar. These hangar doors are opening and closing in a loop...

Yes, I've mentioned that it's not what you need :)

At time of my first post I wasn't sure how it works. Then I checked and saw that it's a loop.. Just posted to follow upy earlier post.

So, almost like a simulation.

It's a loop yes. No interaction is happening, as far i see. It's quite a long animation though. It cycles through at least 3 or 4 different planes going in and out.
I don't own that scenery, but if it is a long animation, I would suspect it is a script.
check the LOWW folders
if the hangar's doors are a simobjects you can grab the .xml file and you can see if there are some specific conditions or parameters
otherwise it's a simple scenery object wich can only open/close the doors (in loop or not) ;)
Is there anything new on this topic - are there new ways to trigger the hangar door animations? You aircraft distance from the door, a specific frequency set on one of the com radios or some other working solution? I have made animated hangar doors that open on a specific time in the morning and close again in the evening, but would like some more refined control over the doors.
Scripting allows proximity triggers, but I am ignorant as to how to implement that. I think you can define a rectangle? and that triggers some condition based on the user's aircraft.. But I don't know if the scenery SimObject allows for a variable to be set or unset by this. I would think if true, this should be able to be used in a WorldScript. I'm also ignorant concerning WASM which I believe has already been used in this manner.
Imo, Dicks joystick trigger couldn't be more refined unless you renamed "yoke," to "open sesame."

Attached is a zip file containing all the spb references to proximity triggers in the standard FSX. It might help... A proximity trigger would be great to implement.


  • FSX-proximitytriggers.zip
    181 KB · Views: 144
Confirm that proximity works in msfs2020 with worldscript. There are already some working samples from known commercial vendors

Are there any real life "proximity" hangar?
Isn't that unsafe? I mean, who in the world will install a PIR opening hangar system? So everyone can walk in front of it and enter 😊

Just curious, always trying to replicate the real world
Well, no, not that a hangar door would open by proximity irl, but as you can not get out of the plane, walk to the hangar, unlock the door and open it you need some clever way of opening. Maybe hiding the yoke is better, don't know...
I think a menu item would be nice. Maybe enter a numeric code so you don't open a dozen doors when the airport has more than one open-door hangar?
Hey, yes I used the hide/unhide function of the ruder to copen/close the hangar doors. Check out my video:
I don't habe access to my dev system right now but I think the coding is already avaibable in previous messages of the thread.
Regards Guido
Just thinking.... :)NovaSim, an old app for FSX I made 22+ years ago... it had an option to open/close a door base on a radio frequency. I wonder if this is possible now, I don't have any idea on how to do it with the actual code used on FS2020.
Yes, in FSX/P3D you could trigger runway lights on airports with pilot-controlled lights by setting some specific frequency. I hope that this will be implemented in MSFS2020 too some day. It would be a nice option for triggering animations too!